The owner of every multiple dwelling shall have the area, where the building's heating system is located, readily accessible to members of the department to make inspections pursuant to the Housing Maintenance Code. In the event such area is kept under lock, a key shall be kept on the premises at all times with such person as the owner shall designate; however, if there is a person residing on the premises who performs janitorial services, such person shall hold the key. The owner shall post two notices naming such designated person and his location.
The notices in 28 RCNY § 16-01 above:
(a) shall read: Key to heating system area lock is located at ________________________________________;
(b) shall designate the apartment and person in possession of the key;
(c) shall have letters not less than three-sixteenths of an inch in height;
(d) shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the required lettering and to provide a margin of not less than one-fourth inch about the lettering on all sides;
(e) the letters and the background of the notice shall be of contrasting colors;
(f) shall be of metal, plastic or decal;
(g) shall be placed preferably over the mailboxes but, in any case, shall be conspicuously displayed in a prominent location in the entrance hall; a second notice shall be placed on the entrance door of the locked area where the building's heating system is located;
(h) shall be between 6 feet and 8 feet above the floor;
(i) shall be maintained free of damage or defacement.