General Provisions
   51.01   Protection of Electric Department equipment
   51.02   Electric Department Cash Reserve Fund
   51.03   Blanket bond
Terms and Conditions for Electric Service
   51.15   Definitions
   51.16   Tariff availability
   51.17   Application, service request or contract
   51.18   New home construction
   51.19   Service deposit
   51.20   Tap-in fee
   51.21   Security for development
   51.22   Services to be furnished
   51.23   Character of service
   51.24   Predication of rates
   51.25   Rate schedule selection
   51.26   Service extensions or changes in service requested by the customer
   51.27   TCED equipment on the customer’s premises
   51.28   Customer’s installation
   51.29   Rendering and payment of bills
   51.30   Budget payment plan
   51.31   Customer’s request to discontinue service
   51.32   TCED’s right to refuse or discontinue service
   51.33   Meter accuracy; adjustment
   51.34   Interruptions and variations in service characteristics
   51.35   Non-permanent service
   51.36   Service charges
   51.37   Customer’s use of service; resale and redistribution
   51.38   Auxiliary service and supplemental service
   51.39   Purchase of energy from a qualifying facility
   51.40   Unusual facility requirements
   51.41   Security for payment of services
   51.42   Dissemination of customer information
   51.43   Net metering program
Electric Service Rates
   51.55   Adoption of rate schedules by reference
Telecommunications Services
   51.70   Telecommunications services
Internet Service
   51.80   Internet service