15-34-1: Purpose
15-34-2: Land Uses
15-34-3: Land Use Categories
15-34-4: Lot Requirements
15-34-5: Site Development Standards
15-34-6: Amenities In Multiple-Family Developments
15-34-7: 25th Street Historic District; Standards And Guidelines
15-34-8: Public Art Requirement In The C-9 Zone
15-34-9: Demolition Of Buildings
15-34-10: Prohibition Of Painting Or Covering Exterior Brick
The purpose and characteristics of each zoning category within the downtown commercial districts are described in this section.
A. Commercial Mixed-Use (C-MU):
1. Characteristics: The Commercial Mixed-Use (C-MU) zone includes a diverse mix of commercial and residential uses including vertical mixed-use buildings with office space, multiple-family residential, retail and restaurant uses, as well as community focused uses.
2. Purpose: The purpose of the Commercial Mixed-Use zone is to provide a high density, vibrant urban space that provides locally serving commercial, commercial businesses that might draw a regional audience (but are not big-box or auto-oriented businesses), entertainment uses, civic and public uses, as well as a variety of housing options. The Commercial Mixed-Use zone is located adjacent to the Commercial Entertainment zone and serves as a transition zone between higher building dimensions to surrounding lower density areas.
B. Commercial Entertainment (C-ENT):
1. Characteristics: The Commercial Entertainment (C-ENT) zone is a destination area in downtown including music venues, cultural centers, sports facilities and higher education facilities, with some restaurants, retail and multiple-family residential uses.
2. Purpose: The purpose of the Commercial Entertainment zone is to provide uses that attract people to the core of Downtown Ogden. These uses include music venues, cultural centers, sports facilities, higher education facilities and high-density commercial and residential developments. The Commercial Entertainment zone is located north of 25th Street at the center of Downtown Ogden.
C. Historic 25th Street Commercial (H25):
1. Characteristics: The Historic 25th Street Commercial (H25) zone preserves the integrity and heritage of Historic 25th Street with ground-floor commercial uses and residential and/or office space above.
2. Purpose: The purpose of the Historic 25th Street Commercial zone is to establish zoning parameters for new development that ensure the preservation of the integrity and heritage of Historic 25th Street. These zoning parameters will be required during the review process in addition to the existing historic district review requirements. This includes a focus on design standards that enhance the pedestrian experience along the street as well as providing access to ground-floor commercial and residential uses above. This zone is established along the 25th Street Corridor from Wall Avenue to Grant Avenue.
D. Commercial Nine Rails Creative District (C-9):
1. Characteristics: The Commercial Nine Rails Creative District (C-9) zone consists of commercial and art related fabrication uses that contribute to a community culture focused on developing and enhancing Ogden's relationship to the arts.
2. Purpose: The purpose of the Commercial Nine Rails Creative District zone is to establish a vibrant connection between Downtown and East Central with a focus on providing opportunities for the community to engage in artistic endeavors related to community development within the public realm. This zone is meant to provide a location for commercial, art related fabrication, and mixed-use that encourages artist and other creatives to work and live in the district.
(Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)