The Village Manager shall be the chief administrative officer of the village. He shall be responsible to the Village President and Village Board for the proper administration of all affairs, departments, and offices of the village. He shall have the power and be required to do the following.
   (A)    Recommend to the Village President the appointment of full-time department heads, full-time appointed officers of such departments, the Village Engineer, the Village Planner, the Village Attorney, all of whom are required by law to be appointed by the Village President by and with the consent of the Village Board. He shall further recommend the removal or suspension of any such officers when such removal or suspension shall be consistent with the best interests of the village. All such recommendations for appointment or removal shall be based upon merit and upon the qualifications or disqualifications of such officer.
   (B)    Act as business manager for the village under the direction of the Village President and Village Board. He shall coordinate and supervise administrative work including: accounting practices, securing of annual audits by authorized certified public accountants; coordinate the payment of approved salaries, wages, and bills; preparation and use of authorized forms; preparation of the budget and tax levy ordinance and scheduling of hearings relating thereto; review fidelity bonds and insurance; preparation and release of articles and information to keep the public informed of its village government; and informing the Village President and Village Board of current federal and state legislation affecting the village.
   (C)    Act ex-officio as purchasing agent and perform all of the duties and requirements of that office.
   (D)    Assist the Village President and other elected officials in the enforcement of the laws of the state and the ordinances of the village.
   (E)    Take charge of and manage the village hall and all other village buildings and properties not specifically assigned to other officers or agencies of the village for management.
   (F)    Administer the employment and personnel policies of the village as approved by the Village President and the Village Board. Recruit, interview, and employ necessary personnel for the several village departments and offices as required.
   (G)    Administer the participation of eligible village employees in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, and in the hospitalization and medical care plans.
   (H)    Recommend amount of all salaries or wages of village employees not fixed by the Village Board or not required to be fixed by the Village Board pursuant to ordinance.
   (I)    Coordinate operations affecting more than one department, office, and officers of the village.
   (J)    Consolidate or combine offices, positions, departments, or units under his jurisdiction, with the consent of the Village President and Village Board. The Village Manager may be the head of one or more departments.
   (K)    Make, or cause to be made, monthly and annual reports to the Village President and Village Board of the activities of all departments under his jurisdiction.
   (L)    Attend all meetings of the Village Board or committees thereof unless excused therefrom. The Village Manager shall be entitled to notice of all meetings, regular and special, of the Village Board and shall have the privilege of taking part in the discussion of all matters coming before the Board.
   (M)    Supply such information and recommend such measures to the Village President and Village Board as may be deemed advantageous to the village.
   (N)    Meet the public on behalf of the Village President and Village Board, receive suggestions, hear and investigate complaints in relation to all matters concerning the administration of the government of the village and in regard to services rendered by the village, and see that all franchises, permits, and privileges granted by the village are faithfully observed.
   (O)    Inform succeeding Village Presidents and Village Boards of the general principles of administrative programs and policies of previous administrations so that a continuity of programs and policies may be possible.
   (P)    Perform such other duties, consistent with the village charter, the ordinances of the village, and the laws of the state as the Village President and Village Board may direct or delegate from time to time.
('77 Code, § 32.104) (Ord. 74-0-009, passed 1-28-74)