121.01   Procedure.
121.02   Absence of presiding officer.
121.03   Duties of president.
121.04   Recognition of members.
121.05   Right to speak.
121.06   Voting procedure.
121.07   Roll call.
121.08   Dissent or protest by members.
121.09   Procedure for leaving Council meeting.
121.10   Duties of clerk.
121.11   Date, time and place of meetings.
121.12   Special meetings; call and notice.
121.13   Special meetings to be tape recorded.
121.14   Order of procedure.
121.15   Agenda.
121.16   Entering of ordinances and resolutions on agenda.
121.17   Recognition of residents at meetings.
121.18   Purpose of special meetings.
121.19   Ordinances, resolutions and main motions to be presented in writing.
121.20   Copies of ordinances and resolutions to be furnished.
121.21   Right to vote by any member of chair.
121.22   Making and withdrawing motions.
121.23   Precedence of motions.
121.24   When motion to adjourn is not in order.
121.25   Adjournment during consideration of a question.
121.26   Motion to lay on the table.
121.27   Motion to postpone to a definite time.
121.28   Motion to postpone to an uncertain time.
121.29   Motion to reconsider.
121.30   New business.
121.31   Certain procedures determined by Robert's Rules of Order for deliberative assemblies.
121.32   Appointment of committees and chairpersons.
121.33   Duty of committee chairpersons.
121.34   Committee meetings.
121.35   Committee reports.
121.36   Passage of legislation.
121.37   Amendments.
      General powers - see Ohio R.C. 715.03, 731.47
      To establish sewerage rates - see Ohio R.C. 729.49
      Composition - see Ohio R. C . 731.01, 731.06
      Qualifications - see Ohio R.C. 731.02, 731.44
      Election and term - see Ohio R.C. 731.03, 733.09
      Election of officers - see Ohio R.C. 731.04
      President pro tempore - see Ohio R.C. 731.04, 733.08
      Legislative powers - see Ohio R.C. 731.05
      Powers as to salaries and bonds - see Ohio R.C. 731.07 et seq., 731.49 et seq.
      Vacancy - see Ohio R.C. 731.43
      Rules and journal - see Ohio R.C. 731.45
      Contract restriction - see Ohio R.C. 731.48
      Misconduct - see Ohio R.C. 733.72 et seq.
      Contract interest - see Ohio R.C. 733.78, 2921.42; GEN. OFF. 525.10
      Meetings open to public - see ADM. 101.09
      Council President - see ADM. Ch. 123