a. The owner of a dwelling shall grade and maintain the grading of all roofs, terraces, shafts, courts, yards, and other open spaces on the lot, and shall provide and maintain unobstructed drainage from these areas and spaces through a drain connected to a street storm-water main or combined sewer and street storm-water main. In the absence of a street storm-water main or combined sewer and street storm-water main, the department may permit the storm water from such areas to drain into a street gutter leading to a natural channel, water course, or dry well.
b. The owner of a dwelling shall provide and maintain drainage from all roofs to carry off storm water, to prevent it from dripping to the ground, or from causing dampness in walls, ceilings, and open spaces.
c. The department may require the owner of a dwelling to surface shafts, courts, yards, and other open spaces on the lot with concrete, and to pitch the surfaces of such areas towards a sewer-connected drain or other adequate drainage system, except that, with respect to private dwellings, the department may permit the surfacing of such areas with bituminous aggregate or other similar material.
d. The owner of a dwelling may plant grass, sod, shrubs, trees and other vegetation in yards and courts, unless the department orders its removal because in its opinion such vegetation interferes with proper drainage, light, ventilation, or egress.
Article 8: Heat and Hot Water
Except as otherwise provided in this article, every multiple dwelling and every tenant-occupied one or two-family dwelling shall be provided with heat from a central heating system constructed in accordance with the provisions of the building code and the regulations of the department. A system of gas or electric heating provided for each dwelling unit may, if approved by the department, be utilized in lieu of a central heating system if:
(1) the system is lawfully in use on July fourteenth, nineteen hundred sixty-seven; or
(2) the system is approved by the appropriate city agencies having jurisdiction and is installed in a structure or building erected, converted, substantially rehabilitated, or completely vacated, after July fourteenth, nineteen hundred sixty-seven.
a. During the period from October first through May thirty-first, centrally-supplied heat, in any dwelling in which such heat is required to be provided, shall be furnished so as to maintain, in every portion of such dwelling used or occupied for living purposes:
(1) between the hours of six a.m. and ten p.m., a temperature of at least sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit whenever the outside temperature falls below fifty-five degrees; and
(2) between the hours of ten p.m. and six a.m., a temperature of at least sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
b. During the period from October first through May thirty-first, all central heating systems required under this article shall be maintained free of any device which shall cause or which is capable of causing an otherwise operable central heating system to become incapable of providing the minimum requirements of heat or hot water as required by this article for any period of time. This subdivision shall not apply to any safety device required by law, or by a rule or regulation of any city agency, to be used in conjunction with a central heating system.
(Am. L.L. 2017/086, 5/30/2017, eff. 10/1/2017)