(a) Any person proposed for appointment as an administrator pursuant to Article 7-A of the Real Property Actions and Proceedings Law shall, prior to appointment:
(1) be a graduate of the 7-A Training Program administered by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development and submit to a review by the Inspector General of the Department in relation to matters which are within the jurisdiction of such Inspector General, or
(2) if such person is not a graduate of such Program, possess experience which, in the discretion of the Department, warrants appointment as an administrator and such person submits to a review by the Inspector General of the Department in relation to matters which are within the jurisdiction of such Inspector General, or
(3) if such person is not a graduate of such Program and if such person does not possess experience which warrants appointment as an administrator, consents in good faith as a condition for such appointment to enroll in and graduate from such Program and such person submits to a review by the Inspector General of the Department in relation to matters which are within the jurisdiction of such Inspector General.
(b) For the purposes of subdivision (a) of this section, the evaluation of the "experience" of such person may include, but is not limited to, consideration of the ownership or management history of residential property by such person, whether such person served previously as a 7-A administrator or as a manager of City-owned property and, if such person was previously a 7-A administrator, the date or dates of prior appointments, compliance with prior Court orders of appointment, compliance with reporting requirements of the Department's 7-A Counseling and Assistant Unit, and such other indicators of experience which may be contained in the records of the Department.