15-41-1: Purpose And Intent
15-41-2: Definitions
15-41-3: Scope And Applications
15-41-4: Site Design Standards
15-41-5: Commercial And Office Building Design Standards
15-41-6: Residential Building Design Standards
15-41-7: Uses
15-41-8: Special Requirements
15-41-9: Review And Administration
The neighborhood commercial zones are intended to be applied to those areas of the city where traditional commercial development patterns have established generally small scale commercial uses in neighborhoods throughout Ogden City. The neighborhood commercial zones are to provide for the reuse of existing buildings and new construction of buildings that will be compatible with and complement the residential character of the areas where they are located. The purpose of the design standards is to provide physical upgrades in building appearance, site improvements, signage limitations and other features of development that not only improve the individual property but improve the neighborhood character and are consistent with traditional compact neighborhood development. Key to the requirements is compact development, mixed uses, being pedestrian oriented and reflecting the traditional built environment in which they are located.
A. Limited Scale Neighborhood Commercial (NC-1): The NC-1 zone is intended for those small single lot developments or small clusters of single lot developments that run linearly along the street or are located at intersections of streets but are less than two and one-half (2.5) acres in composite size.
B. Expanded Scale Neighborhood Commercial (NC-2): The NC-2 zone is intended for the northwest corner of 7th and Monroe and the 2400 block of Monroe. These locations have existing larger scale buildings, multiple property owners, and serve a larger area than just the immediate neighborhood. The relationship of the development of the block beyond individual property lines, mixed uses, and the other characteristics of the neighborhood commercial zone are important for this zone.
(Ord. 2009-17, 1-13-2009)
The following terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the respective meanings as defined in this section:
EAST CENTRAL COMMUNITY: The area located between 20th and 30th Streets, Adams to Harrison.
FACADE: The exterior wall of a building.
FLOOR AREA: The square footage of the ground floor of a building measured from exterior wall surface to exterior wall surface.
LIGHT SOURCE: The lamp or bulb that produces light.
LIVE-WORK SPACE ON GROUND FLOOR: A building that has a storefront for a commercial type use and the rear portion of the building is used as a residential dwelling unit.
PARAPET: A low wall used along the edge of a roof.
PUBLIC VIEW: The visual ability of any person at street level on or across a public street within a one hundred fifty foot (150') distance to see unobstructed any item on the property. Any ground mounted item set back more than thirty feet (30') from the required building line and not visible except when viewed at fifteen degrees (15°) or less from perpendicular is considered not in the public view.
REQUIRED BUILDING LINE (RBL): The maximum distance a building shall be built from the property line. The RBL is a requirement, not a permissive minimum as is a setback.
REUSE: The use of an existing building for any permitted use if the building has been vacant for a continuous time period of one year or longer or a change of use in a noncomplying structure.
SETBACK: The minimum distance that is required to be landscaped between a property line and the closest parallel edge of a building or parking area to that property line.
(Ord. 2009-17, 1-13-2009)
The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all new construction or reuse of existing buildings in the NC-1 or NC-2 zone. When not stated otherwise the provisions of the other land use regulations of Ogden City are still applicable to development under this chapter. If there are conflicts between the other land use regulations and the provisions of this chapter the provisions of this chapter shall apply.
(Ord. 2009-17, 1-13-2009)