(A)   The Zoning and Building Director, or his or her designee, may revoke a permit:
      (1)   Where there has been any false or inaccurate statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or plans on which the permit was based; or
      (2)   When work is performed contrary to the provisions of the application or plans on which the permit is based.
   (B)   When a permit is revoked, the Zoning and Building Director, or his or her designee, shall inform the permittee, in writing, of the specific steps the permittee must take in order to have the permit reissued.
   (C)   It shall be unlawful to continue any work authorized by a permit after revocation of that permit until that permit is reissued or until a new permit is issued.
   (D)   (1)   In cases where the permittee wishes to appeal the decision of the Zoning and Building Director, or his or her designee, the appeal process outlined in §§ 152.140 through 152.142 will be followed.
      (2)   An appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless the Zoning and Building Director, or his or her designee, certifies to the Zoning Board of Appeals, after the notice of the appeal has been filed with him or her, that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would, in his or her opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property.
(Ord. passed - -) Penalty, see § 152.999