A. The development plan review process is established in order to assure that new development proposed for Ogden City will comply with the requirements of this code, and to ensure that new development is designed and constructed in a manner that will:
1. Ensure that all growth and development is consistent with the requirements of this title and the Ogden City general plan;
2. Foster the safe, efficient and economic use of the land, the city's transportation infrastructure, and other public facilities and services;
3. Ensure adequate infrastructure servicing new development;
4. Provide for adequate drainage of surface water and reduction of flood damage;
5. Provide adequate on site litter control;
6. Provide safe and convenient vehicular access and circulation, and encourage patterns of land use that decrease automobile trip length and encourage trip consolidation;
7. Improve the design, quality and character of new development;
8. Encourage the development of vacant properties within established areas;
9. Ensure that development proposals are sensitive to the character of existing neighborhoods; and
10. Ensure that development proposals are sensitive to natural areas and features.
B. Compliance with the regulations of this chapter in no sense excuses a developer from the applicable requirements outlined elsewhere in this code.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999)
The following terms, as used in this chapter, shall have the respective meanings as indicated:
DEVELOPMENT PLAN REVIEW TEAM: Representatives from the following city departments or divisions: current planning division, building services division, engineering division, operations division, water division, and fire department. Representatives from other departments or divisions of the city, or other agencies, which have been assigned to review development proposals for compliance with city regulations.
DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL: A proposal to Ogden City for the approval of new development or a substantial change to existing development.
DIRECTOR: The director of the community and economic development department, or the director's designee.
FINAL PLAN: A site plan that shows all approved requirements and conditions for development of a project.
NEW DEVELOPMENT: The construction or exterior alteration of any building or structure, or the modification of a site for an existing or new building or structure. "New development" shall not include construction of or changes to a single-family dwelling or a two-family dwelling, unless such dwellings are being constructed or modified as a group dwelling, a PRUD, a residential infill development, or a conditional use.
SUBSTANTIAL CHANGE: Those changes or modifications that:
A. Change the use or character of the development;
B. Increase the overall density or intensity of use;
C. Increase the coverage of the site by structures;
D. Reduce previously approved requirements for open space, amenities or landscaping;
E. Change the number of parking spaces to below the minimum required;
F. Modify on site traffic circulation or affect driveways;
G. Increase the impervious area of the site which increases storm drainage requirements; or
H. Alter the location of existing or proposed utilities.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999; amd. Ord. 2001-32, 6-5-2001; Ord. 2007-67, 9-18-2007)
A. Project Development Plan: All development proposals must be processed and approved through submittal of a "project development plan". If the applicant desires to develop in phases, i.e., with two (2) or more separate project development plan submittals, an "overall development plan" will also be required prior to, or concurrently with, the project development plan for any one phase. The requirement for project development plan review may be waived by the director for expansions or alterations that do not constitute a substantial change. The reason(s) for the waiver will be put in writing by the director, and a copy filed with the city's permanent records for the site.
B. Overall Development Plan: An overall development plan shall be required for any property that is intended to be developed over time in two (2) or more separate project development plan submittals. The purpose of the overall development plan is to establish general planning and development control parameters for projects that will be developed in phases with multiple submittals while allowing sufficient flexibility to permit detailed planning in subsequent submittals. Approval of an overall development plan does not establish any vested right to develop property in accordance with the plan.
(Ord. 99-38, 10-19-1999)