a. Subject to any stricter minimum lighting requirement that may be applicable pursuant to the multiple dwelling law, in every multiple dwelling and tenant-occupied two-family dwelling light from electric lighting fixtures and daylight shall in the aggregate provide an illumination level of no less than one foot-candle, measured at the floor level, throughout all public hallways, stairs, fire stairs, and fire towers at all times of the day and night and throughout common laundry rooms at all times that such rooms are occupied. The owner shall install, position, operate and maintain sufficient electric lighting fixtures to assure that the required illumination level is maintained.
b. The owner of a multiple dwelling shall keep electric lighting fixtures on continuously, during the day as well as at night, in every fire stair and fire tower and in every stairway and public hall with no window opening on a street, court, yard, space above a setback or shaft supplying sufficient illumination to maintain the required illumination level during the daylight hours.
c. Photosensor lighting controls may be used to control electric lighting fixtures in public halls and stairs according to the amount of daylight available provided that the level of illumination required by subdivision a of this section is maintained at all times and the switch controllers are equipped for fail-safe operation ensuring that if the sensor or control fails, the lighting levels will be at the levels required by subdivision a of this section.
d. Automatic, occupant sensor or photosensor lighting controls may be used to operate lighting fixtures in common laundry rooms, provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied:
1. the switch controllers are equipped for fail-safe operation ensuring that if the sensor or control fails, the lighting levels will be at the levels required by subdivision a of this section;
2. for occupant sensors, the illumination times are set for a maximum thirty minute duration; and
3. for occupant sensors, the sensor is activated by any occupant movement in the area served by the lighting fixtures.
e. For the purposes of this section the term "photosensor" means a device that detects the presence of visible light and the term "occupant sensor" means a device that detects the presence or absence of people within an area and causes lighting to be regulated accordingly.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2010/052.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2010/052.
a. The owner of a multiple dwelling shall install and maintain one or more lights at or near the outside of the front entrance way of the building which shall in the aggregate provide not less than one hundred watts incandescent illumination or its equivalent for a building with a frontage up to twenty-two feet, and two hundred watts incandescent illumination or its equivalent or a building with a frontage in excess of twenty-two feet. In the case of a multiple dwelling with a frontage in excess of twenty-two feet and front entrance doors with a combined width in excess of five feet, the owners shall install at least two lights, one on each side of the entrance way, with an aggregate illumination of three hundred watts incandescent illumination or its equivalent. If the minimum level of illumination is maintained, the owner may determine details of location, design and installation of lighting fixtures, subject, however, to regulations of the department with respect to the maximum height above or distance from the entrance way of such fixtures, and the electrical and other safety of their installation. The lights required by this subdivision shall be kept burning from sunset on each day to sunrise on the day following.
b. The owner of a multiple dwelling shall install and maintain in every yard and court one or more lights of at least one hundred watts of incandescent illumination or its equivalent, in such locations as the department may prescribe. The lights required by this subdivision shall be kept burning from sunset on each day to sunrise on the day following.
Article 11: Protective Devices and Fire Protection