15-30-1: Purpose And Intent
15-30-2: Permitted Uses
15-30-3: Conditional Uses
15-30-4: Special Provisions
15-30-5: Minimum Site Development Standards
15-30-6: General Regulations
15-30-7: Review And Approval Process
15-30-8: Building Permit Issuance
15-30-9: Time Limitation
15-30-10: Enforcement
A. The intent of the Planned Commercial Recreation Zone is to permit the establishment of a well designed complex of recreation and entertainment businesses, to meet the recreation and entertainment needs of the City or region, and which will best fit the general environment and land use pattern of the area to be served.
B. Further, it is the intent of this Zone to encourage multi-purpose centers of unified design and site layout, in order to avoid hodge-podge or strip commercial recreation developments, particularly when located in or near residential neighborhoods.
C. Even though the Zone is commercial in concept, it is distinctly limited commercial and shall be limited, primarily, to uses which, by their nature, do not ordinarily compete for space in the downtown commercial zones. It is recognized, however, that a certain amount of support activities such as restaurants and snack bars may be appropriate and even necessary for the success of these centers.
(Ord. 84-4, 1-26-1984; amd. 1999 Code; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 7 of this Title. Any unique conditions of approval listed with each use are in addition to the general development standards for this Zone, and in addition to the general standards for compatibility listed in Chapter 7 of this Title:
A. Drive-in restaurant.
B. Waterslide, indoor.
C. Bowling alley.
D. Miniature golf; provided, that all outdoor lighting shall be controlled so as not to reflect on any property beyond the site and that no amplifiers or loud speakers be installed outside any buildings.
E. Waterslide, outdoor, provided slide is oriented away from adjacent properties, one hundred feet (100') from nearest residential property line, with minimum six foot (6') screening fence, that all outdoor lighting be controlled so as not to reflect on any area beyond the property and that no amplifiers or loud speakers be installed outside any building.
F. Golf driving range; range should be designed to allow drives up to three hundred fifty (350) yards; range should be placed so that flying balls will be diverted toward the interior of the site; that the driving tees be located no closer than one hundred feet (100') to any boundary of the site.
G. Arcade, provided it is not within six hundred feet (600') of any public elementary or secondary school, nor within six hundred feet (600') of another arcade in the same center.
H. Swimming pool, outdoor, provided the pool is located not less than fifty feet (50') from any residential property line; and is enclosed by a fence or wall not less than six feet (6') in height; and provided that any lights used to illuminate said pool or its accessories shall be controlled so as not to reflect on any area beyond the property, and that no amplifiers or loud speakers be installed outside any building except as necessary for safety and control.
I. Roller skating rink.
(Ord. 84-4, 1-26-1984; amd. Ord. 84-15, 5-31-1984)