18.89.020   Definitions.
   A.   Certain terms used in this chapter shall be defined, for purposes of this chapter only, as follows:
      1.   Comprehensive Plan: The official document for the planning and zoning commission, board of supervisors, and all county officials and agencies for accomplishing coordinated physical and human infrastructure, and economic development consistent with the current and anticipated needs of the county.
      2.   Comprehensive Plan Amendment Program: The twice yearly process which facilitates the review of requested changes to the adopted land use plan and policies of the comprehensive plan.
      3.   Comprehensive Plan Update Program: The process, conducted at least every ten years, which facilitates the re-evaluation and revision of the plan where necessary.
      4.   Element: A component of the comprehensive plan dealing with specific topics that are either required (e.g. water) or optional (e.g. health and economic development) as defined in the A.R.S. Title 11, Chapter 6, Article 1, including but not limited to open space and land use.
      5.   Goal: The ultimate purpose of an effort stated in a way that is general in nature and immeasurable. Goals are not quantifiable, time-dependent or suggestive of specific actions for achievement. Goals often refer to one or more aspects of the vision and incorporate specific values.
      6.   Land Use Intensity Legend: A description of the planned land use intensity categories which govern the type of and density at which development is allowed to occur.
      7.   Major Plan Amendment:
         a.   A requested change to the adopted land use plan for a site equal to or greater than six hundred forty acres, or
         b.   Addition of a new plan element, or
         c.   Complete rewrite of an existing plan element, or
         d.   A reorientation of an existing plan element, goal, or regional policy.
      8.   Non-major Plan Amendment: A requested change to the adopted land use plan for a site less than six hundred forty acres, or a non-major revision to a comprehensive plan goal, element, or policy.
      9.   Plan Policy: A course or principle of action defined to support a goal. A written statement in the plan which provides general guidance on pursuing or protecting a county interest, provides a procedural or development recommendation, or may guide budget, capital improvement, future bonding, or expansion plan decisions. A plan policy may be imposed as a special condition of rezoning. A policy is further defined as one of the following:
         a.   Regional Plan Policy: A recommendation for all of the unincorporated (unless otherwise specified) Pima County planning area; or
         b.   Rezoning Policy: A guideline that commonly applies to discrete areas composed of one parcel or a limited number of parcels and frequently reflects either an approved, individual plan amendment or a policy carried forward from a previous (rescinded) area plan (e.g. Catalina Foothills Area Plan).
         c.   Special Area Policy: A guideline that applies to sites typically composed of multiple parcels that share a unique physical feature or location over a relatively large area.
(Ord. 2016-37 § 1 (part), 2016)