a. As used in this section.
1. The term "land contour work" means clearing, grubbing, grading, filling or excavating vacant lots and other land areas but does not include minor work which does not change surface drainage patterns.
2. The term "clearing" means removing surface encumbrances from a land area, including but not limited to fences, trees, logs, stumps, brush, stones, vegetation and earth.
3. The term "grubbing" means the removal of root systems incident to surface growths of trees and vegetation.
4. The term "grading" means leveling, sloping, raising, lowering or otherwise changing the existing surface of land area.
5. The term "excavation" means removal of material, regardless of its nature, from below the existing ground surface.
6. The term "filling" means the deposition, leveling or compacting of organic or inorganic material at or in a vacant lot or land area for a purpose relating to the composition, contour, use, or proposed use of the land or for the purpose of disposing of material removed from another lot or land area.
b. It shall be unlawful for any person to perform or cause, procure, suffer or permit to be performed any land contour work, except as provided in subdivision c hereof, without a written permit from the commissioner.
c. Subdivision b hereof shall not apply:
1. To land contour work performed in connection with or in the course of the erection of one or more buildings or other structures or in connection with land uses pursuant to a permit therefor issued by the department of buildings, provided however that, (a) such permit specifically authorizes such land contour work, and (b) such land contour work is performed entirely within the lot lines of the building site for which such permit is issued. In such cases where water courses, drainage ditches, conduits or other means of carrying off water exist on the property and are to be altered or relocated, the commissioner of buildings shall consult with the commissioner of environmental protection concerning the means of disposal of surface water prior to issuance of a permit.
2. to land contour work which consists only of making improvements to a land area on which a one or two-family house already exists and which does not result in any change in the surface runoff pattern of such land area.
3. To land contour work for which a stormwater construction permit issued by the department of environmental protection is required pursuant to subchapter 2 of chapter 5-A of title 24 of the administrative code.
d. No condition shall be created or maintained as the result of land contour work that will interfere with existing drainage unless a substitute therefor is provided which is satisfactory to the commissioner and the commissioner of environmental protection in accordance with criteria established by such commissioners in consultation with the department of health and mental hygiene. Watercourses, drainage ditches, conduits and other like or unlike means of carrying off water or disposing of surface water shall not be obstructed by refuse, waste, building materials, earth, stones, tree stumps, branches or by any other means that may interfere with surface drainage or cause the impoundment of surface waters either within or without the area on which contour work is performed. All excavations shall be drained and the drainage maintained as long as the excavation continues or remains. Where necessary, pumping shall be used. Fill material shall consist of inert, inorganic matter. It shall be unlawful to deposit garbage, waste paper, lumber or other organic material in land fill. The provisions of this section shall not prevent placement of organic matter for fill by the department of sanitation in locations under the jurisdiction of such department. The commissioner shall have the power, in consultation with the commissioner of buildings to adopt rules concerning the type of material that may be used for fill on land not mapped as park land. The commissioner shall enforce compliance with the provisions hereof, and shall make immediate complaint to the corporation counsel of any violation thereof. In addition, the commissioner of buildings shall similarly enforce compliance with the provisions hereof with respect to any land contour work performed pursuant to a permit issued by the commissioner of buildings, and in addition thereto shall inform the department of any failure to comply with a department of buildings violation order relating to the provisions hereof.
e. 1. Whenever the department shall determine that a condition has been created, or has resulted by reason of land contour work which violates any provision of subdivision (d) hereof, the department may serve an order in the manner prescribed in paragraph two of this subdivision upon the owners of the land upon which such condition has been created or has occurred, to correct such condition within the time designated in such order. Upon the owner's failure to comply with any order of the department as and within the time specified therein by such department, such department may perform such work or cause the same to be performed, the cost of which shall be due and payable and shall constitute a lien upon the land to which such order pertains, when the amount thereof shall have been finally computed by such department and an entry of the amount thereof shall have been entered in the office of the city collector in the book in which such charges against the premises are to be entered. A notice thereof, stating the amount due and the nature of the charge shall be mailed by the city collector, within five days after such entry, to the last known address of the person whose name appears on the records in the office of the city collector as being the owner or agent or as the person designated by the owner to receive tax bills, or where no name appears, to the premises addressed to either the owner or agent. If such charge is not paid within ninety days from the date of entry, it shall be the duty of the city collector to collect and receive interest thereon at the rate that would be applicable to a delinquent tax on such property, to be calculated to the date of payment from the date of entry. Such charge and the interest thereon shall continue to be, until paid, a lien on the premises on which such work was performed. Such charge and interest shall be collected and the lien thereon may be foreclosed in the manner provided by law for the collection and foreclosure of the lien of taxes, sewer rents, sewer surcharges and water rents due and payable to the city, and the provisions of law applicable to the collection and foreclosure of the lien of such taxes, sewer rents, surcharges and water rents shall apply to such charge. The provisions of section 11-307 of the code applicable to the payment of assessments shall also apply to charges heretofore or hereafter established pursuant to this section.
2. Service of an order upon an owner pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be made personally upon such owner or by certified mail addressed to the last known address of the person whose name appears upon the records in the office of the city collector as being the owner of the premises or as the agent of such owner or as the person designated by the owner to receive the tax bills or, if no such name appears, to the address set forth as the address of the owner in the last recorded deed with respect to such premises. A copy of such order shall also be filed in the clerk's office of each county where the property is situated and shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises.
(Am. L.L. 2017/097, 5/30/2017, eff. 6/1/2019)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. Breaking or injuring. It shall be unlawful for any person to break or otherwise injure any street. There shall be no penalty for a violation of this section in case of an accidental breaking of or injury to a street which is repaired to the satisfaction of the commissioner, within forty-eight hours after such break or injury.
b. Defacing. Except as otherwise provided by law, it shall be unlawful for any person to deface any street by painting, printing or writing thereon, or attaching thereto, in any manner, any advertisement or other printed matter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
Notice to public service corporations. The person by whom or for whose benefit any excavation is to be made in any street shall give notice thereof in writing, to any corporation whose pipes, mains or conduits are laid in the street about to be disturbed by such excavation, at least forty-eight hours before commencing the same; and shall, at his or her expense, sustain, secure and protect such pipes, mains or conduits from injury, and replace and pack the earth wherever the same shall have been removed, loosened or disturbed, under or around them, so that they shall be well and substantially supported. If any such person shall fail to sustain, secure and protect such pipes, mains or conduits from injury, or to replace and pack the earth under or around them, as the provisions of this section require, then the same may be done by the corporation to whom the same may belong, and the cost thereof, and all damages sustained by such corporation thereby shall be paid by such person, and, in default thereof, such corporation may maintain an action against him therefor.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
All police officers shall be vigilant in the enforcement of the provisions of this subchapter and section 24-521 of the code and report, through proper channels, and violation thereof to the commissioner. Police officers, on observing or being informed of the opening of or excavating in any street, shall require the person making such opening or excavation to exhibit a permit therefor, and, if none has been given, or if the exhibition thereof be refused, the officer shall report the same to the commissioner.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
Any owner of property, upon obtaining a permit from the commissioner, may lay a sidewalk in front of such owner's premises, of such material and in such a manner as may be prescribed by such commissioner. Heating pipes or electric cables for the purpose of melting snow and ice may be incorporated in the construction of sidewalks with the approval of the commissioner.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
A person to whom a permit may be issued, to use or open a street, shall be required, before such permit may be issued, to agree that none but competent workers, skilled in the work required of them, shall be employed thereon, and that the prevailing scale of union wages shall be the prevailing wage for similar titles as established by the fiscal officer pursuant to section two hundred twenty of the labor law, paid to those so employed. No permit shall be issued until such agreement shall have been entered into with the department, and all such permits hereafter issued shall include therein a copy of this provision. When permits are issued to utility companies or their contractors, the power to enforce this provision shall be vested with the comptroller of the city of New York consistent with the provisions of section two hundred twenty of the labor law.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. Notice to public service corporations. Whenever any street shall be regulated or graded, in which the pipes, mains or conduits of public service corporations are laid, the contractor therefor shall give notice thereof in writing to such corporations, at least forty-eight hours before breaking ground therefor. Such provision shall be included in every contract for regulating or grading any street in which the pipes, mains or conduits of public service corporations shall be laid at the time of making such contract.
b. Public service corporations shall protect their property. Public service corporations whose pipes, mains or conduits are about to be disturbed by the regulating or grading of any street, shall, on the receipt of the notice provided for in the preceding subdivision, remove or otherwise protect and replace their pipes, mains and conduits, and all fixtures and appliances connected therewith or attached thereto, where necessary, under the direction of the commissioner.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. All persons having or proposing to install facilities in, on or over any street shall be responsible for reviewing the city's capital budget, capital plan and capital commitment plan. Such persons shall make provision to do any work, except emergency work, which requires the opening or use of any street prior to or during the construction of any capital project requiring resurfacing or reconstruction proposed in such budget or plan for such street.
b. No permit to use or open any street, except for emergency work, shall be issued to any person within a five year period after the completion of the construction of a capital project set forth in such budget or plan relating to such street requiring resurfacing or reconstruction unless such person demonstrates that the need for the work could not have reasonably been anticipated prior to or during such construction.
c. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth in subdivisions a and b of this section, the commissioner may issue a permit to open a street within such five year period upon a finding of necessity therefor, subject to such conditions as the commissioner may establish by rule, which shall include appropriate guarantees against the deterioration of the restored pavement and may include restoration of pavement to the curb line on both sides of the restoration and parallel to the curb line for 20 feet on each side of such restoration. Such conditions shall include, but are not limited to, the following requirements:
1. All concrete-base roadways must be restored with concrete of the same depth and at least the same strength as the original base concrete;
2. All cuts made to the roadway must be straight-edged and any angles must measure 90 degrees;
3. Restoration of openings less than 10 feet apart must be restored as one continuous restoration; or
4. If the distance between the edge of the cut and the curb is less than 3 feet the restoration must extend to the curb.
(Am. L.L. 2018/068, 1/19/2018, eff. 1/19/2018)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. If any pavement which has been removed shall not be relaid to the satisfaction of the commissioner, he or she may cause an order to be served upon the person by whom such pavement was removed, or if such removal was for the purpose of making a connection between any house or lot, or for any sewer or pipes in the street, or for constructing vaults, or otherwise improving any house or lot, upon the owner or occupant of such house or lot, requiring such person, or the owner or occupant of such house or lot, to have such pavement properly relaid within five days after service of such order. Such order may be served upon the owner or occupant of a house or lot by leaving the same with any person of adult age upon the premises, or posting the same thereupon.
b. The cost of repaving such pavement shall be collected as follows:
1. The commissioner shall certify to the comptroller the cost of such work with a description of the lot or premises to improve which such removal was made.
2. The comptroller shall certify the cost of such work to the city collector, who shall collect the same in the same manner that arrears and water rates are collected.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.