18.89.050   Comprehensive plan update program.
   A.   Purpose. The comprehensive plan update program is intended to facilitate the review of the comprehensive plan, in its entirety, on a periodic basis and to provide the means to amend and update the plan where necessary. Development trends will be identified and assumptions underlying the plan will be researched during this process. Extensive public participation will be solicited to insure that revisions reflect community values.
   B.   Schedule.
      1.   The comprehensive plan update program shall be conducted at least every ten years. On or before the tenth anniversary of the plan's most recent adoption, the existing plan shall either be readopted or a new plan adopted.
      2.   A program to update the plan, including a proposed schedule for completion, shall be prepared by the department and approved by the planning and zoning commission.
   C.   Program Content. At a minimum, the update shall include an evaluation of and, where necessary, revisions to the following:
      1.   Plan elements of Section 18.89.030(D)(1);
      2.   Other relevant plan elements of Section 18.89.030(D)(2);
      3.   Population, housing, and economic conditions and projections;
      4.   Land use map and legend;
      5.   Regional, rezoning, and special area plan policies;
      6.   Zoning code provisions and other ordinances and resolutions working at cross purposes to the updated plan.
   D.   Plan Amendment Requests Submitted by Property Owners. During the comprehensive plan update year, property owners may submit plan amendment requests (including map amendment requests) in accordance with Section 18.89.040 and development services department policies.
   E.   Review and Public Notice Requirements. For the re-adoption of the current plan or adoption of a plan update pursuant to this section, the following shall occur:
      1.   Public participation, agency and jurisdictional review and comment, public notification and adoption requirements shall be in accordance with ARS § 11-805 and the board adopted public participation plan.
      2.   Public comment shall be actively sought during the planning process.
      3.   Department public meetings: The development services department shall, at a minimum:
         a.   Hold one public meeting to discuss the plan update, and receive public comment at least four weeks before the study session by the commission;
         b.   Make available to the public a final draft of the plan update, including all proposed land use intensity categories, plan policies, rezoning and special policy areas, and growth areas at least fifteen days before public hearing by the commission.
      4.   Planning and zoning commission review:
         a.   Commission study session:
            1)   The commission shall review the plan update during a study session;
            2)   The commission may set the plan update for public hearing, or send the plan update back to the development services department for further development or evaluation;
            3)   Public notice for the study session shall be given by publication once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county seat.
         b.   Commission public hearing:
            1)   At least one public hearing shall be held to consider and take testimony on the plan update;
            2)   A minimum of fifteen days prior to the hearing, the development services department shall provide notice by publication of a display ad in a newspaper of general circulation which states the plan update is available for public review;
            3)   If, during the public hearing, changes to the plan update are requested that have not been evaluated by the department, the commission shall identify those having merit for further consideration and take action during a subsequent public hearing;
            4)   The commission shall provide a recommendation to the board which shall require the affirmative votes of a majority of the members present;
            5)   After the public hearing, the department shall transmit the public hearing summary and recommendations of the commission to the board;
            6)   The commission may continue the public hearing for a definite time not to exceed nine months.
      4.   Board of supervisors review:
         a.   Board public hearing:
            1)   At least one public hearing shall be held to consider and take testimony on the comprehensive plan update;
            2)   A minimum of fifteen days prior to the hearing, the development services department shall provide notice by publication in a newspaper of general circulation of a display ad which states the plan update is available for review;
            3)   The board may continue the hearing for a definite time not to exceed nine months;
            4)   If, during the public hearing, changes to the plan update are requested that have not been evaluated by the department, the board shall identify those having merit for further consideration and take action during a subsequent public hearing.
         b.   Board action and subsequent referral to the commission: The board may change any portion of the plan or amendment thereto, after first referring the changed portion back to the commission for its recommendation. The recommendation of the commission regarding the changed portion may be accepted or rejected by the board during a subsequent public hearing advertised in accordance with Section 18.89.050(E)(4)(a) above.
         c.   The board may adopt the plan update as a whole, or by successive actions adopt separate parts of the plan.
(Ord. 2016-37 § 1 (part), 2016)
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Editor's note— Ord. No. 2016-37, § 1, adopted July 5, 2016, amended Chapter 18.89, in its entirety to read as herein set out. Former Chapter 18.89, §§ 18.89.010—18.89, pertained to similar material, and derived from Ord. No. 1985-82; Ord. No. 1985-141; Ord. No. 1987-64; Ord. No. 1992-96; Ord. No. 1994-11; Ord. No. 1994-147; Ord. No. 1994-148; Ord. No. 1995-94, 1995; Ord. No. 1998-26, 1998; Ord. No. 1998-50, 1998; Ord. No. 2002-65, 2002; Ord. No. 2007-41, 2007 and Ord. No. 2010-27, 2010. (Back)