The purpose of each zoning category within the commercial district is described below:
A. Neighborhood Commercial (C-1, CP-1):
1. District Characteristics: The neighborhood commercial zone (C-1 and CP-1) is intended to be located on corner properties of areas, which are generally residential in character. The site area is large enough to contain all the parking and other needs of the commercial without impacting the surrounding residential areas.
2. Purpose Of District: The neighborhood commercial zone provides for the sale and supply of daily living needs for the people in the neighborhood. It also provides areas for small development which is compatible to the surrounding residential neighborhood.
B. Community Commercial (C-2, CP-2):
1. District Characteristics: The community commercial zone may be established in those areas that are appropriate for general retail sales. This district should be created in areas having access to major streets and a low likelihood of conflict with other uses as generally it will be an edge to residential development. The properties are large enough to have a low potential for adverse impacts on the overall visual image of key areas such as major streets and including entryways into the community.
2. Purpose Of District: The community commercial zone provides, in addition to the sale of goods for neighborhoods, a wider range of facilities for the sale of retail goods and personal services for the major segments of the community.
C. Regional Commercial (C-3, CP-3):
1. District Characteristics: The regional commercial zone is established on larger parcels of property which have access to major roads. The zone would be located along streets which are capable of handling traffic generated by these types of uses.
2. Purpose Of District: The regional commercial zone provides for the sale and supply of the complete range of retail and wholesale goods, entertainment and personal services for the metropolitan area and, also, a center for recreational entertainment and cultural activities for the entire region.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999; Ord. 2000-56, 11-7-2000; Ord. 2001-56, 9-25-2001, eff. 10-18-2001)
A. Dimensional Requirements: The following dimensional requirements shall apply in each commercial zone to building and parking setbacks:
C-1 And CP-1 | C-2 And CP-2 | C-3 And CP-3 |
C-1 And CP-1 | C-2 And CP-2 | C-3 And CP-3 | |
Minimum lot area | None | None for commercial buildings. Multiple-family dwelling, 6,000 square feet for the first unit plus 1,500 square feet for each additional unit | None for commercial buildings and accessory apartment. Multiple-family dwelling, 5,000 square feet for the first unit plus 750 square feet for each additional unit |
Maximum lot area | 5 acres | None | None |
Minimum lot width | 60 foot width | None | None |
Maximum building coverage | 50 percent | 50 percent | 60 percent |
Maximum building height | 35 feet | 50 feet | None |
Front yard setback | 20 feet | 20 feet | None for commercial buildings, 15 feet for parking lot or display area for commercial use. 20 feet for dwellings not along Washington Boulevard. 15 feet for dwellings along Washington Boulevard, but see 15-38-4F for reductions along Washington Boulevard |
Side yard setback facing a street | 20 feet | 20 feet | None for commercial buildings, 15 feet for parking lot or display area. 15 feet for dwellings, but see 15-38-4F for reductions |
Side yard setback | None, except 10 feet adjacent to a residential or O-1 zone | None, except 10 feet adjacent to a residential or O-1 zone. For buildings over 35 feet in height next to a residential or O-1 zone an additional 1 foot setback is required for every foot the building is over 35 feet in height | None, except 10 feet adjacent to a residential or O-1 zone. For buildings over 35 feet in height next to a residential or O-1 zone an additional 1 foot setback is required for every foot the building is over 35 feet in height |
Rear yard setback | None, except 10 feet adjacent to a residential or O-1 zone | None, except 10 feet for parking adjacent to a residential or O-1 zone and 30 feet for buildings adjacent to residential or O-1 zone. For buildings over 35 feet in height next to a residential or O-1 zone an additional 1 foot setback is required for every foot the building is over 35 feet in height | None, except 10 feet for parking adjacent to a residential or O-1 zone and 30 feet for buildings adjacent to residential or O-1 zone. For buildings over 35 feet in height next to a residential or O-1 zone an additional 1 foot setback is required for every foot the building is over 35 feet in height |
B. Landscaping Setbacks And Coverage:
1. Notwithstanding the required landscaping for those setbacks which are listed in subsection A of this section, there may be additional landscaping required based on other provisions of this title. Additional requirements include, but are not limited to, installation of landscaping in public right of way (subsection 15-4-5.E.2 of this title), preserving existing trees (subsections 15-4-5.E.6 and 15-4-.E.6 of this title), setbacks when next to residential zones (subsection 15-4-5F of this title), screening of service and storage areas (subsection 15-4-5G of this title), and parking lot landscaping (subsections 15-12-9B and C of this title) and additional mitigation for high impact in the C-2/CP-2 zones when adjacent to residential zones. (Section 15-38-3) of this title.
2. For commercial and mixed commercial residential developments, a minimum ten percent (10%) of the total site shall be landscaped. A maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of the required landscaping can be in turf grass provided it has a minimum of width of fifteen feet (15'). All required landscaping areas in front yard setbacks, side yard setbacks, and other required setback for parking less than ten feet (10') in width and side yard setbacks facing a street shall be landscaped only with water-wise landscape plantings. Plant selections shall be those plants listed as water-wise by various regional resources as acceptable plantings for northern Utah climate and irrigated by an acceptable drip irrigation system that meets the requirements found in chapter 15-28 of this title. The water-wise shrubs shall be spaced so that at mature growth they cover a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the planter surface area and irrigated by a drip irrigation system. Mulch shall be planted to cover the ground under and around plants and in areas without plants at a depth of four inches (4") for wood bard or chips and at a depth of twice the size of any gravel or small stone mulch but in no case less than three inches (3") thick. The planning commission may reduce the percentage requirement based on the following criteria:
a. There is a physical hardship associated with the property that results in a unique circumstance that does not generally apply to other similar properties;
b. The proposed reduction in landscape area shall be mitigated through enhanced landscaping improvements and/or the provision of amenity areas that exceed the minimum standards of this chapter;
c. Reductions shall not be granted for the sole reason of providing additional building area, increasing residential density on a property, or meeting the minimum off-street parking stall requirement.
3. In addition to required setbacks, single-family row house dwellings and multiple-family dwellings in the C-2/CP-2 and C-3/CP-3 zones shall have a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the lot area developed in open green space and amenity areas. A maximum of fifteen percent (15%) of the required landscaping can be turf grass. Additional turf grass can be used if the open green space is designed for a recreation field. For open green space and amenity areas:
a. Landscaping in required setback areas and parking lots is excluded from the calculation of open green space and amenity areas.
b. The open green space and amenity areas shall be open and accessible to all residents.
c. Single-family row house dwellings and multiple-family dwellings of sixteen (16) units or less are required to only provide exterior open green space and amenity areas.
d. Multiple-family dwellings of more than sixteen (16) units shall provide a combination of exterior open green space and amenity area and an interior amenity area The required amount of interior amenity space is:
(1) A minimum of four hundred (400) square feet of interior amenity space; and
(2) An additional ten (10) square feet of interior space for every unit over forty (40) units.
e. Amenity areas are a combination of designed fixtures and functions in the open green space area and any required interior amenity space with uses described in this subsection. When interior amenity space is utilized, the combination of interior amenity space and exterior open green space and amenity space shall meet the twenty percent (20%) minimum.
f. Open green space area requirements are:
(1) A minimum six foot (6') wide sidewalk is required from the building to on-site exterior amenity spaces in the open green space;
(2) The minimum open green space shall not be located facing a public street. It may be in a courtyard defined by the exterior building walls or behind the building;
(3) Screening as described in subsection 15-38-3B will be required if the exterior amenity space abuts a property used for residential use;
(4) Except for garden areas, recreational fields or courts, and outdoor pools, the open green space shall be designed to include shade features such as trees, awnings, trellis or shade screens; and
(5) The inclusion of at least three (3) of the following amenity features in the open green space:
(A) Playground with a three hundred (300) square foot minimum area;
(B) Gas fire pit with seating area of minimum fifteen foot (15') radius paved area;
(C) Three (3) or more benches or seating for at least six (6) people in all;
(D) Two (2) or more tables with chairs;
(E) Water feature designed to take into account the scale of the space in which it is located;
(F) Artistic display such as a sculpture or mural designed to take into account the scale of the space in which it is located;
(G) Permanent game area with equipment, such as shuffleboard, or chess/checkers tables;
(H) Community garden and shed area (thirty (30) square feet per twenty (20) units);
(I) Outdoor grill at one grill for every forty (40) units or portion thereof;
(J) Fenced dog park with a two hundred (200) square foot minimum area;
(K) Recreational field or court; or
(L) Outdoor pool.
g. Interior amenity space requirements may be made up of one or more of the following designated spaces provided the square footage meets the minimum requirements:
(1) Fitness center;
(2) Spa;
(3) Indoor swimming pool;
(4) Hot tub;
(5) Cooking and dining facilities for group gatherings;
(6) Library/study;
(7) Clubhouse;
(8) Lounge; or
(9) Game room.
h. The required amount of open green space and amenity requirements is reduced in total size to ten percent (10%) of the lot area if the single-family rowhouse dwelling or multiple-family dwelling is located within a 1,320 feet (0.25 miles) legal walking distance of a dedicated public park that is a minimum of 0.75 acres, provided that any required interior amenity space shall not be reduced in size based on this subsection.
(Ord. 72-13, 7-6-1972; amd. Ord. 80-26, 6-5-1980; Ord. 81-50, 12-10-1981; Ord. 87-24, 5-28-1987; Ord. 96-5, 1-23-1996; Ord. 97-35, 5-27-1995; Ord. 99-9, 1-26-1999; Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999; Ord. 2000-56, 11-7-2000; Ord. 2020-47, 10-6-2020; Ord. 2022-34, 7-5-2022; Ord. 2023-45, 7-18-2023; Ord. 2023-59, 11-7-2023)