At the regular meetings of Council the order of procedure shall be as follows:
   (a)    At 7:00 p.m. call to order.
   (b)    Moment of Silence.
   (c)    Pledge of Allegiance.
   (d)    Roll call.
   (e)    Minutes of last meeting.
   (f)    Reports and communications from Mayor, Safety-Service Director, President of Council, Clerk of Council, Law Director, Auditor (second meeting), Treasurer (second meeting), annual reports from Department Heads.
   (g)    Residents desiring to be heard before Council in accordance with Section 121.17, followed by comments and/or questions from members of Council.
   (h)    Reports of Council Committees. The committee chair shall be responsible for informing other members of pending committee agenda.
   (i)    Rule suspension motions.
   (j)    Unfinished business.
      (1)    Second and third readings of ordinances.
      (2)    Other.
   (k) New business.
      (1)    Introduction of ordinances.
      (2)    Introduction of resolutions.
      (3)    Voice votes.
   (l)    Residents desiring to be heard before Council in accordance with Section 121.17, followed by comments and / or questions from members of Council.
   (m)    Other matters to be heard before Council.
   (n)    Adjournment.
      (Ord. 2023-20. Passed 3-28-23.)