A. In accordance with A.R.S. §§ 11-804 and 11-805, this chapter provides for a comprehensive plan, which comprises at a minimum a land use plan, goals, elements, and regional, rezoning, and special area plan policies. The plan provides guidance for accomplishing coordinated and harmonious physical, human, and economic development consistent with current and anticipated needs of the county.
B. The land use plan contained in the comprehensive plan furthers the purpose of the plan by:
1. Establishing boundaries for urban/suburban, rural, and general land use intensity categories as set forth in the Land Use Intensity Legend;
2. Establishing planned land use to guide planning and coordinate the timing and implementation of capital improvement activities, such as transportation, flood control, water delivery or wastewater reclamation facilities;
3. Determining the relative suitability of individual geographic sectors for various land use types and development intensities including compatibility with a military airport operation;
4. Designating land use objectives and gross density limitations within each land use intensity category and permitted zoning districts for certain land use intensity categories to assist the board of supervisors and the planning and zoning commission in determining whether proposed rezonings or specific plans conform to the comprehensive plan, in accordance with Sections 18.90.030(E) and 18.91.040(C). However, conformance with the plan shall not in itself warrant approval of the rezoning or specific plan. The final determination of the merits of the rezoning request or specific plan application shall be made during the rezoning or specific plan review process.
C. The regional policies contained in the comprehensive plan further the purpose of the plan by:
1. Reflecting community values in goals and policies, including health and social services, the natural environment, and economic development;
2. Providing direction on the delivery of infrastructure and services in cost-effective, efficient ways;
3. Promoting consistency in decision making through various implementation methods such as rezoning and specific plan requests, strategic and facility plans, budgets, capital improvement programs, and possible bond programs.
(Ord. 2016-37 § 1 (part), 2016)