(a) Prior to the expected arrival of a weather emergency, when a natural disaster event occurs, or after being informed about a utility outage in a building which is expected to last for more than twenty-four hours, the owner of a residential dwelling where at least one dwelling unit is not occupied by the owner, must post a sign in a common area of the building accessible to all occupants in at least 11 point type. Such sign should be updated by the owner as needed, and must be removed after the weather emergency, natural disaster, or utility outage has ended. Such sign should be substantially in the following form:
ALL EMERGENCIES: Building Personnel Contacts Name:________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
ALL EMERGENCIES: Building Personnel Contacts Name:________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
In An Emergency 911: Emergencies Call 911 when you are in immediate danger, there is a fire on the premises, you witness a crime in progress, or if you have a serious injury or life-threatening medical condition.
Contacting the City 311: City Information Call 311 (TTY: 212-504-4115) or visit www.nyc.gov when you need access to non-emergency services or information about City government programs. Do not call 311 for emergencies. If you have special needs and need assistance to evacuate, contact the City at 311. Persons with special needs may also find information on line at the Office of Emergency Management's website: www.nyc.gov/oem.
To Report a Utility Outage Con Edison 24-hour hotline: 800-752-6633 (TTY: 800-642-2308) LIPA 24-hour hotline: 800-490-0075 (TTY: 631-755-6660) National Grid 24-hour hotline: 718-643-4050 (TTY: 718-237-2857)
__ Not applicable, OR
__ During the current utility outage, the following services will be provided to building occupants:
__ drinking water
__ this building utilizes a water pump – please conserve water by:________________________________________
__ corridor, egress and common area lighting
__ fire safety and protection
__ elevator service
__ cell phone chargers are located at:________________________________________
__ hot water
__ heat
__ Air conditioning
__ Not applicable, OR
__ This building IS NOT located in an emergency evacuation zone; or
__ This building IS located in emergency evacuation zone number________________________________________.
__ The nearest designated evacuation center is located at:________________________________________
__ Not applicable, OR
__ All non-permanent objects such as furniture and flower pots must be removed from the roof, balconies, and any other outside platform or window.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (Owners may add any additional information here)