The 12th Street corridor overlay zone is designed to create mixed use residential and commercial development. This is done by recognizing the existing uses and physical characteristics and through design based standards that create a unique environment on this major corridor street for new development so that existing and new uses can function and be visually compatible.
(Ord. 2006-17, 4-18-2006)
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the indicated meanings:
FACADE: The exterior wall of a building.
LIGHT SOURCE: The lamp or bulb that produces light.
LOCAL STREET: Any public dedicated street except 12th Street, Monroe, and Harrison.
PARAPET: A low wall used along the edge of a roof.
PUBLIC VIEW: The visual ability of any person at street level on or across a public street within a one hundred fifty foot (150') distance to see unobstructed any item on the property. Any ground mounted item set back more than thirty feet (30') from the required building line and not visible except when viewed at fifteen degrees (15°) or less from perpendicular is considered not in the public view.
REQUIRED BUILDING LINE (RBL): The building shall be built to the required building line (RBL) as shown on the regulating plan. The RBL is a requirement, not a permissive minimum as is a setback.
ROOF, FLAT: A roof with only enough pitch (less than 2:12) so that rain or melting snow can drain from it.
ROOF, GABLE: A sloping (ridged) roof that terminates at one or both ends in a gable.
ROOF, GAMBREL: A roof having a double slope on two (2) sides of the building.
ROOF, HIP: An external angle formed by the meeting of two (2) sloping roof surfaces.
ROOF, MANSARD: A roof having two (2) slopes on all four (4) sides; the lower slope is much steeper than the upper.

ROOF, PARAPET: A low wall or protective railing along the edge of a roof or balcony.
SETBACK: The minimum distance that is required to be landscaped between a property line and the closest parallel edge of a building or parking area to that property line.
12th STREET: Refers to both 12th Street and Canyon Road east of 1200 East.
(Ord. 2006-17, 4-18-2006)
A. The 12th Street corridor overlay zone applies to those properties defined by the overlay district on the zoning map of Ogden City. The overlay applies to properties that have their widest frontage on 12th Street or properties that are combined with properties that have frontage on 12th Street. The overlay provisions shall not apply to properties if they are combined with other properties that have their frontage on streets parallel to 12th Street.
B. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all new construction which seeks to use the land use provisions of this chapter notwithstanding the underlying existing zone and its regulations. When not stated otherwise the provisions of the other land use regulations of Ogden City are still applicable to development under the overlay provisions. If there are conflicts between the other land use regulations and the provisions of this chapter the provisions of this chapter shall apply. The utilization, remodeling, or expansion of buildings existing prior to January 2006, or construction of new buildings on a lot that has residential buildings constructed prior to January 2006, can only be developed or have land uses according to the respective regulations and land uses of the underlying zone whether it be R-1-10, R-1-8, R-1-6, R-2, R-3, R-4, PI, CP-1, and CP-2 unless specific regulations in this chapter state otherwise.
(Ord. 2006-17, 4-18-2006)