(a)   Physical Examinations. Each full-time member of the Division of Police shall submit to a physical examination and forward a copy of the written report to the Chief upon request of the Chief. The examination shall be given by a duly licensed physician designated by the Village Manager and the cost of such examination shall be paid by the Municipality.
(Ord. 17-08. Passed 7-14-08.)
   (b)   Removal of Physically Unfit Officer. All reports of medical examinations shall be submitted to the Chief; and if any member of the Division is certified by the examining physician as not being physically or mentally qualified for service, the Chief shall immediately file notice thereof along with the certificate of medical examination with the Civil Service Commission, and at the same time, or as soon thereafter as possible, serve a true copy of the notice and certificate upon the member involved. Such service may be made on the person or by leaving a copy of the notice and certificate at the residence of the member. Return thereof shall be made to the Civil Service Commission as is provided for the service of summons in a civil matter.
   The Civil Service Commission, upon receiving notice thereof and the certificate of medical examination, shall hold a hearing at the next regular meeting thereof, unless the Commission extends the time for the hearing, which shall be done only on the application of the police officer involved. Such extension shall be for no longer than fifteen days.
   The police officer who has been certified as physically or mentally unable to perform his duties must appear in person at the hearing.
   The Civil Service Commission, upon examination of the evidence and if it finds that the police officer is physically or mentally unable to perform his duties, shall remove the police officer or make such other order as it may deem appropriate; and its judgment or actions shall be final.