General Provisions
   30.01   Establishment, members
   30.02   Oath; compensation
   30.03   Village President as presiding officer
   30.04   Village Attorney, engineers to advise Board
Rules of Procedure
   30.15   Robert's Rules of Order
   30.16   Regular, special meetings
   30.17   Closed meetings (sessions)
   30.18   Quorum
   30.19   Presiding officer to preserve order
   30.20   Order of business; consent agenda
   30.21   Decorum of members
   30.22   Disturbances or disorderly conduct
   30.23   Addressing Board
   30.24   Voting
   30.25   Special orders
   30.26   Suspension of rules
   30.27   Amendment, repeal of rules
   30.28   Participation in meetings by telephone or other electronic means
   30.40   Standing committees
   30.41   Special/ad hoc committees
   30.42   Membership in committees
   30.43   Committee liaisons
   30.44   President and clerk; ex officio members; all committees
Ordinances and Resolutions
   30.55   Presentation in writing
   30.56   Voting procedure by Board
   30.57   Approval or veto by Village President
   30.58   Reconsideration of vetoed ordinance, resolution, or motion
   30.59   Certain language to be used to adopt ordinances
   30.60   Effective date of ordinances
   30.61   Different ordinances creating same offense; election of penalty
   30.75   Method for bringing motion before Board
   30.76   Division of questions under consideration
   30.77   Motion to refer
   30.78   Amendment of motion
   30.79   Substitute motion
   30.80   Motion to reconsider
   30.81   When motion under debate, only certain other motions permitted
   30.82   Calling for vote on motion
   30.83   Motion to adjourn
   30.84   Tabling of motion
   30.85   Postponing motion indefinitely
   30.86   Procedure for adopting certain ordinances and resolutions
   (A)    The Board of Trustees shall be the legislative department of the village government, and shall perform duties, and have those powers as may be delegated to it by law.
   (B)    This Board, consisting of six members, shall be elected to office for staggered four-year terms as provided by law.
('77 Code, § 30.040)
   (A)    The members of the Board of Trustees shall take the oath of office prescribed by statute.
('77 Code, § 30.041)
   (B)    (1)    Each Village Trustee shall receive such compensation per year as may be set from time to time by the Board of Trustees, which payment shall be made in equal monthly installments. The annual salaries of Trustees shall neither be increased nor diminished during the terms to which they have been elected, and shall be fixed at least 180 days prior to the beginning date of the terms to which they have been elected.
      (2)    Each Village Trustee may receive reimbursement from the municipality for expenses incurred by him in attending meetings of the Board of Trustees or for such other expenses as may be incurred by such Trustee when in the course of his duties as Trustee.
(Ord. 84-0-070, passed 12-18-84; Am. Ord. 95-0-030, passed 5-1-95)