15-2-1: Terms Defined
15-2-2: "A" Definitions
15-2-3: "B" Definitions
15-2-4: "C" Definitions
15-2-5: "D" Definitions
15-2-6: "E" Definitions
15-2-7: "F" Definitions
15-2-8: "G" Definitions
15-2-9: "H" Definitions
15-2-10: "I" Definitions
15-2-11: "J" Definitions
15-2-12: "K" Definitions
15-2-13: "L" Definitions
15-2-14: "M" Definitions
15-2-15: "N" Definitions
15-2-16: "O" Definitions
15-2-17: "P" Definitions
15-2-18: "Q" Definitions
15-2-19: "R" Definitions
15-2-20: "S" Definitions
15-2-21: "T" Definitions
15-2-22: "U" Definitions
15-2-23: "V" Definitions
15-2-24: "W" Definitions
15-2-25: "X" Definitions
15-2-26: "Y" Definitions
15-2-27: "Z" Definitions
ACCESS RIGHT OF WAY: A strip of land which is part of a lot and provides access to the part thereof used or to be used for buildings or structures.
ACCESSORY APARTMENT(S): A dwelling unit that is self-contained, but incorporated within an existing structure that is and will continue to be used primarily for a commercial business and is not substantially altered to accommodate the accessory apartment.
ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT: A functionally separate living space developed subordinate to a single-family dwelling on the same lot or in the same building as the single-family dwelling; but which is not an independent residence or dwelling unit.
ADULT DAYCARE FACILITY: Any building or structure furnishing care, supervision, and guidance for three (3) or more adults unaccompanied by a guardian for periods of less than twenty four (24) hours per day.
AFFECTED ENTITY: A county, municipality, independent special district under title 17D, chapter 2, Utah Code Annotated (independent special district), local district under title 17B, chapter 2, Utah Code Annotated (local districts), school district, interlocal cooperation entity established under title 11, chapter 13, Utah Code Annotated, interlocal cooperation act, specified public utility, a property owner, a property owners' association, or the Utah department of transportation, if:
A. The entity's services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant modification because of an intended land use;
B. The entity has filed with the municipality a copy of the entity's general long range plan; or
C. The entity has filed with the municipality a request for notice during the same calendar year and before the municipality provides notice to an affected entity in compliance with a requirement imposed under this title or other requirement of state law.
AGRICULTURE: The tilling of the soil, the raising of crops, horticulture and gardening, but not including keeping or raising of domestic animals or fowl, except household pets, and not including any agricultural industry or business, such as fruit packing plants, fur farms, animal hospitals or similar uses.
AIRPORT: The Ogden-Hinckley Airport.
ALLEY: A public thoroughfare less than twenty six feet (26') wide.
AMUSEMENT DEVICE: Any machine, device or contrivance not prohibited or declared unlawful by the city, designed, or intended to be operated or used for amusement or the playing of a game upon or in response to the payment of some charge or the insertion therein of a coin, slug or check.
ARCADE: Any commercial enterprise open to persons under twenty one (21) years of age, which contains four (4) or more amusement devices.
ARCHITECTURAL METAL: A paneled metal sheet building exterior that is not part of a prefabricated building; does not have a specific coating; consists of all new materials; and whose use is limited to accessory buildings in the rear yard or interior side yard.
ART GALLERY: A business that displays and sells fine art such as paintings, photographs, and sculptures.
ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY: A residential facility, licensed by the state of Utah, with a homelike setting that provides an array of coordinated supportive personal and healthcare services, available twenty four (24) hours per day, to residents who have been assessed under Utah department of health or the Utah department of human services rules to need any of these services. Each resident in an assisted living facility shall have a service plan based on the assessment, which may include: a) specified services of intermittent nursing care; b) administration of medication; and c) support services promoting resident's independence and self-sufficiency. Such facility does not include adult daycare provided in conjunction with a residential facility for elderly persons or a residential facility for persons with a disability.
A. A facility where automobiles are repaired or maintained within an enclosed building.
B. Outdoor storage of junk vehicles, intended for restoration, repair or limited salvage as described in subsection B3 of this definition, may be allowed as an accessory use to an auto repair or body shop only in C-3, M-1 and M-2 zones, provided the following conditions are met:
1. The area dedicated to outdoor storage does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the lot in a C-3 zone, thirty percent (30%) of the lot area in an M-1 zone or fifty percent (50%) of the lot area in an M-2 zone;
2. All such outdoor storage shall be in a completely enclosed area screened by a seven foot (7') tall screening fence, made of any of the following fencing materials:
a. Chainlink with vertical plastic or vinyl slats spaced no farther than three-eighths inch (3/8") apart;
b. Solid wood, vinyl or other fencing materials having an appearance of wood of one inch by four inch (1" x 4") to one inch by eight inch (1" x 8") members spaced no farther apart than one-eighth inch (1/8");
c. Baked enamel finish, metal ribbed fence;
d. Decorative masonry; or
e. Other fence materials and construction approved by the community development director which provides adequate screening of the storage area similar to the above fencing materials; and
3. Limited salvage of parts from such vehicles shall be permitted only as necessary for the repair of other vehicles on site and not as part of any other type of salvage operation.
AUTOMOBILE LUBE AND OIL CENTER: A retail business engaged solely in the service and sales of motor oil, lubricants and filters and placing those items directly in the motor vehicle.
AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION: A retail business engaged in the sale of motor fuel and having pumps from which fuel, such as gasoline, is dispensed either by an attendant or customer, and which may also provide as an accessory use, the sales and services generally required in the operation of a motor vehicle excluding painting, body and fender and upholstery work. This includes fuel sales that may be accessory to another use operated by the same or different business on the site.
(Ord. 2012-44, 8-28-2012; amd. Ord. 2021-36, 7-6-2021; Ord. 2022-55, 11-15-2022; Ord. 2023-16, 4-11-2023)