(a)   The Chief of Police shall suppress all riots, disturbances and breaches of the peace, and to that end, may call upon the citizens to aid him. He shall arrest all disorderly persons in the Municipality and pursue and arrest any person fleeing from justice in any part of the State. He shall arrest any person in the act of committing any offense against the laws of the State or the ordinances of the Municipality and forthwith bring such person before the competent authority for examination or trial. He shall receive and execute any proper authority for the arrest and detention of criminals fleeing or escaping from other places or states.
   (b)   In addition, the Chief of Police shall be the keeper of the Municipal jail, and shall have custody of all persons incarcerated therein. He shall be the administrative head of the Division of Police, and shall have supervision over all officers and members thereof. He shall keep such records and make such reports concerning the activities of his Division as may be required by statute or ordinance. He shall be responsible for the performance by the Division of its functions and all persons who are members of the Division shall serve subject to the order of the Chief. He shall station all other officers and members of the Division under the general rules and regulations set forth in the Handbook of Regulations.
   (c)   In case of any infraction, insubordination, malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance or in case of any other cause for suspension or discipline under the laws of the State, the ordinances of the Municipality or the Handbook of Regulations, of any member of the Division, the Chief shall forthwith file a full report in writing with the Manager.
   (d)   In the discharge of his duties, the Chief of Police shall have the powers and be subject to the responsibilities of constables and for services performed by him or his inferior officers, the same fees and expenses shall be taxed as are allowed constables.
   (e)   The Chief of Police shall have the full power and authority to reprimand any member of the Division. The Chief shall have custody and control of all books, records, machines, tools, apparatus, equipment, etc., of every kind necessary for the use of the Division.
   (f)   It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to approve and certify in writing the correctness of the time records for each employee of the Division prior to forwarding same to the Finance Director for computation of the payroll of the Division.
(Ord. 1153-77. Passed 5-9-77.)