The purpose of each zoning category within the manufacturing district is described below:
A. Manufacturing, Research And Development Zone (MRD):
1. District Characteristics: This district is intended to protect and preserve prime industrial lands for high quality manufacturing, assembly, research and development and related supporting uses. MRD zone districts should be established in those areas that have direct access to major transportation thoroughfares.
2. Purpose Of District: To ensure the proper development and use of land and improvements so as to achieve a high quality, master planned, campuslike, nuisance free environment for manufacturing, assembly, research and development land uses. All development within an MRD zone must follow an overall master plan for the area. The uses, regulations and standards of this district strive to upgrade industrial development standards so as to protect the owner of each parcel against development and uses which could depreciate the value of individual parcels. This district allows a mixture of office, light industrial and commercial uses.
B. Limited Manufacturing Zone (M-1):
1. District Characteristics: The limited manufacturing zoning district may be established in those areas that are appropriate for limited industrial uses and construction contractor trades. This district should be created in areas having access to major streets and a low likelihood of conflict with other uses, as well as a low potential for adverse impacts on the overall visual image of key areas, including entryways into the community.
2. Purpose: To accommodate a range of industrial activities that are of limited intensity, such as construction contractor trades, warehousing and wholesaling, and small scale production, fabrication, assembly or processing activities. The limited manufacturing district is intended to help provide a diversified employment base for the community by:
a. Allowing for light industrial uses and the development of professional trades and construction contractor services.
b. Limiting uses to those that will not create traffic hazards, noise, dust, fumes, odors, smoke, vapor, vibration or industrial waste disposal problems.
C. Manufacturing And Industrial Zone (M-2):
1. District Characteristics: The M-2 zoning district may be established on flat land, and larger parcels of property which have access to major roads. The zone would be located away from homes or other uses that could be impacted by manufacturing processes or traffic. Visual image from important entries into the city is also a consideration when locating M-2 zones.
2. Purpose Of District: The purpose of the zone is intended to ensure that the city continues to retain and encourage a broad mix of industry which requires large areas for the use and may have some noise or other byproducts but does not pose a threat to the environmental quality of the community.
D. Defense Depot Reuse District (DDR):
1. District Characteristics: This is a special use district that encompasses portions of the former Defense Depot Ogden (DDO) site. The district boundaries were defined to include those portions of the site containing older, primarily warehouse and other industrial buildings that were developed prior to the establishment of municipal zoning. As a result, most of the existing buildings within this district have minimal setbacks and generally do not conform to the development standards that have been established for other areas of the city.
2. Purpose Of District: To facilitate reuse of the extensive building stock at the former DDO site. All development within this district must conform to the Defense Depot Ogden reuse plan. This district allows for a variety of industrial and manufacturing uses, including office and other appurtenant uses.
E. Ogden Commercial And Industrial Park (OCIP):
1. District Characteristics: This is a Special Use District developed to provide an area for larger scale industrial businesses. The land is flat and away from residential uses with good access to rail and interstate transportation routes.
2. Purpose Of District: The purpose of the district is to create an attractive and safe environment for the conducting of selected manufacturing, marketing enterprises, fabrication, research laboratories, warehousing and distribution, wholesalers, limited offices and limited retail and service facilities along arterial corridors. Limited retail and services are intended to be located to take advantage of existing traffic corridors while at the same time not introducing uses which cater to the general public and which create conflicts when mixed with industrial uses. The uses should not create hazards or emissions of noxious odors, smoke or noise. The general appearance from the public streets shall be an aesthetically unified design.
F. Business Exchange Industrial (BEI):
1. District Characteristics: This Special Use District encompasses a portion of the land formerly used as the Ogden Stockyards. The district boundaries include areas that were formerly loading and holding areas of the stockyards and that retain physical remnants of the past use. The area is also adjacent to the Weber River. This creates a unique setting to develop special spaces that can create a campus feeling that ties to nature as part of the theme of development of the land.
2. Purpose Of District: The purpose of the district is to support and diversify Ogden's economy by creating an area for manufacturing businesses that serve regional, national, and international markets in an environmentally sensitive campus. These include light industrial research, development and manufacturing of outdoor recreation products, light manufacturing, and associated business uses. The design standards look to tie the natural environment with the developed environment and provide both private and public access to the natural and historical amenities of the area. The district seeks to encourage green technology and innovative development trends in developing the buildings and site infrastructure. The district seeks to provide a professional working environment and limits uses with noise, fumes, waste, and large areas of outdoor storage.
G. Business Exchange Historical (BEH):
1. District Characteristics: This Special Use District is an area surrounding the historic art deco designed Stock Exchange Building which is the focal point of this zone. The setting around the existing structure creates an opportunity to preserve the history of the area and at the same time allow for new physically compatible development while providing an opportunity for compatible manufacturing, services and office use.
2. Purpose Of District: The purpose of the district is to provide for development surrounding the existing Stock Exchange Building that is in scale with the historic building and architecturally compatible. Uses are intended to be industrial research, development, light manufacturing and support services for businesses within the larger redeveloped stockyard area. The district is also an area intended to interpret the history of the earlier developments of this area.
H. Flex Industrial (FLEX):
1. District Characteristics: The Flex Industrial zoning district may be established in areas that are appropriate for limited industrial uses, warehouse and distribution, indoor commercial, construction contractor trades, and commercial sales and services. This district should be created in areas having access to major streets and a low likelihood of conflict as other uses, as well as a low potential for adverse impacts on the overall visual image of key areas, including gateways.
2. Purpose: To accommodate a range of industrial and commercial activities that are of limited intensity. These uses could include light manufacturing and assembly, indoor commercial, construction contractor trades, warehousing and distribution, small-scale production, fabrication, assembly, or processing activities. The Flex Industrial district is intended to help provide a diversified employment base for the community by:
a. allowing light industrial and commercial uses that require the flexibility and space to adapt as the business evolves;
b. limiting uses to those that will not create traffic hazards, noise, dust, fumes, odors, smoke, vapor, vibration, intense light, reflection, or industrial waste disposal problems.
(Ord. 2015-4, 2-24-2015; amd. Ord. 2022-21, 5-17-2022; Ord. 2024-13, 4-23-2024)
Of the following list of possible uses, those designated in any district as a "P" are permitted uses; uses designated as a "C" will be allowed only when authorized by a conditional use permit obtained as provided in chapter 7 of this title; uses designated as "N" are not allowed in that district. Uses which are designated with an asterisk (*) indicate special requirements exist for the design or location of the use, which requirements can be found in chapter 23 of this title. Accessory uses to the permitted or conditional uses are allowed. Uses that are not listed are not allowed.
Uses | MRD | FLEX | M-1 | M-2 | DDR | OCIP | BEI | BEH |
Uses | MRD | FLEX | M-1 | M-2 | DDR | OCIP | BEI | BEH | ||
Entertainment and recreational: | ||||||||||
Cabarets (see main use classification of drinking establishments, or restaurants, under the category of Sales). | N | P | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Indoor entertainment business which provides activities for patrons of all ages by means of film, performance or activities, e.g., theaters, movies, bowling alleys. Sexually oriented business or cabarets are not included in this category. | N | P | P | P | N | N | N | P* | ||
Indoor recreation business which provides activities for patrons of all ages by means of indoor sports, human powered or motor vehicle use, e.g., soccer, BMX, motor tracks. | N | P | C | C | N | N | N | N | ||
Outdoor entertainment or recreation businesses which provide activities for patrons of all ages by means of film, performance or activities, e.g., drive-ins, outdoor sports, go-cart tracks, stadiums. | N | C5 |
C | C | N | N | N | N | ||
Outdoor gun range*. | N | |||||||||
Sexually oriented businesses: | ||||||||||
Adult live entertainment businesses or adult movie theaters. | N | N | P* | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Outcall services or adult entertainment dance agencies. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Institutional: | ||||||||||
Churches or houses of worship. | N | P5 |
P | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Correctional institution. | N | N | C | C | N | N | N | N | ||
Educational institutions. | N | P5 |
N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Private jail or prison. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Public buildings or other public uses. | N | C6 |
C | C | C | N | N | N | ||
Rehabilitation/treatment facility. | N | N | P | P | N | N | N | N | ||
Soup kitchens, shelters for the homeless and low income multiple-unit housing provided housing is: | N | N | C | C | N | N | N | N | ||
A. Part of the campus or in the same building as the homeless shelter. | ||||||||||
B. Includes counseling and other lifestyle services in the facility on site. | ||||||||||
Trade or vocational school or post-high school education. | P | P5* |
P | P | P | N | N | P | ||
Manufacturing: | ||||||||||
Already processed materials: | ||||||||||
Establishment engaged in the assembly of already processed materials into new products, provided, all activities and storage are inside an enclosed building and outside noise, smell, or smoke is not a significant byproduct of the manufacturing process and no outdoor storage occurs, e.g., toys, book publishing, electronic components, medical, clothing. Accessory sales are allowed of product created on site, provided, the sales area does not exceed 15% of the floor area of the building. Warehousing of the manufacturer’s product line produced or assembled at another location is allowed to be stored in the same building; provided, that a minimum of 74% of the required parking of the building is for nonwarehousing uses contained in the building. Establishment engaged in the assembly of already processed materials into new products, provided, all activities are inside an enclosed building and outside noise, smell, or smoke is not a significant byproduct of the manufacturing process, e.g., sign shops, sheet metal shops, trailers, truss plants, etc. No accessory outdoor storage shall be allowed, except that outdoor storage of finished product is allowed to the following percentage of total lot area usage: | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
No outdoor storage. | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
Outdoor storage area is 15% or less of lot area. | P* | P | P | P | P* | P | P* | N | ||
Outdoor storage area is between 15.1% and 25%. | N | C | P* | P | P* | P | P* | N | ||
Outdoor storage area is between 25.1% and 50%. | N | N | P* | P | N | P | N | N | ||
Outdoor storage area is greater than 50%. | N | N | N | C | N | P | N | N | ||
Food products: | ||||||||||
Manufacturing, packaging, or storage inside an enclosed building of food products, provided, any objectionable fumes or odors which could be emitted are controlled by environmental devices to eliminate such smells, e.g., dog food, sugar processing, slaughtering and meatpacking, smoked meats, etc. Accessory sales of products created on site are allowed, provided, the sales area does not exceed 15% of the floor area of the building. | N | C | N | P | N | N | N | N | ||
Cannabis production establishment only in an enclosed building. | N | N | N | N | N | P* | N | N | ||
Manufacturing, packaging, or storing inside an enclosed building of food products for human consumption, personal hygiene and cosmetic products, drugs and pharmaceuticals provided, no objectionable fumes, odors, dust, smoke, noxious gases, noise, vibration, glare, heat are emitted. Objectionable odors are such odors as come from sugar beet processing, rendering of fat, sauerkraut, vinegar, animal byproducts other than dairy products and other similar smells. Objectionable odors shall not include odors emitted from bakeries, ice cream manufacturing, egg handling or other manufacturing processes involving dairy products. Accessory sales of products created on site are allowed, provided, the sales area does not exceed 15% of the floor area of the building. All activities shall be conducted within the enclosed building and all equipment, compressors, and other ancillary equipment shall be enclosed. | N | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
Manufacturing, processing, packaging and storage inside an enclosed building of food products for nonhuman consumption which do not create objectionable fumes or odors that can be detected outside the building. Outdoor storage of raw, unprocessed or finished products or byproducts is not allowed. | N | P | N | P | N | P | N | N | ||
Metals: | ||||||||||
Manufacturing process and storage inside an enclosed building which involves refining, casting, cutting or assembling metals and which does not produce noise, fumes or waste products which can be detected outside the building, e.g., light metal part molding. Warehousing of the manufacturer’s product line produced or assembled at another location is allowed to be stored in the same building; provided, that a minimum of 75% of the required parking of the building is for nonwarehousing uses contained in the building. | C | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
Manufacturing process inside an enclosed building which involves refining, casting, cutting or assembling metals and which does not produce noise, fumes or waste products which can be detected outside the building but which stores the finished product outside. The allowable outdoor storage less than 50% of the lot area, e.g., fuel tank construction, I-beam construction, etc. No more than 15% of the lot area of a FLEX zoned property shall b e used for outdoor storage. | N | P | N | P | P* | P | N | N | ||
Outdoor storage area between 50% to 80% of the lot area. | N | N | N | N | P | N | N | |||
Non-metals: | ||||||||||
Manufacturing process not otherwise listed in this section that involves refining, casting, cutting, processing, creating, or assembling of new nonmetallic related products, such as book publishing, printing, cabinet and woodworking shop, tradesman shops, aircraft parts and components, provided manufacturing process, storage of materials, and new products occur inside an enclosed building, does not produce noise, smell, or smoke or waste products detectable outside of the building | N | P | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Noise, fumes, and waste: | ||||||||||
Manufacturing process inside an enclosed building which involves refining, processing or creating a product in which the process creates noise, fumes or waste which are detectable outside the building, e.g., steel or iron foundries, petroleum refining, etc. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Manufacturing process inside an enclosed building which involves refining, processing or creating a product in which the process creates noise, fumes or waste which are detectable outside the building, e.g., steel or iron foundries, petroleum refining, etc. Manufacturing process inside an enclosed building which involves refining, processing or creating a product in which the process does not create noise, fumes or waste which are detectable outside the building and which does not have outdoor storage of materials, e.g., semiconductors, crystals, etc. | P | P | N | P | P | P | P | P | ||
Raw organic and inorganic materials: | ||||||||||
Manufacturing processes involving assembly of raw inorganic materials, such as sand and gravel, into a new product, which raw and finished materials may be stored outdoors, e.g., concrete mixing, glass, brick, tile, pipe. | N | N | N | C | N | N | N | N | ||
Manufacturing processes involving assembly of raw organic materials, such as wood or plant material but excluding animals or their parts, into a new product, which raw material or finished material may be stored outdoors, e.g., mulch or fertilizer. | N | N | N | C | N | N | N | N | ||
Removal of materials from ground: | ||||||||||
Removal of materials from the ground for use in their existing state or crushed or treated and intended for use off site, e.g., sand and gravel extraction, mining, etc. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Residential: | ||||||||||
Single-family, duplex or multiple-family units. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Single-family dwelling unit for night watchman and family, provided, accessory to allowed business use on the site and no larger than 1,400 square feet. | N | P5 |
P | P | N | P | P | P | ||
Sales: | ||||||||||
A restaurant with cabaret license shall only be allowed as shown herein. | N | P | C* | C* | N | N | N | P* | ||
Accessory sales of products warehoused or held in association with the main use of the building, but not produced or assembled on site, provided the sales area does not exceed the lesser of 15% of the floor area of the building or 10,000 square feet. Such sales area may be a part of, but not in addition to, any sales area otherwise allowed. In FLEX zones, the floor area used for sales shall not exceed 50% of the floor area of the building. | P | P | N | N | P | N | P | P | ||
An establishment engaged in the preparing, serving and selling of food and drink for human consumption on or off premises, e.g., restaurants, drive-ins, etc. | P | P | P | P | C | P* | N | P* | ||
An establishment engaged in the selling within an enclosed building of goods or merchandise to the general public for personal, household or business use and rendering services incidental to the sale of such, e.g., grocery stores, furniture, or clothing stores, liquor store, supplies, jewelry, toys, etc. | N | C | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Medical cannabis pharmacy. | P* | P | P* | P* | P* | P* | P* | P* | ||
An establishment that has general and aviation fuel storage tanks, e.g., fuel farms, above ground tanks intended to be used for storage of fuels for wholesale and retail sales. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Manufactured home sale and display | N | N | P | P | N | N | N | N | ||
An establishment engaged in the selling within an enclosed building of goods or merchandise to the general public for personal, household or business use limited to the following items: | ||||||||||
Retail sales of commodities warehoused in the same building or a separate building located in the DDR Zone and said building is part of the same business operation and the sales area is not greater than 50% of the associated warehousing floor area; excluding sales of food, personal and household goods, and tobacco products. | N | N | N | N | P | N | N | N | ||
Retail tobacco specialty business provided it meets the requirements of Section 15-13-35. | N | N | N | N/P 1 |
N | N/P1 |
N | N | ||
Sales of goods and merchandise, excluding grocery stores, new or used cars, and tire stores; provided, stores are located and front only along 1900 West or 2550 South. | N | N | N | P | N | P | N | N | ||
Sales (or rental) establishments classified as sexually oriented businesses* including adult bookstores or adult videos; provided, that in the OCIP Zone such sales are limited to businesses located along 1900 West or 2550 South. | N | N | P | P | N | P | N | N | ||
Used and rebuildable car lot. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Used car lot, provided the display area is located out of the front yard setback and does not exceed the lesser of 2,500 square feet or 15% of the lot area, and there be 2 or more main uses on site. | N | N | N | N | N | N/P1 |
N | N | ||
Wholesale or retail sales of bulk petroleum products, e.g., oils, lubricants, propane. | N | N | C* | C* | N | C* | N | N | ||
Wood or coal for heating. | N | N | N | P | N | N | N | N | ||
An establishment primarily involved in the retail sale of motor fuels, not including aviation fuels, dispensed on site, e.g., convenience stores, service stations, gas stations. | C | P | P | P | N | P | N | N | ||
An establishment within an enclosed building engaged in the sale of building materials, equipment or supplies for the construction trade. The use may utilize up to 15% of the lot area for outdoor storage as an accessory use, e.g., lumberyard, plumbing supplies, cabinet shop, etc. | N | P | P | P | C* | P* | N | N | ||
Drinking establishments: | ||||||||||
Drinking establishments. | C* | C | C* | C* | N | N | N | P* | ||
Drinking establishments: with cabaret. | N | N | C* | C* | N | N | N | P* | ||
Services: | ||||||||||
A business engaged in providing health, grooming and kenneling services for animals, provided, all activities other than kenneling are in a completely enclosed building. | N | P | P | P | N | N/P3 |
N | N | ||
A business engaged in repairs or restoration or storage of motor vehicles, recreational vehicles, aircraft, aircraft propellers, avionics, or boats, provided, all the work occurs in a completely enclosed building. Retail sales or related items to these vehicles are permitted, provided, not more than 10% of the floor area is utilized for such sales, e.g., brake, body shop, repair, machine shop, changing oil, etc. | N | P* | P* | P* | C* | P* | N | N | ||
A business engaged in the construction trade and located in a permanent enclosed building which may include up to 15% of the lot area as outside storage of construction materials or equipment of the business, e.g., general contractor, planing mill, roofing, plumbing, rental agencies, or other specific contractors. | N | P* | P* | P* | C* | P* | N | N | ||
A business located in an enclosed building engaged in providing data processing, telemarketing, product user support services, or other business support services. Such businesses do not have contact with the general public except by means of mail or telecommunications. | P | P | N | N | P | P | N | P | ||
Office service businesses or organizations that provide business, professional, governmental, financial, medical, or counseling services in an indoor office setting. Examples include offices for architects, doctors, dentistry, banking, insurance, real estate, advertising, employment agencies, government agencies, courts, and the like. It excludes personal services uses, adult business offices, short-term loan businesses, and medical clinics located in an enclosed building engaged in providing medical services for workplace injuries or other work-related conditions. | P | P | N | N | P
| N/P2 | N | P | ||
Personal services businesses that provide physical aesthetic services, nonmedical treatment, repair or cleaning of small personal items, mailing, copying, or similar services largely to individuals who come to the site for the service or to drop off or pick up items. Examples include hairdressers, barbers, manicurists, tanning salons, tattoo and piercing businesses, massage businesses, clothing rentals, laundromats, dry cleaning pickup stores, photocopy stores, mailing services, locksmiths, shoe repairs, tailoring and alteration of garments. It excludes small engine repair, pet services, recreation, and fitness uses. | P | P | N | N | P
| N/P2 | N | P | ||
A business located in an enclosed building which does research and development of products or processes but does not include materials in amounts which would be considered hazardous to general health and welfare. | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | ||
A business located in an enclosed building which provides storage and distribution of goods, materials, or equipment for businesses excluding personal storage units, e.g., warehousing, distribution centers, etc.: | ||||||||||
Buildings 50,000 square feet or less. | P | P | P | P | P | P | P | N | ||
Buildings over 50,000 square feet. | P*/C* | P | N | P | P | P | N/ P4 * | N | ||
Including outdoor storage not exceeding 30% of lot area. Limited to up to 15% for FLEX. | N | P* | P* | P* | N | P | N | N | ||
Petroleum products, flammable or hazardous materials as main storage. | N | N | N | C | N | C | N | N | ||
A business located on a lot without a main building which offers outdoor storage of finished manufactured products assembled in Ogden City limits. | N | P5 |
P | P | N | N | N | N | ||
A business located on a lot without a main building that offers outdoor storage of recreational vehicles. | N | N | P | P | N | N | N | N | ||
A medical clinic located in an enclosed building engaged in providing medical services for workplace injuries or other work related conditions. | P | P | N | N | P | P | N | P | ||
A use of land or business that provides outdoor storage, collection, or recycling of used materials: | ||||||||||
Junk or salvage yards. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Landfill. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Recycling collection center. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Towing or impound lots. | N | N | P* | P* | N | N | N | N | ||
Waste transfer station. | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | N | ||
Construction trade contractor storage within the area from 3300 South to Hinckley Drive, and from 1600 West to Pennsylvania Avenue if the company has its main office in Ogden City. | N | N | P* | P* | N | N | N | N | ||
Indoor/outdoor recreation business which provides activities for patrons of all ages by means of education, training, meditation and physical and spiritual wellness, e.g., martial arts, gymnasium, health club, dance studio and related training businesses. | N | P | P | P | N | N | N | N | ||
Personal storage units | N | N | P | P | N | N | N | N | ||
Transportation, utilities, communication uses: | ||||||||||
Business and land use which has an enclosed building and is engaged in trucking uses such as a truck terminal or transfer business. | N | N | N | P | P | P | N | N | ||
Businesses or land uses which are primarily engaged in uses of public transportation, e.g., parking lots, bus stations, handitrans, airports, etc. | P* | P | P | P | P | N | N | N | ||
Communication business engaged in the delivery of communication services, e.g., business office, studios, broadcast, multimedia. | P | P | P | P | P | P | N | P | ||
Freestanding utility or communication facilities, e.g., substations, relay towers, commercial transmitting towers. | C | N | C | C | C | C | N | N | ||
Railroads and related uses: | ||||||||||
Main lines. | N | N | N | P | P | N | N | N | ||
Spurs which deliver service only to businesses. | P | P | P | P | P | P | N | N | ||
Switching yards and repair facilities. | N | N | N | P | P | N | N | N | ||
1. On 1900 West and 2550 South only.
2. On 1900 West only.
3. On 1900 West and 2550 South only with no outdoor kenneling.
4. On 626 W. Stockman Way only.
5. Not within or under the airport approach surface or transitional surface. Trade or vocational schools are permitted in the transitional surface area if limited to 30 persons or fewer, including instructors.
6. Public use within or under the airport approach surface or transitional surface may not include any dwelling units, areas accommodating assembly of over 30 persons, any use that emits fumes, causes glare, or otherwise may interfere with or create hazards for airport operations.
(Ord. 2018-34, 11-20-2018; amd. Ord. 2019-46, 10-22-2019; Ord. 2020-24, 6-23-2020; Ord. 2020-25, 6-23-2020; Ord. 2020-39, 9-1-2020; Ord. 2021-37, 7-6-2021; Ord. 2021-46, 10-19-2021; Ord. 2022-21, 5-17-2022; Ord. 2023-55, 10-10-2023; Ord. 2024-13, 4-23-2024)