§ 25-121 Signs Indicating Floors in Multiple Dwellings Pursuant to § 27-2047 Administrative Code.
(a) Signs may be posted or painted and may consist of numerals or letters only.
(b) Numerals or letters shall be not less than three inches in height and except for the numeral one (1), shall be not less than two inches in width and shall be sufficiently large to be easily read.
(c) Numerals or letters shall be of a color which will contrast with the background. The numerals or letters may or may not be fixed to other material.
(d) Lighting shall be sufficient to make the signs legible at all times. Lighting within the sign or in back of the sign shall not be required if other illumination is sufficient to make the sign legible.
(e) Signs shall be durable and shall be substantially secured to the walls.
(f) The superintendent may vary the provisions of these rules where strict compliance would produce unnecessary hardship, provided the intent of the law and rules is obtained.
Subchapter K: House Numbers
(a) On each building erected or altered after the effective date of these rules there shall be affixed in a conspicuous location at or near the main entrance of a building, the house number of the building.
(b) House numbers shall be of such size and shall be so located as to be clearly visible from the public sidewalk during daylight hours. Where the building is remote from the sidewalk, the number of the building and a directional arrow indicating the building location shall be provided in addition to the conspicuous number at the entrance to the building.
(c) House numbers shall be constructed of durable material and shall be maintained in such condition as to be readily visible as required by subdivision (b) of this section.
Subchapter L: Measuring Floor Area of Public Halls, Stairs, Fire-Stairs and Fire-Towers in Multiple Dwellings to Determine Lighting Requirements