(A)   TCED's rate schedules, except as provided for in divisions (1), (2) and (3) below, are predicated upon the supply of service to one premises, at one standard voltage, at one delivery point and through one meter for the ultimate use by one customer.
      (1)   When service is supplied to an individual residential dwelling unit primarily for serving one family, and where boarders or roomers are accommodated for incidental income, the service will be provided under the residential rate schedule.
      (2)   When service is supplied to a residential dwelling unit where the use is primarily for the accommodations of roomers or boarders, the service will be provided under a nonresidential rate schedule, unless separate circuits are furnished by the customer to permit TCED to separately meter and bill the residential and nonresidential uses.
      (3)   When the principal use of service supplied to a residential dwelling unit is for residential purposes, but a small amount of energy will be used for nonresidential purposes, the nonresidential use will be permitted only when the equipment for the use does not require an inrush current in excess of 100 amps. Use of an apparatus with an inrush current in excess of 100 amps requires TCED approval. When the nonresidential equipment and/or use exceeds the above stated limits, the customer will be required to separate his or her wiring so that the nonresidential use may be metered separately, and the nonresidential use will be billed under the appropriate nonresidential rate schedule or the entire service will be billed under the appropriate nonresidential rate schedule.
   (B)   Except for the provisions of division (A) above, when service is supplied to premises involving more than one service classification, standard voltage or delivery point, each service of this type shall be separately metered and billed unless the rate schedule or rider specifically provides for more than one voltage and the combining of the meter readings, or when the service is installed in a manner for TCED's operating convenience or to meet legal requirements. All arrangements require the express approval of TCED and all facilities in excess of division (A) above may be designated as excess facilities.
   (C)   In no case will TCED be obligated to provide a single premises with more than one meter.
(Res. R990419d, passed - - )