§ 51.20 TAP-IN FEE.
   (A)   For all single phase service to be installed new, or to be upgraded to a greater capacity, TCED will require the payment of a non-refundable tap-in fee in an amount as specified in the rate schedules of the tariff. A new service is an overhead or underground service or meter location, serving a load that was not served at the location. An upgraded service is a change in the capacity of an existing service, or meter location, which serves an existing load at the location.
   (B)   For any three phase service or single phase service of a non-standard configuration, TCED will require a written term contract in which all terms of service will be determined, including a tap-in fee. A non-standard service is a service that is a special voltage or size for the location, or a service for which a significant change in location is proposed. TCED will make the final decision as to the classification of services subject to a tap-in fee.
   (C)   The tap-in fee does not replace any minimum fee for non-permanent construction service, a security deposit or other fees currently in effect. Nor does the tap-in fee replace any aid to the construction deposit that may be required of developers of residential and commercial properties in accordance with this section. Owners of existing services will be required to pay the entire cost of any change in character or location of existing services, in addition to the tap-in fee.
   (D)   For multiple unit housing using ganged meters, each meter shall constitute a service to which the tap-in fee is applicable. Multiple unit housing developments using ganged meters will receive a discount equivalent to 10% of the tap-in fee for each additional ganged meter after the first meter.
   (E)   Owners of existing services which are temporarily discontinued due to a fire, windstorm, reconstruction or other reasonable cause shall have 90 days in which to apply for a waiver of the tap-in fee. Waivers will be granted only where the service to be replaced is to the same location and is of the same size.
   (F)   Before TCED will begin any work in providing a new service or change in service, the tap-in fee must be paid in full.
   (G)   Notwithstanding the information set out above in divisions (A) through (F), the Superintendent may waive any and all tap-in fees for residential applications for service if those applicants are constructing an “all-electric” home and request such service of the department.
(Res. R990419d, passed - - ; Am. Ord. 904, passed 12-1-2003)