18.89.030   Plan components.
   The plan shall include, at a minimum, the following components:
   A.   Map, including:
      1.   Planned land use intensity categories;
      2.   Special or rezoning policy areas;
      3.   Growth areas or focused development investment areas.
   B.   Land use intensity legend, including for each intensity category:
      1.   Purpose or objective statement;
      2.   Allowable gross density for categories permitting residential development;
      3.   Permitted zoning districts for selected land use intensity categories.
   C.   Plan Goals and Policies. The plan may propose development, design or procedural goals and policies more restrictive than this code.
      1.   A plan policy is identified as either a regional, rezoning, or special area policy as defined in Section 18.89.020(A)(6).
      2.   Rezoning and special area plan policies may:
         a.   Identify zoning districts or densities other than those set forth in the Land Use Intensity Legend that may, in accordance with Sections 18.90.030 and 18.91.040, be deemed in conformance with the land use plan, or
         b.   Eliminate or limit zoning districts or densities that would otherwise be deemed in conformance with the land use plan in accordance with the Land Use Intensity Legend, or
         c.   Recommend development standards.
      3.   Regional, special area, and rezoning policies may address land use and non-land use issues.
      4.   Adopted plan policies may recommend that further public hearings be held concerning land proposed for rezoning for uses that may conflict with plan policies.
   D.   Plan Elements.
      1.   The plan shall include, at a minimum, the following elements:
         a.   Growth area;
         b.   Land use;
         c.   Circulation;
         d.   Open space;
         e.   Cost of development;
         f.   Water resources;
         g.   Environmental (including, but not limited to, the Conservation Lands System (CLS));
         h.   Other elements as may be required by Arizona Revised Statutes.
      2.   Other Plan Elements. The plan may also include other elements, including the following:
         a.   Urban design;
         b.   Housing;
         c.   Neighborhoods;
         d.   Public services and facilities;
         e.   Public safety;
         f.   Cultural heritage;
         g.   Implementation;
         h.   Health;
         i.   Economic development.
      3.   Elements may be combined or re-titled in the comprehensive plan provided the subject matter is fully covered in compliance with Arizona Revised Statutes and the plan includes an explanation of where in the plan the content is located.
(Ord. 2016-37 § 1 (part), 2016)