General Provisions
32.01 Established; personnel
32.02 Duties and functions
32.03 Adoption of rules
32.04 Conservators of the peace; enforcement
32.05 Residency requirements
32.06 Use of volunteers authorized
32.07 Fire Cadet Program
32.08—32.10 Reserved
32.11 Control and supervision
32.12 Administrative assistant; duties; compensation
32.13 Physical examinations
32.14 Clothing and equipment
32.15—32.20 Reserved
Foreign Fire Insurance
32.21 Meetings; election of officers; duties
32.22—32.24 Reserved
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
32.25 Bureau established; composition
32.26 Duties of Bureau, generally
32.27 Emergency service user fees
32.28—32.30 Reserved
Bureau of Fire Prevention
32.31 Established; designation of inspectors
32.32 General powers and duties of firefighters
32.33 Establishment of fee schedule for inspections and services performed by Bureau
32.34 Bureau to investigate fires and report
32.35 Required inspections; orders
32.36 General authority inspect; orders; appeals
32.37 Officers' right of entry
32.38 Corporation Counsel to assist in investigation
32.39 Record of fires
32.40 Annual report
32.41—32.70 Reserved
Rules of Construction and Definitions
32.71 Construction; definitions
32.72—32.90 Reserved
Technical Rescue Service Fees; Specialized Rescue Service Fees;
and Hazardous Material Leaks and Spills Requiring Reimbursement
and Hazardous Material Leaks and Spills Requiring Reimbursement
32.91 Technical rescue service fees
32.92 Specialized rescue service fees
32.93 Reimbursement for costs, expenses and fees involved in a hazardous materials response
32.94 Call in separate, independent or specialized service
32.95—32.98 Reserved
32.99 Fine