Subchapter A: [Reserved]
Subchapter B: Rights of Tenants and Termination of Tenancies
City. "City" shall mean the City of New York.
City-approved lease. "City-approved lease" shall mean a form of lease, approved by an authorized official of HPD, and containing such other approvals of City officials as are, from time-to-time, required.
City-owned building. "City-owned building" shall mean any building owned by the City and assigned to HPD for management.
DAMP. "DAMP" shall mean the Division of Alternative Management Programs.
DAMP Lessee. "DAMP Lessee" shall mean a person or entity with whom HPD has entered a lease for the management of buildings under any DAMP program.
DSS. "DSS" shall mean the Department of Social Services of the Human Resources Administration of the City.
Guest. "Guest" shall mean any person entering the building with the consent of the Tenant.
HPD. "HPD" shall mean the Department of Housing Preservation and Development of the City.
Lease term. "Lease term" shall mean one month.
Occupant. "Occupant" shall mean any person other than a Tenant occupying an apartment.
Occupied building. "Occupied building" shall mean a City-owned building, occupied by Tenants.
Rules. "Rules" shall mean these rules.
Tenant. "Tenant" shall mean an authorized residential tenant of record occupying a dwelling unit in a City-owned building pursuant to a lease with the City or with a DAMP Lessee. Other residential occupants such as squatters and licensees are not Tenants. Nonresidential tenants or occupants, such as those who occupy space for retail, commercial, manufacturing, or community facility purposes, are not Tenants.