18.90.030   Application.
   A.   Staff consultation: The applicant shall consult with the planning and development services department prior to application in order to review procedures and possible plan requirements.
   B.   Applicant: A specific plan shall be requested by filing a specific plan application with the planning department and shall be made only by:
      1.   The property owner(s) of the subject property; or
      2.   An agent for the property owner(s); or
      3.   Pima County, upon initiation by the planning and zoning commission.
   C.   Restrictions on application:
      1.   Consent: The written consent of one hundred percent of property owners of record within the proposed specific plan district shall be required at the time of application submittal. If proper ownership of a parcel is in question, the applicant shall be responsible for furnishing written proof of the indicated ownership and authorization for signature.
      2.   Configuration: The proposed specific plan district shall not create an area that is not within the plan but is surrounded by the plan boundary.
   D.   Submittals:
      1.   All specific plan applications shall include, at a minimum:
         a.   A completed and signed application form;
         b.   The tax code number and a legal description of the property;
         c.   A precise map showing the proposed specific plan district;
         d.   The written consent of all property owners within the specific plan district and a list, by name and title, of all ownership interest (e.g., individual, corporate, trust or limited partnership) in the property, in accordance with A.R.S. Section 33-506;
         e.   If applicable, a letter of authorization from the owner, with the owner's original or electronic signature designating an agent to represent the property owner;
         f.   A rezoning site analysis except the preliminary development plan is replaced with a specific plan conceptual site map done in accordance with Section 18.90.050;
         g.   Text elements done in accordance with Section 18.90.050;
         h.   Biological Impact Report.
      2.   Applicable specific plan fees in accordance with the adopted fees schedule.
      3.   Submittals shall be prepared in a format consistent with departmental policy.
   E.   Specific plan compliance with comprehensive plan:
      1.   The director of planning and development services shall determine if a specific plan application complies with the comprehensive plan, or if submitted as a Concurrent Plan amendment, it will comply with the comprehensive plan.
      2.   If the zoning classifications proposed in the specific plan area comply with the Pima Prospers Land Use Intensity Legend with regard to each land use intensity category and the minimum and maximum gross density limitations for the land use intensity category in which the subject property is located and the Planning Official determines that the specific plan furthers the intent of the policies of the Comprehensive Plan, including any special district plans, the specific plan application shall be determined to be in compliance with the comprehensive plan.
      3.   A determination as to whether or not a specific plan is in compliance with the comprehensive plan may be appealed to the commission, provided such an appeal is requested in writing within thirty working days from the date of the determination.
      4.   Specific plans determined to not be in compliance with the comprehensive plan shall not be set for a public hearing until the applicant has submitted, and the board has approved, an application to amend the comprehensive plan land use plan, in accordance with Section 18.89.040 or 18.89.041. If the plan amendment is approved by the board and it is subsequently determined, in accordance with this section, that the rezoning request complies with the comprehensive plan, upon request by the applicant, the specific plan shall be set for public hearing in accordance with this chapter.
      5.   The planning director shall notify the applicant of the determination regarding compliance with the comprehensive plan within twenty working days of submittal of a complete application.
   F.   Staff review coordination: The county planning and development services department shall coordinate the comments and requirements of applicable county departments and other agencies.
(Ord. 2017-3 § 5 (part), 2017; Ord 2007-41 § 3, 2007; Ord. 1998-35 § 1 (part), 1998; Ord. 1995-94 § 2 (part), 1995; Ord. 1994-114 § 5 (part), 1994; Ord. 1994-11 § 2 (part), 1994; Ord. 1992-96 § 1 (part), 1992; Ord. 1987-64 § 1 (part), 1987)