A. Construction: The physical construction of the lofts shall be in compliance with applicable City building ordinances and codes;
B. Location: Lofts shall be located a minimum of fifty feet (50') from any neighboring residence plus twenty five feet (25') from any property line, and six feet (6') from the owner's dwelling;
C. Easily Cleanable: Lofts shall be constructed in a workmanlike manner and shall be easily cleanable;
D. Living Space: Lofts shall be constructed so as to allow each adult pigeon ten (10) cubic feet of living space;
E. Number Limited: No owner will be permitted to maintain more than one hundred (100) pigeons per permit;
F. Feed Storage: Feed shall be stored in a manner which prevents rodent infestation or harborage;
G. Maintenance; Repair: Lofts shall at all times be in compliance with these regulations and shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary, and orderly condition and kept in good repair;
H. Confinement: Pigeons shall be confined to the loft, unless being conditioned, exercised or trained; owners shall exercise necessary measures to prevent their pigeons from perching or lingering on buildings or property of others;
I. Diseases; Isolation: Pigeons shall be maintained in a healthy, disease free condition; those with communicable diseases shall be properly isolated;
J. Nuisances: Loft scrapings, dead pigeons, manure and other putrescible wastes shall be stored in watertight containers with tightfitting lids, final disposal shall be accomplished in a manner which creates neither a health hazard or nuisance and shall be approved by the county health department;
K. Odors And Noise: Necessary measures shall be exercised to prevent the generation of obnoxious or offensive odors and noise, or otherwise create a nuisance affecting the buildings or property of others;
L. Property Destruction: Pigeons shall not be allowed to destroy or deface the property of others;
M. Breeding: Lofts may not be utilized for the business of breeding, raising or harboring fowl for commercial or marketing purposes.
(Ord. 86-15, 3-27-1986)
A. The storage of flammable, combustible liquids in aboveground tanks outside of buildings is permitted:
1. In areas zoned as manufacturing M-1 or M-2, provided that tanks not enclosed in a designed monolithic poured concrete case may not be closer than two hundred feet (200') to any residential structure; and
2. In areas zoned as open space O-1, commercial C-2, and commercial C-3 if all tanks are enclosed in a designed monolithic poured concrete case.
B. The bulk storage of liquified petroleum gas in aboveground tanks shall comply with the current fire code as adopted by title 16, chapter 2 of this code, or its successor provision, and is permitted outside of buildings:
1. In areas zoned as manufacturing M-1 or M-2; and
2. As an accessory use in areas zoned commercial C-2 or commercial C-3.
(Ord. 2013-19, 5-7-2013; amd. Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)
Recycling dropoff stations and reverse vending machines shall be allowed as an accessory to a main use in any zone, provided the following requirements are met:
A. Residential: In residential zones:
1. No money is received by the donor for the material. No reverse vending machines are allowed in residential zones.
2. The container is located only on property with nonresidential uses such as a school, church, or public building.
3. The containers shall not be placed in any required yard setback area.
4. The location of the containers shall not occupy required parking spaces or traffic circulation areas.
5. The area around the containers and the container shall be maintained in a clean and safe condition and free from litter.
6. No more than two (2) recycling containers, each with a maximum size of six feet (6') tall, ten feet (10') long and eight feet (8') wide shall be placed on a property.
B. Business, Commercial Or Manufacturing: In any business, commercial or manufacturing zone:
1. The containers shall not be located any closer than thirty feet (30') from any property line adjacent to a public street or placed in any other required yard setback area.
2. The location of the containers shall not occupy required parking spaces or traffic circulation areas.
3. The area around the containers and the container shall be maintained in a clean and safe condition and free from litter.
4. No more than four (4) recycling containers, each with a maximum size of six feet (6') tall, ten feet (10') long and eight feet (8') wide shall be placed on a property.
C. Compliance With Standards: Any use meeting the definition of recycling dropoff stations existing and legal on the effective date hereof is hereby required to comply with the above requirements within six (6) months of the effective date hereof.
(Ord. 95-74, 11-14-1995)
In addition to any other requirements applicable to multiple-family dwellings, any building that was originally constructed as or converted to a hotel or motel that is proposed to be converted to a multiple-family dwelling shall comply with all of the following standards:
A. A minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the dwelling units shall have a bedroom of at least one hundred (100) square feet, a living area of at least one hundred (100) square feet, and a total floor area of at least three hundred (300) square feet.
B. An additional ten percent (10%) of the dwelling units shall have two or more bedrooms of at least one hundred (100) square feet each, and a total floor area of at least four hundred fifty (450) square feet.
C. Each dwelling unit shall have a kitchen or kitchen area that includes all of the following:
1. A range, or separate wall oven and stove, with gas or a minimum two-phase, two hundred forty (240) volt electric connection in a separate circuit, in addition to any microwave oven.
2. A kitchen sink with hot and cold water separate from any washroom sink.
3. A refrigerator with freezer, with a separate electric circuit.
4. A separate storage cabinet or cabinet for food and food preparation equipment with at lease twelve (12) cubic feet of storage area, and
5. A permanent food preparation counter of at lease five (5) square feet.
D. The facility shall provide either laundry hookups within each dwelling unit or an on-site common laundry facility.
E. A facility with sixteen (16) or more dwelling units shall have a twenty-four (24) hour on-site manager.
F. The facility shall comply with all other requirements applicable to a new multiple-family dwelling, including density, parking, amenities, landscaping, open space, and architectural features, except that an existing building that does not meet setbacks or maximum lot coverage standards may remain.
(Ord. 96-51, 10-22-1996; amd. Ord. 2023-7, 2-7-2023)
A. Required: No site work shall be commenced, no development improvements shall be made, or no building permits shall be issued until the owner or developer provides a sufficient financial guarantee to ensure completion of the following "required improvements":
1. Any landscaping improvements, whether upon public or private property, required under the provisions of this title, or under any condition imposed under authority of the provisions of this title; or
2. Any improvement to adjacent road surfaces, curbs, gutters or sidewalks required under the provisions of this title; or
3. Any improvement for storm drainage, sewer, or water infrastructure required under the provisions of this title, or under any condition imposed under authority of the provisions of this title; or
4. Common open space improvements, private streets or private utilities for which a financial guarantee is required under the subdivision title of this code.
B. Escrow Account, Agreement: A sufficient financial guarantee shall be provided by the establishment of a city escrow account, an escrow agreement, or an irrevocable letter of credit for one hundred percent (100%) of the estimated cost of the above required improvements, based on the actual cost estimate provided by the owner or developer. The financial guarantee shall provide that the required improvements be installed upon the completion of the development or the account funds may be called by the city to complete the improvements. Acceptable escrow agents shall include the city treasurer or a federally insured bank or savings institution, or other escrow agent approved by the city attorney. The issuer and agreement shall be subject to the approval of the city attorney.
C. Warranty:
1. All required improvements shall be warranted by the property owner for one year from the date of final inspection approval for all such improvements.
2. The city may, as a warranty, either retain ten percent (10%) of the guarantee amount or require an escrow equal to ten percent (10%) of the required improvement costs. The ten percent (10%) warranty cost may be based on the original estimate determined under subsection B of this section or the actual cost of the required improvements if the owner or developer provides the city with receipts or other evidence of actual cost deemed satisfactory by the city engineer.
D. Effect Of Noncompliance On Subsequent Applications: No building permits shall be issued nor development approvals given for any expansion, amendment or subsequent phase of a development, if the required improvements have not been installed in accordance with prior permits or approvals for the site. This prohibition may be waived, if the reviewing official or body determines the following:
1. The approval of the expansion, amendment, or subsequent phase would result in the removal of the previously required improvements; and
2. Any previously required improvements which are not affected by the proposed expansion, amendment or subsequent phase have been installed; and
3. Adequate security is provided for the previously uninstalled required improvements, as well as for any new required improvements imposed in regards to the expansion, amendment or subsequent phase.
E. Installation Of Improvements; Completion: Required improvements shall be installed and completed before occupancy or use of any building, structure or improvement approved in regards to the site plan, permit or other development. In the case of inclement weather that prevents the installation of the required improvements, the time of the improvements may be extended, in writing, upon approval of the applicable reviewing official or body, or designee. However, in no case shall the time for completion be extended beyond June 1 immediately following the completion date, and no additional phases of any development shall be permitted during such period of extension.
F. Release: The funds provided under the financial guarantee shall not be released until an authorized representative of the city has certified in writing that the required performance is completed and that the city releases its right to draw funds either in full or in part. Upon expiration of the warranty period, the city shall release the established security in whole or in part by providing the issuer a certificate, signed by an authorized representative of the city, that the city releases its right to draw funds or to the extent applicable. As portions of the required improvements are completed for large developments, the owner or developer may petition the city to reduce the amount of the original financial guarantee provided that a request occur not more frequently than every thirty (30) days. If the city determines that the portions of the required improvements that have been completed are in compliance with city ordinances, the approved site plan, and any conditions of approval, and that the amount to be released is sufficient to justify the administrative expense, the city may cause the amount to be partially released; provided, that a minimum of twenty percent (20%) is retained as follows:
1. Ten percent (10%) is retained until expiration of the warranty period; and
2. At least ten percent (10%) is retained to ensure completion of any remaining required improvements.
G. Failure To Complete Required Improvements: In those cases where the financial guarantee has been provided and the required improvements have not been installed as required, the city may, in its discretion:
1. Pursue any available criminal or civil remedies to require the responsible party to complete the required improvements;
2. Declare the development in default and obtain funds under the escrow agreement and complete, at the city's discretion, all or a portion of the required improvements either itself or through a third party;
3. Assign its right to receive funds under the security to any third party, including a subsequent owner of the development, in whole or in part, in exchange for the third party's or subsequent owner's promise to complete the improvements for the development; or
4. Exercise any other rights available under the law.
H. Administrative Procedures: The mayor may establish procedures consistent with this section relating to the administration of the financial guarantee, including, but not limited to, fund management, release, default and collection.
(Ord. 2013-35, 6-25-2013)