15-13-1: Applicability
15-13-2: Additional Use Regulations
15-13-3: Additional Lot And Frontage Regulations; Exceptions
15-13-4: Additional Yard Regulations
15-13-5: Additional Height Regulations
15-13-6: Building Regulations
15-13-7: Fence Regulations
15-13-8: Lighting
15-13-9: Private Park, Playground Or Recreation Area
15-13-10: Public Utility Substation
15-13-11: Swimming Pool; Family
15-13-12: Daycare Center And Licensed Child Care Regulations
15-13-13: Sexually Oriented Businesses
15-13-14: Zero Side Yard Provisions
15-13-15: Residential Facilities For Persons With A Disability
15-13-16: Landscaping Required
15-13-17: Concessions Or Amusement Businesses; Public Parks
15-13-18: Television Satellite Antennas (Or Dish Antennas)
15-13-19: Racing Pigeons; Standards And Operating Procedures
15-13-20: Limit On Aboveground Storage Tanks
15-13-21: Recycling Drop Off Stations, Reverse Vending Machines
15-13-22: Conversion Of Hotel Or Motel To A Multiple-Family Dwelling
15-13-23: Financial Guarantee Requirements
15-13-24: Mobile Homes, Recreational Coaches And Manufactured Homes Without Permanent Foundation; Location Restrictions
15-13-25: Residential Facilities For Elderly Persons
15-13-26: Design And Separation Of Protective Housing, Rehabilitation/Treatment Facilities, Transitional Housing, And Assisted Living Facilities
15-13-27: Design Standards For Multiple-Family Dwellings
15-13-28: Legal Conforming Two-Family Dwellings Or Duplexes
15-13-29: Special Permit For Temporary Facilities After A Disaster
15-13-30: Legal Conforming Bachelor Or Bachelorette Dwelling
15-13-31: Transition Provision For Application Of Definition Of Family
15-13-32: Length Of Stay In A Motel Or Hotel If No Permanent Residence
15-13-33: Standards For Accessory Buildings In Residential Zones
15-13-34: Short Term Loan Businesses
15-13-35: Regulations Governing Retail Tobacco Specialty Business
15-13-36: Regulations Governing Front Entry Porches In Residential Zones
15-13-37: Mobile Food Trucks And Mobile Food Trailers
15-13-38: Short-Term Rentals
15-13-39: Standards For Accessory Dwelling Units
15-13-40: Reserved
15-13-41: Regulations For Keeping Of Residential Chickens
15-13-42: Cottage Lot Development Standards
15-13-43: Live-Work Standards
The requirement of this title as to minimum site development standards shall not be construed to prevent the use for a single- family dwelling of any parcel of land in the event such parcel was held in separate ownership prior to February 8, 1951.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. Ord. 90-52, 10-25-1990; 1999 Code; Ord. 2001-35, 6-5-2001)
Every main building shall be located and maintained on a "lot", as defined in section 15-2-13 of this title, and every lot shall have required "frontage" on a "street", as such terms are defined in sections 15-2-7 and 15-2-20 of this title, except where a parcel of land was in separate ownership prior to February 8, 1951, as described in section 15-13-2 of this chapter. For lots created after February 8, 1951, but before June 30, 2001, the frontage shall not be less than sixteen feet (16'). For lots created after June 30, 2001, the frontage shall not be less than thirty feet (30').
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. Ord. 90-52, 10-25-1990; Ord. 2001-35, 6-5-2001)
A. No required yard or other open space around an existing building, or which is hereafter provided around any building for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this title, shall be considered as providing a yard or open space for any other building; nor shall any yard or other required open space on an adjoining lot be considered as providing a yard or open space on a lot whereon a building is to be erected or established.
B. On any lot under a separate ownership from adjacent lots and of record at the time of the "initial enactment of the zoning ordinances", as defined in section 15-2-10 of this title, and such lot having a smaller width than required for the zone in which it is located, the following regulations shall apply:
1. For interior lots, each side yard may be equal to but not less than the same percentage of the required side yard width as the lot is of the required lot width; provided, that in no case shall the smaller of the two (2) side yards be less than five feet (5') or the larger less than eight feet (8').
2. On corner lots, each side yard may be equal to but not less than the same percentage of the required side yard width as the lot is of the required lot width; provided, that in no case shall the side yard on the street side be less than fifteen feet (15') in R-1-10, R-1-8, R-1-6, R-2, and R-3 Zones or less than ten feet (10') in R-4 and R-5 Zones, and the other side yard shall not be less than five feet (5') in all residential zones.
C. On any lot under separate ownership from adjacent lots and of record at the time of the "initial enactment of the zoning ordinances", as defined in section 15-2-10 of this title, where a private attached garage containing a sufficient number of parking spaces to meet the requirements of this title has a side yard equal to the minimum side yard required for a dwelling in the same zone, the width of the other side yard for the dwelling may be reduced to equal that of the minimum side yard.
D. On any interior lot where a single-family dwelling has an attached private garage containing a sufficient number of parking spaces to meet the requirements of this title, and has a side yard equal to the minimum side yard required for a single-family dwelling in the same zone, the width of the other side yard for the dwelling may be reduced to equal that of the minimum required side yard; and on any interior or corner lot where a single- family dwelling has an attached garage with sufficient parking and has such side yard, the rear yard of the dwelling may be reduced to fifteen feet (15'), provided the garage also has a rear yard of at least fifteen feet (15').
E. Every part of the required yard shall be open to the sky, unobstructed except for accessory buildings in a rear yard, and except for the ordinary projections of skylights, sills, belt courses, cornices and other ornamental features.
F. Open or lattice enclosed fire escapes, fireproof outside stairways, and balconies opening upon fire towers may project into a yard not more than five feet (5'), and the ordinary projections of chimneys and flues are permitted.
G. No accessory building nor group of accessory buildings in any residential zone shall cover more than twenty five percent (25%) of the rear yard.
H. No space needed to meet the width, yard, area, coverage, parking or other requirements of this title for a lot or building may be conveyed away from such lot or building, except as permitted by the Board of Zoning Adjustment, and any attempted conveyance or lease in violation hereof shall be void.
I. No parcel of land which has less than the minimum width and area requirements for the zone in which it is located may be cut off from a larger parcel of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of building or development as a lot, except by permit of the Board of Zoning Adjustment.
J. Any corner lot in a residential zone subdivided or receiving approval for subdivision before January 1987, and meeting the existing lot area and lot frontage requirements for interior lots in their respective zones shall be considered as in conformance with this title.
K. A single family or duplex lot may not have more than fifty percent (50%) of the front yard area covered by hard surface material.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. Ord. 77-24, 5-19-1977; Ord. 81-23, 6-18-1981; Ord. 87-11, 3-12-1987; Ord. 90-52, 10-25-1990; Ord. 91-51, 12-19-1991; 1999 Code; Ord. 2017-44, 10-17-2017)