15-15-1: Purpose And Intent
15-15-2: Permitted Uses
15-15-3: Conditional Uses
15-15-4: Site Development Standards
15-15-5: Building Design Standards For R-1-5 Zone In East Central Community Area
15-15-6: Front Yard And Side Yard Facing A Street On A Corner Lot Fencing Material In East Central Community Area
The purpose of the R-1-10, R-1-8, R-1-6, and R-1-5 Zone classifications is to provide regulated areas for single-family residential uses at four (4) different low density levels. The R-1-5 Zone located in the East Central Community, defined for the purposes of this chapter as the area between Harrison Boulevard and Washington Boulevard and between 30th Street and 1850 South, includes additional site standards and design guidelines to ensure context design with the historic character of that specific area of R-1-5 Zone.
(Ord. 2011-4, 1-18-2011)
Accessory buildings and uses customarily incidental to any permitted use.
Accessory dwelling unit (see section 15-13-39 of this title for ADU requirements), except within the Mount Ogden planning community where accessory dwelling units are not allowed between Harrison Boulevard and Polk Avenue from 26th Street to the north side of 35th Street and between Polk Avenue and the eastern City limits from 26th Street to the north boundary line of lots on 36th Street.
Church, synagogue or similar permanent building used for regular religious worship.
Cluster subdivision, in accordance with chapter 9 of this title.
Cottage lots in the area between Van Buren Avenue and Harrison Boulevard, 25th Street and 30th Street, excluding sites on the local historic register and sites in the Eccles Historic District (see section 15-13-42 of this title for requirements).
Daycare centers, provided the facility is located on the same site as an educational institution.
Educational institution.
Golf course, except miniature golf course.
Greenhouse, noncommercial only.
Home occupation.
Household pets.
Pigeon loft for the housing of racing pigeons (only allowed on single-family residential lots), in accordance with the standards contained in section 15-13-19 of this title.
Public building, public park, recreation grounds and associated buildings.
Residential facilities for persons with a disability (see section 15-13-15 of this title for facility requirements).
Residential garage sales or yard sales.
Short-term rental, owner-occupied (see section 15-13-38 for requirements).
Single-family dwelling.
Temporary building for use incidental to construction work. Such building shall be removed upon the completion or abandonment of the construction work.
(Ord. 2018-4, 2-6-2018; amd. Ord. 2022-53, 11-15-2022; Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024)
The following uses shall be permitted only when authorized by a conditional use permit as provided in chapter 7 of this title:
Planned residential unit development (PRUD), in accordance with chapter 8 of this title.
Private park, playground, or recreation area, but not including privately owned commercial amusement business.
Privately operated concession or amusement business in a public park.
Public school bus terminal, subject to the following standards:
A. School buses are owned and operated by the School District;
B. Facility is located in conjunction with school administrative offices; and
C. Accessory maintenance and fuel operations must be specifically applied for and approved.
Public utility substation or water storage reservoir developed by a public agency.
(Ord. 2015-52, 11-24-2015)