Subchapter P: Self-Closing Doors
(a) The Department will select 300 buildings annually for inspections of self-closing doors. Each building selected by the Department must have more than six dwelling units and must meet at least one of the criteria set forth in paragraphs (1) to (4) of this subdivision:
(1) Buildings having at least one complaint on record with the Department regarding a self-closing door within the three years prior to selection;
(2) Buildings with more than five heat complaints on record with the Department in each of the three heat seasons prior to selection;
(3) Buildings with at least one fire-safety related violation issued by the Department of Buildings within the three years prior to selection; or
(4) Buildings that have failed to file an annual boiler report with the Department of Buildings, where applicable, within the three years prior to selection.
(b) The Department will prioritize selection of buildings meeting the criteria set forth in subdivision (a) of this section which were built prior to the year 1999; and
(c) The Department will further prioritize selection of buildings meeting the criteria in paragraph (a) and paragraph (b) of this section in consultation with the New York City Fire Department.
(d) The group of buildings selected for the annual self-closing door inspection program pursuant to this section shall not include any building that:
(1) is currently the subject of a court order appointing or a proceeding brought by the Department seeking the appointment of an administrator pursuant to Article 7-A of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law;
(2) has been included in the alternative enforcement program pursuant to § 27-2153 of the Administrative Code and has not been discharged from such program;
(3) is currently active in and is the subject of an order under the Underlying Conditions Program;
(4) has been inspected by the Department under the annual self-closing door inspection program provided in these rules within the last five years; or
(5) has had an inspection of a public part, as defined in Administrative Code § 27-2004(20), by the Department within the three years preceding selection for inspection, including, but not limited to, such inspections conducted by specialized enforcement program units within the Department.
(e) The Department will send a notice to the registered owner or managing agent of any building selected for inspection pursuant to this section regarding the selection of the building and the requirement that self-closing doors must be maintained and kept in good repair.
(Added City Record 8/4/2023, eff. 9/3/2023)
Subchapter Q: List of All Violations Classified as Rent Impairing
The Department of Housing Preservation and Development has promulgated the following as a complete list of violations, currently classified as rent impairing under Multiple Dwelling Law, § 302-a. The list contains a brief description of the conditions constituting the violations, the section of the Multiple Dwelling Law or Housing Maintenance Code violated and the order number now assigned thereto by the Department of Rent and Housing Maintenance.
Order No. | Description | Section of Multiple Dwelling Law or Housing Maintenance Code |
Order No. | Description | Section of Multiple Dwelling Law or Housing Maintenance Code |
51 | Discontinue the storage of combustible materials | § 12, M.D. Law |
69 | Discontinue use unless and until an approved application is filed and a certificate of occupancy is obtained | § 61, M.D. Law |
72 | Discontinue the manufacturing business | § 61, M.D. Law |
80 | Provide legal second means of egress and file application for approval before work | § 231, M.D. Law |
81 | Provide a sprinkler system or a legal second means of egress and file application for approval before doing this work | § 187, M.D. Law |
81B | Provide sprinkler heads in all class B rooms and file application for approval before doing this work | § 194, M.D. Law |
135 | Close the unnecessary opening in fire escape | §§ 53, 187, 231, M.D. Law |
142 | Brace and support balcony with suitable tie rods or suspension rods | §§ 53, 187, 231, M.D. Law |
176 | Provide means of egress from yard to street by a fireproof passageway for which application must be filed for approval, or by an unlocked door or gate in fence to the adjoining premises with consent of adjacent owner | §§ 53, 187, 231, M.D. Law |
181 | Provide a fireproof passageway from fire escapes at rear to street and file application for approval before doing this work | § 53, 187, 231, M.D. Law |
188 | Properly fire retard in accordance with the rules and regulations of this department the cellar ceiling | § 185, 240, M.D. Law |
209 | Remove door from closet leading to scuttle opening in roof | § 233, M.D. Law |
213 | Seal with fire retarding material or provide with fireproof self-closing door and assembly the opening leading from store to public hall | § 61, M.D. Law |
214 | Remove sash in partition between rooms and public hall and seal opening with material similar to adjacent wall | § 189(5), M.D. Law |
222 | Provide under completed permit, a proper enclosure with fireproof self-closing doors and assemblies at the top and the bottom of the cellar stairs | § 242, M.D. Law |
494 | Requires the filing of plans and compliance with § 67 of the Multiple Dwelling Law for heretofore erected existing multiple dwellings | § 4, 8, 25, 67, M.D. Law |
503 | Make safe by properly repairing the structural defect | § 27-2005 |
507 | Repair the roof so that it will not leak | § 27-2005 |
511 | Repair and operate the gas appliance so as to prevent carbon monoxide | § 27-2005 |
512 | Fire escape defective. Replace with new the broken, defective and/or missing | § 27-2005 |
513 | Fire escape defective. Adjust the drop-ladder so that it will slide easily in the guide rods | § 27-2005 |
514 | Fire escape defective. Properly secure | § 27-2005 |
516 | Fire escape defective. Reset the braces of the brackets so that they will bear against the wall | § 27-2005 |
517 | Fire escape defective. Remove and replace with new the broken and defective bracket and leave all anchorages uncovered for inspection | § 27-2005 |
518 | Fire escape defective. Replace with 2 x 1/2 inch iron or bar at foot of gooseneck ladder | § 27-2005 |
519 | Fire escape defective. Remove or make safe the additional fire escape | § 27-2005 |
520 | Fire escape defective. Remove the additional dangerous, inadequate fire escape | § 27-2005 |
523 | Fire escape defective. Restore egress by locking device and arrange to open readily the gate in fence at lot line | |
524 | Fire egress defective. Remove the obstruction in fireproof passageway | |
526 | Remove the illegal fastening at roof, bulkhead door, scuttle cover, etc. | |
538 | Remove all encumbrances | |
551 | Cleanse and disinfect to the satisfaction of this department after removing the sewage, etc. | |
567 | Abate the nuisance consisting of rodents | § 27-2018 |
576 | Provide adequate supply of cold water for the fixtures | § 27-2024 |
577 | Provide adequate supply of hot water for the fixtures | § 27-2024 |
578 | Repair the leaky and/or defective water supply pipe | § 27-2026 |
580 | Provide adequate tight cover made of metal or wood covered with metal for tank supply tank on roof | § 27-2024 |
581 | Empty and thoroughly cleanse the interior sides and bottom of water supply tank on roof | § 27-2024 |
586 | Provide a separate house sewer and house drain properly connected to plumbing system of the building and to main sewer and file an application for approval before doing this work | § 27-2026 |
587 | Remove cesspool and all sewage saturated earth, disinfect site and fill with fresh earth. Connect plumbing system of building to main sewer by installing house sewer and drain. File application for approval before doing this work | § 27-2026 |
590 | Requires a separate water closet for each family within old-law tenement buildings | § 27-2066 |
592 | Replace with new the defective flush pipe of water closet | § 27-2026 |
593 | Repair the flushing apparatus and maintain same so as to flush effectively the water closet | § 27-2026 |
594 | Repair leaky water closet flush pipe connection | § 27-2026 |
595 | Remove all obstructions from water closet | § 27-2026 |
596 | Replace the broken or defective plumbing facility | § 27-2026 |
599 | Repair by closing so as to be gas-tight all openings | § 27-2026 |
600 | Provide a proper screw cap for the clean-out of trap | § 27-2026 |
646 | Properly close and seal opening as described below | § 27-2026 |
647 | Properly close and seat the hub opening after removing the disused broken or defective | § 27-2026 |
648 | Properly ream out, tap and plug, with screw plugs, the holes | § 27-2026 |
649 | Remove all obstructions and repair all defects | § 27-2026 |
665 | Install central heating system or, if lawfully feasible, individual space heaters, and file an application for approval before doing work | § 27-2028 |
666 | Provide an adequate supply of heat for the apartment | § 27-2029 |
668 | Repair and operate the heating appliance so as to prevent coal gas | § 27-2030 |
669 | Install central hot water system or, if feasible individual hot water heaters and file an application for approval before doing work | § 27-2031 |
670 | Provide hot water at all hot water fixtures | § 27-2031 |
675 | Requires discontinuance of illegal space or hot water heater or obtain approval for use | |
677 | Discontinue the use of the gas fired refrigerator | § 27-2035 |
680 | Provide adequate lighting for the laundry | |
682 | Provide adequate lighting for public halls and stairs, etc. | § 27-2038 |
695 | Remove unlawful sash in partition separating apartment from public hall and seal opening with fire retarded material | § 27-2044 |
696 | Properly fire-retarded in accordance with the rules and regulations of this department, the cellar ceiling | § 27-2044 |
710 | File with the borough chief inspector of this department a sprinkler test report for the current year | § 27-2050 |
714 | Seal in open position the O.S.Y. valve of the sprinkler system in accordance with the rules and regulations of this department | § 27-2050 |
716 | Provide a manager who shall be responsible for the conduct, operation and maintenance of premises and who shall live on premises or be regularly present therein | § 27-2051 |
721 | Provide dwelling with a janitor or responsible person or janitorial service | § 27-2053 |
741 | Discontinue unlawful cooking space or file plans and application with this department to legalize same, if lawfully feasible | § 27-2070 |
742 | Provide an adequate supply of gas to the fixtures | § 27-2070 |
753 | Requires the discontinuance of unlawful use for single room occupancy | |
768 | Requires a certificate of occupancy be obtained before a vacant or vacated building can be reoccupied for living purposes | § 27-2089 |
772 | File with this department a registration and occupancy statement of building | § 27-2098 |
773 | File with this department a telephone number at which the owner or a responsible person can be reached at all hours in the event of an emergency | § 27-2098 |
774 | File with the department a written designation for change in managing agent of building | § 27-2101 |
775 | File with the department registration statement for change of ownership of building | § 27-2099 |