133.01 Establishment.
133.02 Grades of patrolmen; officers.
133.03 Appointments; residency requirements; probationary period; qualifications.
133.04 Promotions; vacancies; acting employees.
133.05 Powers and duties of officers.
133.06 Powers and duties of Chief.
133.07 Duties and powers of police outside Municipal corporation.
133.08 Work schedules.
133.09 Operation of the Division; handbook of regulations.
133.10 Conduct of members.
133.11 Physical examinations; removal of physically or mentally unfit officers.
133.12 Specialized divisions.
133.13 Duties of members as witnesses; jury duty.
133.14 Off duty members called to testify; compensation.
133.15 Rewards.
133.16 Disposition of fines and penalties.
133.17 Property recovered by police.
133.18 Deposit of stolen property; prohibition.
133.19 Disposition to claimant.
133.20 Disposition of property held by police.
133.21 Expenses of storage and sale; notice.
133.22 Compensation; fringe benefits.
133.23 Uniform allowance; longevity pay allowance.
133.24 Retirement.
133.25 Service to nonresidents.
133.26 Part time patrolmen in classified service. (Repealed)
133.27 Reserve unit.
Police protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.441, 737.04
Auxiliary police unit - see Ohio R.C. 737.051, 737.06
Police and Firemen’s Disability and Pension Fund - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 742
The Sebring Division of Police is hereby established, consisting of the following personnel: One Chief of Police; one Sergeant; five full-time patrolmen; one SRO officer; ten part-time patrolmen; four full-time civilian radio clerks; seven part-time civilian radio clerks; one LEADS Terminal Supervisor and such other personnel as Council shall from time to time provide.
(Ord. 77-2023. Passed 12-22-23.)
(a) There shall be the following grades of full-time patrolmen within the Sebring Police Department:
(1) Probationary 3rd Grade Police Officer/Patrolman: After initial appointment by the Manager and during the twelve-month probationary period.
(2) 2nd Grade Police Officer/Patrolman: After successfully completing the twelve-month probationary period and the final appointment by the Manager.
(3) 1st Grade Police Officer/Patrolman: After one year as a 2nd grade police officer/patrolman excluding the probationary period of subsection (a)(1) hereof and upon recommendation of the Chief of Police and appointment by the Manager. (Ord. 20-08. Passed 8-11-08.)
(b) There shall be the following ranks of officers within the Division:
(1) Sergeant: Upon appointment by the Manager in accordance with the Civil Service Rules. (Ord. 1315-83. Passed 9-12-83.)