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Sebring Overview
Codified Ordinances of Sebring, OH
Records Retention Commission
151.01   Title and purpose.
151.02   Members and quorum.
151.03   Adoption of State statutes by reference.
151.04   Exceptions to public records.
151.05   Inspection and production.
151.06   Costs of public records.
151.07   Destruction of public records.
151.08   Solicitor to attend. (Repealed)
151.09   Adoption of rules and regulations, officers.
   Pursuant to the Charter of the Municipality of Sebring, Ohio, Section 3.08(f), there is hereby established a Records Retention Commission of Sebring, Ohio. The purpose of the Commission is to establish procedures for compliance with the Ohio Public Records Act, as may be modified herein by Charter authority. Council desires to establish a Commission for the orderly retention of public records and the orderly removal of records no longer needed by the Municipality for the public good. (Ord. 17-04. Passed 5-24-04.)
   Pursuant to the Charter of the Municipality of Sebring, Ohio, Section 3.08(m), the membership of the Records Retention Commission shall consist of four (4) members. The members of the Records Retention Commission shall be the Chief Executive/Mayor (or his appointed representative) who shall serve as Chairman; the Chief Fiscal Officer/Manager, the Chief Legal Officer/Solicitor, and a citizen appointed by the Chief Executive/Mayor of the Municipality. The Members shall be residents or employees of the Municipality. A majority of the members appointed to the Commission shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of transacting business. The Commission shall appoint a secretary who may or may not be a member of the Commission and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission. The Commission shall meet at least once every six months and upon the call of the Chairman. The Chairman, from time to time, may appoint additional ad hoc advisors to the Commission who may attend and advise the Commission but shall have no other authority herein.
(Ord. 35-12. Passed 10-8-12.)
   There is hereby adopted by reference the relevant sections found in Ohio Revised Code, Chapter 149 entitled "Documents, Reports, and Records" to include Ohio Revised Code, Section 149.011, Definitions; 149.39, City Records Commission; 149.40 Only Necessary Records to Be Made; 149.43, Availability of Public Records; 149.431, Financial Records of Non-Profit Organizations Receiving Governmental Funds; and any other statutory provisions that regulate municipal records, as they exist as of the date of the passage hereof, or as may be amended from time to time, provided that they do not conflict in any way with the Charter of the Municipality of Sebring, which will take precedence over any conflict.
(Ord. 17-04. Passed 5-24-04.)