For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AGREEMENT or APPLICATION. A contract or service request for the supply of electric service.
AUXILIARY SERVICE. Service supplied for a part of the customer's load requirements, the wiring for which is entirely separate and apart from the wiring to the remainder of the customer's electric requirements when the latter are furnished by the customer's privately-owned generating equipment.
BILLING PERIOD. The interval between two consecutive meter readings that are taken for billing purposes. The readings will be taken, as nearly as practicable, every 30 days. All rate schedules are on the basis of charges per month unless otherwise specifically stated in the rate schedule.
BREAKDOWN, RESERVE or STANDBY CAPACITY. Service available for the customer's load requirements in whole, or in part, in the event of:
(1) Use requirements in excess of contracted amounts;
(2) Use requirements due to temporary failure of the customer's normal source of electric generation, if the service is from an electricity supplier other than TCED;
(3) Use requirements of a temporary nature where a contractual obligation does not exist; or
(4) Use requirements under a special standby tariff or standby contract.
COINCIDENT PEAK LOAD (COINCIDENT PEAK DEMAND). The maximum integrated use of power during a specified time interval, as provided in the rate schedule, expressed in KW or KVA, measured during the specific interval of time when the TCED system is also at maximum load.
CUSTOMER. The individual, partnership, corporation or other entity in whose name service is rendered at a single premises.
DELIVERY POINT. The point of the physical connection between TCED's and the customer's facilities, beyond which point the customer receives and assumes responsibility and liability for the service rendered. The DELIVERY POINT may be one of the following:
(1) For overhead residential service, which is the standard service offered by TCED, the DELIVERY POINT is the weatherhead located on the customer's service mast. The customer is required to furnish the meter base and the service mast.
(2) For underground residential service (meter on the house), the DELIVERY POINT is TCED's pole, transformer, underground pedestal or hand-hole. The customer is responsible for extending underground service to the meter base and is required to own and maintain the underground service. TCED will provide the underground cable in lieu of a credit for unused overhead service or will provide a credit for a 65-foot length overhead service. The customer is responsible for furnishing the meter base.
(3) For underground residential service (curb side metering), the DELIVERY POINT is the integral meter base and breaker cabinet. The integral meter base and breaker cabinet will be furnished by TCED in lieu of a credit for a standard overhead service. The customer must extend, own and maintain the underground service to the house.
DELIVERY VOLTAGE. The voltage of TCED's facilities at the delivery point.
DEMAND. The rate at which electric energy is delivered to the customers by a system at a given instant, or averaged over a designated period, and usually expressed in kilowatts or megawatts. The demand rate applicable to a particular rate schedule is set forth in the rate schedule.
DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM. Any electric line of TCED.
ENERGY. As commonly used in the electric utility industry, ENERGY refers to kilowatthours, as opposed to DEMAND, which refers to kilowatts.
HORSEPOWER. A unit of delivered power typically used to rate the nominal size of a motor and the load or demand which the motor imposes on an electric supply system. The horsepower rating of a motor can be converted into kilowatts. One horsepower equals 0.746 KW.
KVA. Kilovolt-amperes. Unit of electric power representing rate of consumption, and equivalent to one kilowatt at 100% power factor.
KW. Kilowatt(s). A measure of electric power equal to one thousand watts.
KWH. Kilowatt-hour(s). A measure of electricity consumption equivalent to the use of one thousand watts of power over a one-hour period.
MAXIMUM LOAD (MINIMUM DEMAND). The maximum integrated rate of use of energy during a specified time interval as provided in the rate schedule, and expressed in KW or KVA.
METER. The complete installation of equipment needed to measure the maximum load and/or energy supplied to the customer.
OVERHEAD SERVICE. Service delivered from those parts of TCED's distribution system which are constructed on and supported primarily by wooden poles.
POWER FACTOR. The ratio of real power (KW) to apparent power (KVA) for any given load and time.
PREMISES. A distinct portion of real estate on which is located the living quarters for the use of a single family, or the main building or main operation of a commercial or industrial customer and which may include the immediate outlying or adjacent buildings used by the same customer, provided the character or use of service in the immediate outlying or adjacent buildings is supplemental and is similar to the type of service furnished in the main residence, main building or main operation.
RATE SCHEDULE. A part of the tariff which sets forth the availability and charges for service supplied to a particular group of customers with common usage characteristics.
RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNIT. An individual residence including mobile homes and trailers, or a room or combination of rooms with facilities for private living for a single family.
RIDER. A part of the tariff setting forth supplemental provisions applicable to specific rate schedules.
SERVICE. Specifically includes the supply of electric energy delivered by TCED to the customer, but may also include the provision of other services such as street lighting, dawn to dusk lights, equipment rental, or other ancillary services provided under approved tariffs or under specific contracts with the customer.
SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICE. Service which is normally supplied from the company's facilities in addition to service supplied by the customer's privately owned generating equipment or from another source of supply which is not TCED.
TARIFF. The entire body of rate schedules, riders, and general terms and conditions for electric service.
TCED. Tell City Electric Department.
TRANSMISSION SYSTEM. Any electric line of TCED operated at a voltage above 13,800 volts.
UNDERGROUND SERVICE. Service provided by those parts of TCED's distribution system which are constructed for and are installed beneath the surface of the ground, or which are installed in vaults, conduits, buildings and the like.
VA. Volt-amperes.
W. Watts. The electrical unit of power or rate of doing work; the rate of energy transfer equivalent to one ampere flowing under a pressure of one volt at unity power factor.
(Res. R990419d, passed - - )