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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
§ 25-162 Installation of Two 50 Watt Lights at Front Entrance Way.
   (a)   All electrical work shall be done in accordance with the requirements and approval of the Department of Buildings.
   (b)   The installation shall be a separate circuit or connected to the house line servicing the public halls.
   (c)   The lights shall be encased in a metal guard or shatterproof globe.
   (d)   The lights of at least 50 watts of incandescent or equivalent illumination shall be placed on each side of the front entrance-way at a height of between 7 to 11 feet above floor level adjacent to such entrance-way and adequate to light same.
§ 25-163 Installation of Viewing Mirrors in Self-Service Elevators.
   (a)   Mirrors shall be made of polished metal.
   (b)   Mirrors shall be of such size and so located on the car wall opposite the car entrance so that a person entering the elevator may have a complete view of the interior of the car. It shall not be necessary to provide a view of the floor and ceiling.
   (c)   The mirror shall be so located as not to interfere with or endanger passengers in the elevator.
   (d)   Mirrors shall be mounted and secured so that they cannot be readily removed by the public.
§ 25-164 Installation of Lights in Rear Yards, Side Yards, Front Yards and Courts.
   (a)   All electrical work shall be done in accordance with requirements and approval of the Department of Buildings.
   (b)   The installation shall be a separate circuit or connected to the house line servicing the public halls.
   (c)   The light or lights, of at least 40 watts of incandescent or equivalent illumination, shall be placed so as not to create a nuisance.
   (d)   The lights shall be so located as to adequately light all portions of the rear yards, side yards, front yards and courts.
   (e)   Lights are not required in an inner court that is accessible only from the interior of the building and to which access is restricted for clean-out purposes.
Subchapter O: Fire-Retarding of Entrance Halls, Stair Halls and Public Halls In Old Law Tenements and Converted Dwellings
§ 25-171 Fire-Retarding of Entrance Halls, Stair Halls and Public Halls in Old Law Tenements and Converted Dwellings.
   (a)   Intent. The fire-retarding rules herewith set forth are approved by the Department of Buildings for old law tenements and converted dwellings where their entrance halls, stair halls and public halls are required, by § 189, subdivisions 1 and 4, § 238, subdivision 4, and § 218, subdivisions 5 and 6, Multiple Dwelling Law, and § 27-2044, Housing Maintenance Code, to be fire-retarded in a manner approved by the Department of Buildings.
      (1)   All entrance halls, stair halls and public halls, including service halls and stairs, shall be fire-retarded to the extent required by the Multiple Dwelling Law and the Multiple Dwelling Code and the Housing Maintenance Code.
      (2)   It is the intent that all wood structural members of partitions, ceilings and stair soffits shall be completely protected with fire-retarding materials where they may be exposed to fire in entrance, stair and public halls. To this extent these rules and regulations cover only general conditions and are not designed to cover specific or special cases. Where such may occur the owner is required to consult the Department of Buildings and receive instructions before work is started.
      (3)   Where existing dumbwaiter shafts are located in, or open on public halls which are required to be fire-retarded, such dumbwaiter shafts, when not constructed of fireproof or fire-retarding materials, shall be fire-retarded on the inner side, from the lowest story to the roof inclusive, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of this section or paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of this section, except in cellar where such shafts shall be enclosed with fireproof materials. All doors opening from such dumbwaiter shafts shall be self-closing, and doors and assemblies when of wood or other non-fireproof construction shall be lined on both sides with No. 26 U.S. gauge metal, except in cellar where doors and assemblies shall have a fire-resistive of at least one (1) hour.
      (4)   It is not intended that these rules and regulations in themselves require plans to be filed. However, should any work involve structural changes, then plans are required to be filed in the Department of Buildings and such changes shall be subject to all other Rules and Regulations applicable thereto.
      (5)   Work shall not commence until satisfactory evidence has been submitted to the Department of Buildings that compensation insurance has been obtained in accordance with the provisions of the Workmen's Compensation Law. It is the intent of 238, subdivision 4, Multiple Dwelling Law, that every entrance hall, public hall and stair hall in every old law tenement four stories or more in height shall be fire-retarded. Every old law tenement three stories and a basement, or three stories, basement and cellar in height shall be deemed to be four stories in height when the main entrance from the grade is to the basement, and every entrance hall, public hall and stair hall in such building shall be fire-retarded. In old law tenements where the entrance halls, public halls and stair halls are required to be fire-retarded, existing wood stairs shall be fire-retarded in conformity with the requirements of these rules and regulations, whether or not such halls had been fire-retarded in accordance with plans filed with and approved by the former Tenement House Department or Department of Buildings, prior to the enactment of subdivision 4 of § 238 of the Multiple Dwelling Law.
   (b)   Partitions. All existing partitions separating from entrance halls, stair halls and public halls, or otherwise forming enclosing partitions of entrance halls, stair halls and public halls, shall be fire-retarded by any one of the following methods:
      (1)   Metal lath and cement of gypsum mortar. Completely remove all existing materials to face of studs or other structural members on hall side of partitions and recover with metal lath and two coats of cement of gypsum mortar. If cement mortar is used it shall be three-quarters inch (3/4") thick, if gypsum mortar is used it shall be one inch (1") thick. The second coat of mortar shall not be applied until the first coat has thoroughly set and in no case shall the second coat be applied on the same day that the first coat of mortar is applied. In lieu of the above method, completely remove all combustible materials from plaster face of partitions on hall side and repair existing plaster. After inspection, cover existing plaster with herringbone or similar approved type metal lath with rigid rib reinforcement to provide good bond between new and existing plaster. Cover lath with two coats (scratch and brown) of cement of gypsum mortar as above. The first coat of cement mortar (scratch) shall be composed of one (1) part of Portland cement to one and one-half (1 1/2) parts of sand, with an additional volume of hydrated lime not greater than ten (10) percent of the volume of Portland cement. The second coat (brown) shall be composed of one (1) part of Portland cement to three parts (3) of sand, with an additional volume of hydrated lime not greater than ten (10) percent of the volume of Portland cement. The first coat (scratch) of gypsum mortar shall be composed of one (1) part of gypsum to one (1) part of sand. The second coat (brown) of gypsum mortar shall be composed of one (1) part of gypsum to one and one-half (1 1/2) parts of sand.
      (2)   Plaster boards and gypsum mortar or stamped metal. Completely remove all existing materials to face of studs or other structural members on hall side of partitions and recover with plaster boards or perforated rock lath three-eights inch (3/8") thick, covered with two coats of gypsum mortar (scratch and brown) so that the aggregate thickness shall be at least one inch (1"), or in lieu thereof, recover same with plaster boards one-half inch (1/2") thick, covered with No. 26 U.S. gauge stamped metal. In lieu of the above method, completely remove all combustible material from plaster face of partitions on hall side and repair existing plaster. After inspection, plaster boards or perforated rock lath may be applied directly over the existing plaster face of partitions on hall side. Cover plaster boards or perforated rock lath with two coats of gypsum mortar as above, or plaster boards may be covered with No. 26 U.S. gauge stamped metal.
      (3)   Mineral wool. Fill solidly between partition uprights, from underside of flooring to ceiling with mineral wool blown in place by the pneumatic method, packed solidly to fill all spaces and voids.
      (4)   Brick, gypsum, etc. Fill solidly between partition uprights from underside of flooring to ceiling with brick, gypsum, or other acceptable material packed solidly to fill all spaces and voids. Where brick, gypsum, or other masonry material is intended to be used, application must be filed before installation with the Department of Buildings for approval of strength of existing members intended to support the proposed masonry fire-retarding.
      (5)   Other methods. No other method may be used unless same is acceptable to the Department of Buildings.
      (6)   Removal of windows in public hall partitions. When windows in walls or partitions are removed, both sides of the openings shall be sealed with fire-retarding materials, except that wood lath and plaster may be used on the room side of the opening when the existing surface of the room is constructed of wood lath and plaster.
      (7)   Electric meters. Where direct current (DC) electric meters of public utility companies are present or installed on partitions of public halls the fire-retarding shall continue unbroken behind the meters or the meters shall be mounted on a heavy slate back or non-magnetic fireproof equivalent, such as transite, asbestos board, etc., against which fire-retarding finished up tightly.
      (8)   Partitions in class B converted dwellings. Where fire-retarding is required in any class B converted dwelling referred to in paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of this section, both sides of all enclosure partitions of entrance halls, stair halls and public halls throughout such building shall be fire-retarded in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) or (4) of subdivision (b) of this section.
      (9)   Partitions in altered old law tenements. In any old law tenement where the occupancy is increased on any story, the enclosing partitions of any entrance hall, stair hall or public hall on the story where the occupancy has been increased, shall be fire-retarded on both sides. Such requirements shall apply only to the walls of the entrance hall, stair hall or public hall adjoining the altered apartment. The enclosing partitions of such halls other than those adjoining the altered apartment, and the partitions on any story where the occupancy has not been increased, shall be fire-retarded on the hall side. The method of fire-retarding shall be as set forth in paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (b) of this section, or said partitions shall be fire-retarded in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) or (4) of subdivision (b) of this section.
      (10)   Newly constructed partitions. In any entrance hall, stair hall or public hall where any partition or part thereof is newly constructed, and where the plaster has been removed from any partition or part thereof, such partition shall be fire-retarded on both sides.
   (c)   Ceilings. Any approved method for fire-retarding partitions shall be acceptable for fire-retarding ceilings, provided that all existing materials are completely removed to face of joists. Mineral wool, brick gypsum or other masonry fill will not be accepted.
      (1)   Where any entrance hall, public hall or stair hall, or any other portion thereof, in any part of any old law tenement or converted dwelling is required to be fire-retarded that portion of any ceiling directly underneath any such entrance hall, public hall or stair hall shall be fire-retarded. Where such ceiling is located in any store, apartment or other space it shall also be fire-retarded as required for partitions by paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (b) of this section. Where the above method is impractical due to the existing ceiling construction in any such store, apartment or other space, the Department of Buildings may permit the fire-retarding of such ceilings to be applied from above by removing the floor of any such entrance hall, public hall or stair hall and installing between the floor beams, and directly against the ceiling below, a layer of heavy building paper over which there shall be placed a basket made of reinforced ribbed expanded metal lath weighing at least 3.4 pounds per square yard. Such basket shall be lined with Portland cement or gypsum mortar not less than one inch (1") in thickness. The building paper, metal lath and cement or gypsum mortar shall be carried at least halfway up on the sides of the beams. However, this method will not be accepted for the fire-retarding of any such ceiling located in a space used for a hazardous purpose or business, nor will it be accepted for the fire-retarding of any such ceiling located in the cellar or for the fire-retarding of any ceiling located in any store, apartment or other space when such ceiling is constructed of wood or of wood and metal applied directly to the beams. In such cases the ceilings shall be fire-retarded according to the requirements of paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (b) of this section.
   (d)   Existing wood stairs. Except where stairs of incombustible material are required in class B converted dwellings as set forth in paragraph (7) of subdivision (a) of this section, all wood railings, balustrades and newel posts shall be completely removed from every existing wood stairs and such stairs shall be provided with railings, balustrades and newel posts of metal or other hard incombustible material, of such size are secured in such manner to the existing stairs as may be approved by the Department of Buildings, except handrails may be hardwood. Soffits and stringers of existing wood stairs shall be fire-retarded in accordance with the methods set forth in subdivisions (e) and (f) of this section.
   (e)   Stair soffits. The soffits of every stair in every entrance hall, public hall, and stair hall, including any soffit extending beyond the enclosure partitions of any such hall, shall be fire-retarded. Any approved method for fire-retarding partitions shall be acceptable for fire-retarding stair soffits provided that all existing materials are completely removed to face of structural members of stair soffits.
   (f)   Fascia – stair and well. Fascia of outside stringer on rake of stairs, and well fascia at floor level, shall be fire-retarded their full depth to form complete seals with the soffits of stairs and ceilings of halls, respectively. Type of fire-retarding shall be one of those herein approved for ceilings of halls, or in lieu thereof, cover fascia with sheet asbestos not less than three-sixteenths inch (3/16") thick with joints well pointed over which there shall be an additional single layer of No. 26 U.S. gauge stamped metal or cover fascia with a single layer of No. 14 U.S. gauge steel.
   (g)   Fire-stopping. All partitions required to be fire-retarded shall be fire-stopped with incombustible material at floors, ceilings and roofs. Fire-stopping over partitions shall extend from the ceilings to the underside of the flooring or roofing above. Fire-stopping under partitions shall extend from the underside of flooring to ceiling below. All spaces between floor joints (directly over and under partitions) shall be completely filled the full depth of the joists. Any space from top of partition to underside of roof boarding shall be completely fire-stopped. Fire-stopping shall be done with brick, cinder concrete, gypsum, metal lath and Portland cement or gypsum mortar, mineral wool, or other materials acceptable to the Department of Buildings.
   (h)   Door openings. Except as provided in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subdivision, all door openings into any public hall, entrance hall or stair hall which required to be fire-retarded shall be equipped with self-closing protective assemblies having a fire resistive rating of at least one hour.
      (1)   In old law tenements where the number of apartments is not being increased, existing wood doors opening into public halls, entrance halls or stair halls may remain provided such doors are made to be self-closing ("butterfly" spring hinges are not acceptable) and, provided further, all glazed transoms and panels in every such door are glazed with wire glass. All such transoms shall be made stationary.
      (2)   Where, in any old law tenement, the number of apartments is being increased on one or more stories, door openings into public halls, entrance halls or stair halls on each story or stories shall be equipped with self-closing protective assemblies having a fire-resistive rating of at least one hour. In such old law tenements existing wood doors opening into public halls, entrance halls or stair halls may remain on any story where there is no increase in the number of apartments, provided such doors and every transom and panel in same are made to conform to the requirements set forth in paragraph (1) of subdivision (h) of this section.
      (3)   All doors shall be properly fitted to their assemblies and there shall be no unnecessary spaces between doors and door bucks or saddles.
   (i)   Materials. All materials used in the process of fire-retarding shall be of a type and manufacture acceptable to the Department of Buildings. The following shall be considered as minimum requirements:
      (1)   Metal lath. Metal lath shall weigh at least 30 pounds per square yard, except lath used over existing plaster which lath shall weigh at least 3.4 pounds per square yard and be reinforced with rigid ribs not less than three eights inch (3/8") deep, spaced not more than eight (8") on center running full length of sheets. Where ribs exceed 4.8 inches on center, same shall have at least one intermediate one eight inch (1/8") inverted rib running the full length of sheets. Metal lath fastened to stubs shall be attached at least at six inch (6") intervals with 4-penny nails or one inch (1") roofing nails or No. 14 steel wire gauge wire staples, and to wood joists by at least 6-penny nails, one and one-quarter inch (1 1/4") roofing nails, or one inch (1") No. 14 steel wire gauge wire staples. When metal lath is applied over existing plastered surfaces, same shall be fastened with nails or staples of the same gauge and such nails or staples have anchorage of at least one-half inch (1/2")in studs and three-quarters inch (3/4") in joists. Laps between the studs or joists shall be securely tied or laced. Stiffened metal lath on wood studs, or joists, shall be nailed or stapled at least at eight inch (8") intervals, and the laps between studs similarly tied or laced. Metal lath shall be galvanized or painted.
      (2)   Plaster boards or perforated rock lath. Plaster boards or perforated rock lath shall be of type and manufacture acceptable to the Department of Buildings. Each board shall bear the name of manufacturer and brand stamped thereon for inspection after erection. Plaster boards or perforated rock lath nailed directly to wood studding or joists shall be fastened with one and one-eighth inches (1 1/8") wire nails of at least No. 13 steel wire gauge, with flat three-eighth inch (3/8") heads. When such boards are applied over existing plastered surfaces, same shall be fastened with nails of the same gauge and such nails shall have anchorage of at least one-half inch (1/2") in studs and three-quarters inch (3/4") in joists. The maximum space between nails shall be four inches (4"). The joints shall be broken at every other board. The wetting of such boards before plastering is forbidden.
      (3)   Stamped metal. Stamped metal shall be No. 26 U.S. gauge (equivalent thickness .018 inches or 3/160 inches) with one inch (1") lapped seams. Size of sheets shall be not more than twenty-four inches by ninety-six inches (24" x 96"), having a selvage consisting of a half-round bead sufficient to create a one inch (1") overlap at both seams. Nailing shall be secured direct to studs or joists with 6-penny smooth box nails (two inches (2") or No. 12 1/2" gauge) with nails on end seams spaced not more than three inches (3")apart. Nailing to plaster is forbidden and in all cases nails shall have anchorage of at least one-half inch (1/2") in studs and three-quarters inch (3/4") in joists. All beads at seam shall be chisel sealed, making a tight joint. All sheets shall be marked "26 U.S. Gauge" for identification and inspection after erection.
      (4)   Mineral wool. Mineral wool shall be of a type and manufacture acceptable to the Department of Buildings. Holes shall be cut approximately three inches (3") in diameter through the wood lath and plaster near the ceiling, in the panels between each two adjacent studs. As an alternative, holes may be cut approximately three inches by six inches (3" x 6") on every second stud. Check each stud panel with a weight and line to find out whether there is any obstruction. If any cross-bridging or other obstruction is encountered additional holes shall be cut until access has been gained to all open spaces within the stud panel in all specified partitions. Mineral wool shall then be blown into all spaces by the pneumatic method with air pressure sufficient to pack the insulation to a density acceptable to the Department of Buildings. Mineral wool for this work shall be in bags or containers marked with the manufacturer's name and label specifying its type.
      (5)   Other materials. No other material may be used unless same is acceptable to the Department of Buildings.
   (j)   Exceptions. Where any portion of any entrance hall, stair hall or public hall has been previously fire-retarded under the supervision of this department, the former Tenement House Department or various former Departments of Buildings, such fire-retarding will be accepted only to the extent that same has been previously approved, provided, however, that such entrance hall, stair hall or public hall is otherwise made to conform to all the requirements set forth in these rules.