For purposes of this chapter:
(a) "Authorized Certifier" shall mean a person authorized to certify correction of violations of the Housing Maintenance Code pursuant to subdivision (f) of § 27-2115 of such Code.
(b) "Electronic Certification" shall mean an electronic form and any other forms or affidavits required to certify correction of a violation of the Housing Maintenance Code pursuant to subdivision (f) of § 27-2115 of such Code.
(c) "Housing Maintenance Code" shall mean Chapter 2 of Title 27 of the Administrative Code.
(d) "HPD" shall mean the Department of Housing Preservation and Development of the City of New York or its successor.
(a) An Authorized Certifier may certify correction of violations of the Housing Maintenance Code to HPD electronically, pursuant to this chapter, after enrolling in the Electronic Certification program, provided, however, that Electronic Certification may not be used to certify correction of any violation of Article 14 of Subchapter 2 of the Housing Maintenance Code.
(b) To enroll in the Electronic Certification program or to change any information connected to an existing enrollment, an Authorized Certifier shall submit an application to HPD. Such application shall be submitted both electronically and by mail, in such form as HPD shall approve. The copy submitted by mail shall include a notarized signature. Such form shall require the Authorized Certifier to provide a telephone number and e-mail address for the purpose of receiving a single-use transaction identification code from HPD. HPD shall approve only one Authorized Certifier for each dwelling registered pursuant to the Housing Maintenance Code.
(c) An Authorized Certifier who has been approved for enrollment in the Electronic Certification program will receive a user ID and password for submission of Electronic Certifications. An Authorized Certifier shall protect such user ID and password to ensure against unauthorized use. Such unauthorized use or the submission of a false Electronic Certification may result in revocation of such enrollment and may subject such Authorized Certifier to applicable fines and penalties, including fines and penalties under the Housing Maintenance Code.
(d) Only one certification, whether electronic or by mail, for any one or group of violations may be submitted to HPD. The submission date of an Electronic Certification shall be the date that such certification is electronically time stamped by HPD. The submission date of a mailed certification shall be the postmark date. Where more than one certification is submitted, the certification that has the earliest date shall be the only certification accepted by HPD.
(e) An Authorized Certifier shall be required to inform HPD if there have been any changes that would require a new enrollment in the Electronic Certification program, such as a change in any person or entity that is an Authorized Certifier for such building, or any other changes in information provided in connection with an existing enrollment, such as a change in the Authorized Certifier's telephone number or e-mail address. The existing enrollment shall continue and remain active as long as the building remains validly registered and no changes to the Authorized Certifier enrollment information have been submitted to HPD. Where the Authorized Certifier notifies HPD that there are any such changes, either a new application shall be filed pursuant to subdivision b of this section or the Authorized Certifier shall provide any changed information in accordance with the instructions of HPD. Failure to register a dwelling pursuant to the Housing Maintenance Code, or to notify HPD regarding a change in ownership or management of such dwelling, shall result in revocation of such enrollment.