15-37-1: Purpose And Intent
15-37-2: Permitted Uses
15-37-3: Conditional Uses
15-37-4: Site Development Standards
15-37-5: Building Design Standards
15-37-6: Front Yard And Side Yard Facing A Street On A Corner Lot Fencing Material
15-37-7: Special Parking Standards Applicable To The R-9 Zone
15-37-8: Hours Of Operation For Non-Residential Uses
15-37-9: Public Art Requirement
The purpose of the R-9 zone is to create a residential area consistent with Nine Rails Creative District where artists and creators can live, work, and flourish along with traditional single and multiple-family residences and institutions. The zone is part of the East Central Community (Central Bench national historic district), and design standards reflect its unique historical development in terms of lot configuration, lot size, building architectural features, building and fencing materials, and building size. (Ord. 2022-54, 11-15-2022)
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any permitted use.
Accessory dwelling unit (see Section 15-13-39 for ADU requirements).
Art gallery.
Business office primarily related to fine arts.
Boarding and lodging house; provided that no boarding or lodging house shall be located within one thousand feet (1,000'), measured in a straight line between the closest property lines of the lots or parcels of any of the following similar facilities:
A. Any other boarding or lodging house,
B. A protective housing facility,
C. A transitional housing or rehabilitation/treatment facility,
D. A residential facility for persons with disability or residential facility for the elderly of more than five (5) people, or
E. An assisted living facility.
Church, synagogue or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship.
Cottage lots (see Section 15-13-42 for requirements).
Educational institution.
Greenhouse, noncommercial only.
Group dwelling with eight (8) or fewer dwelling units in accordance with Chapter 10.
Home occupation.
Household pets.
Indoor studio for the creation or teaching of the fine arts, e.g., dance studios, art studios, excluding any use that causes noise, odor, fumes, or vibrations that are perceptible without instruments in any nearby dwelling.
Library or museum, public or nonprofit.
Live-work space (see Section 15-37-7 for requirements).
Multiple-family dwelling with eight (8) or fewer dwelling units, in accordance with the requirements of Section 15-13-27.
Photo studio.
Pigeon loft for the housing of racing pigeons (only allowed on single-family residential lots), in accordance with the standards contained in Section 15-13-19.
Public building, public park, recreation grounds and associated buildings.
Rehabilitation/treatment facility (see Section 15-13-26 for facility requirements).
Residential facilities for elderly persons (see Section 15-13-25 for facility requirements).
Residential facility for persons with a disability (see Section 15-13-15 for facility requirements).
Residential garage sales or yard sales.
Restaurant without drive-in.
Retirement home.
Short-term rental (see Section 15-13-38 for requirements).
Single-family dwelling.
Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work.
Transitional housing facility (see Section 15-13-26 for facility requirements).
Two-family dwelling, in accordance with the requirements of Section 15-13-27. (Ord. 2022-54, 11-15-2022; amd. Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024)
The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in chapter 7 of this title:
Adult daycare.
Assisted living facility (see section 15-13-26 of this title for facility requirements).
Bed and breakfast inn, subject to the following standards:
A. Two (2) parking spaces shall be provided for the host family plus one space for each guestroom;
B. Proprietor or owner must occupy the property;
C. Meals may only be served to overnight guests;
D. Signs are limited to nameplate signs not exceeding two (2) square feet in residential zones. In addition, a freestanding identification sign not to exceed four (4) square feet is permitted. If illuminated, only indirect spotlighting is allowed, thus prohibiting backlighted signs.
Cemetery with customary incidental uses, including, but not limited to, mortuary, mausoleum, crematory, staff housing, service shops and chapel.
Daycare center.
Educational institution with housing.
Fraternal and beneficial societies, orders and social clubs of a nonprofit nature.
Group dwellings with nine (9) or more dwelling units in accordance with chapter 10 of this title.
Indoor studio for the creation or teaching of fine arts, e.g., dance studios, art studios, and uses that may cause noise, odor, fumes, vibrations that are perceptible without instruments in any nearby dwelling.
Infill developments.
Multiple-family dwelling with nine (9) or more dwelling units, in accordance with the requirements of section 15-13-27 of this title.
Nursing home.
Planned residential unit development (PRUD), in accordance with chapter 8 of this title.
Private park, playground or recreation area.
Privately operated concession or amusement business in a public park.
Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency.
Reception center or wedding chapel. (Ord. 2022-54, 11-15-2022)