The Treasurer shall perform such duties as may be prescribed for him by statute or ordinance. He shall receive all money paid into the village whether directly from the person paying the money or from the hands of such other officer or employee as may receive it, and he shall pay out money only on vouchers or orders properly signed by the President and Clerk.
('77 Code, § 32.022)
   (B)     The Treasurer shall deposit the village funds in any bank or savings and loan that has a physical location in the village, pursuant to § 36.07. He shall keep the deposit of the village money separate and distinct from his own money, and shall not make private or personal use of any village money.
('77 Code, § 32.023)
   (C)    He shall keep a full and detailed record showing all money received by him, showing the source from which it is received and the purpose for which it is paid, and he shall keep records at all times showing the financial status of the village.
('77 Code, § 32.024)
   (D)    The Treasurer shall keep such books and accounts as may be required by the statute or prescribed by ordinance.
('77 Code, § 32.025)
   (E)    All moneys received on any special assessment shall be held by the Treasurer as a special fund to be applied only to the payment of the improvement, or bonds and vouchers issued therefor, together with interest thereon, for which the assessment was made, and such money shall be used for no other purpose, unless to reimburse the village for money expended for such improvement. Payments on bonds or vouchers shall be made in accordance with the statutes and the law and the Treasurer shall keep his books and accounts in such a manner so that proper prorations in payments of principal and interest can be made and ascertained.
('77 Code, § 32.026)
   (F)    All warrants drawn on the Treasurer must be signed by the President and countersigned by the Clerk, stating the particular fund or appropriation to which the same is chargeable, and the person to whom payable; and no money shall be otherwise paid except as may be provided by statute. Money shall not be transferred by the Treasurer from one fund to another after it has been received by him, nor appropriated to any other purpose than that for which it has been collected or paid, except as may be ordered by the President and the Board of Trustees in the manner and form prescribed by statute.
('77 Code, § 32.027) (Am. Ord. 2009-O-024, passed 5-26-09)
   (G)   The Treasurer shall keep a correct account of all special assessments and special taxes on all property within the village and all other collections from any other source, except general real estate taxes. The accounts shall be kept in such manner that they will show, as near as practicable, at all times, the full amount or amounts due the village from such sources.
   (H)   In all cases where the village acquires a tax deed when the same can be disposed of for the amount shown on the face thereof to have been paid for by the village, together with the expense of obtaining the deed, plus not less than 6% interest from the date of such sale, the Clerk and Treasurer or their designees shall execute a quit claim deed for the property described in such deed, or such parts thereof as can be so disposed of.
(Ord. 2020-O-058, passed 9-15-20)
   Treasurer's annual account report, see § 36.04
Statutory reference:
   Powers and duties, see ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5 §§ 3.1-35-40 et seq.