In addition to other duties imposed upon him or her by this code, no tenant, or any other person, shall:
a. Remove or render inoperative any self-closing device on any door which is required by any provision of law to be self-closing, or cause or permit such door to be held open by any device;
b. Use, or cause or permit to be installed, a lowered door or screen door in addition to or in place of any required self-closing door to a public hall;
c. Place any encumbrance before or upon, or cause access to be obstructed to, any fire escape, or obstruct by a baby carriage or any encumbrance, the public halls or any required means of egress;
d. Take down, alter, destroy, or in any way deface any sign required by this code to be displayed.
e. Remove or render inoperative any shower head installed by the owner which meets the standards of subdivision P. 104.2 of section P. 104.0 of reference standard RS-16 of the appendix to chapter one of this title.