In the construction and installation of all new and reconstructed curbs at corner located street intersections and pedestrian crosswalks not located at street intersections, provision shall be made for the installation of the following: two ramps at corners located at street intersections and one ramp at pedestrian crosswalks not located at street intersections. Such ramps shall be no less than four feet wide and shall blend to a common level with the roadway. If a common level is unobtainable, then the lip of such ramps shall not exceed a maximum of five-eights of an inch and shall have a rounded edge. The slope of such ramp shall not exceed eight per cent. This section shall apply to all construction of new curbs and to all replacement of existing curbs. The commissioner shall have discretion to waive one of the two mandatory ramps at corners located at street intersections where any of the following obstacles exists preventing construction of such ramp within an intersection: fire hydrants, light poles, traffic signals, fire alarms, or free-standing police alarms, underground vaults, tunnels, utility maintenance holes (manholes), chambers or where the gradient of the street on which the ramp is to be located or an intersecting street exceeds a gradient of 1:8. The commissioner may waive the construction of both such ramps where the existence of underground vaults, tunnels, utility maintenance holes (manholes) and chambers would either prevent the safe construction of such ramps or render impossible the construction of such ramps to proper specifications without removal of said underground installations. A certification to such effect shall be made part of the engineering design documents for such construction, and a copy thereof shall be filed with the city clerk. Curbs for non-pedestrian routes, such as, but not limited to, service paths for highways and pedestrian restricted traffic islands shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. Streets of twenty-two feet in width and upward shall have sidewalks on each side thereof.
b. The materials and construction of streets, including the width of the sidewalks thereon, shall fully conform to department specifications for such work, all of which shall be prescribed by the commissioner and kept on file in his or her office.
c. Department specifications for streets shall include a requirement that asphaltic concrete, other than I-4 mix or other heavy duty asphaltic concrete mix approved by the commissioner, shall contain not less than thirty percent reclaimed asphalt pavement, as measured by weight, and I-4 mix or other approved heavy duty asphaltic concrete mix shall contain not less than ten percent reclaimed asphalt pavement, as measured by weight. In setting forth such specifications, the department shall make best efforts to encourage the greatest use of reclaimed asphalt pavement possible. This subdivision shall not apply to asphaltic concrete used in a project where the content of asphaltic concrete is governed by a federal or state law, rule, regulation, guideline or specification that requires a different composition. The commissioner may waive compliance with this subdivision if the commissioner, after consulting with the commissioner of buildings and the owners or persons in charge of all asphalt plants located within the city, finds that a sufficient supply of reclaimed asphalt pavement is not available.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104 and L.L. 2011/071.
The commissioner shall cause a covenant to be incorporated in all contracts hereafter made by him or her for constructing, regulating or repairing any street, requiring the contractor to obtain the permit required pursuant to section 3-508 of the code and to take such other precautions for the care and preservation of monuments, bolts and other landmarks as the commissioner may direct.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
All streets shall be paved and arched in full accordance with department specifications for such work, which shall be prescribed by the commissioner and kept on file in his or her office.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
The commissioner may issue a permit to allow any person or persons to pave the street opposite to his, her or their property, where the same shall extend from the intersection of one cross street to the intersection of another. Such work shall be done in conformity with the rules and specifications of the commissioner and subject to such conditions as he or she may impose.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. Limitation. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect or build, or cause or permit any vault to be made without a license issued by the commissioner pursuant to this section or a revocable consent issued pursuant to chapter fourteen of the charter and the rules adopted by the commissioner pursuant thereto. All vaults shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the building code of the city of New York. A license issued pursuant to this section shall not authorize the construction of a vault which extends further than the line of the sidewalk or curbstone of any street.
b. Licenses. Every application for a license to erect a vault shall be in writing, signed by the person making the same, and shall state the intended length and width of such vault and the number of square feet of ground which is required therefor.
c. Compensation. Upon receiving such license the applicant therefor shall forthwith pay to the commissioner such sum as the commissioner shall certify in the license to be a just compensation to the city for such privilege, calculated at the rate of not less than thirty cents, nor more than two dollars, per foot, for each square foot of ground mentioned as required for such vault.
d. Measurement. In the case of a new vault, before the arching or covering thereof shall be commenced, the person to whom the license for such vault shall have been granted shall cause the same to be measured by a city surveyor. Such surveyor shall deliver to the commissioner, a certificate, signed by the surveyor, specifying the dimensions of the vault. The certificate shall be accompanied by a diagram showing the square foot area of the vault, including its sustaining walls, and indicating its location relative to the building and curb lines and to the nearest intersecting street corner. In the case of an existing vault, the person claiming the right to the use thereof shall furnish a like certificate and diagram in respect thereof, but in such case the measurement shall exclude the sustaining walls.
e. Refunds. If, from subsequent measurements, it shall appear that less space has been taken than that paid for, the licensee shall be entitled to receive a certificate from the commissioner showing the difference. Upon the presentation of such certificate of difference to the comptroller, the comptroller shall pay a rebate to the licensee, the amount of which shall be the difference in money between the space fee originally paid and the fee for space actually taken.
f. Unauthorized encroachments. If it shall appear that the vault or cistern occupies a grater number of square feet than shall have been so paid for, the owner thereof shall, in addition to the penalty imposed for such violation pursuant to section 19-149 or 19-150 of this subchapter, forfeit and pay twice the sum previously paid for each square foot of ground occupied by the vault over and above the number of square feet paid for as aforesaid.
g. Responsibility. The master builder who shall complete or begin the construction of a vault, and the owner or person for whom the same shall be excavated or constructed shall be subject to the provisions and payments of this section and sections 19-118, 19-119, and 19-120 of this subchapter and to the penalties for violations thereof, severally and respectively.
h. Exemption. Openings over which substantial and securely fixed gratings of metal or other noncombustible material have been erected in accordance with the provisions of this section and sections 19-118, 19-119 and 19-120 of this subchapter, shall be exempted from payment of fees for licenses for vaults, provided such openings be used primarily for light and ventilation, and provided such gratings are of sufficient strength to sustain a live load of three hundred pounds per square foot and are constructed with at least forty percent of open work.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
All vaults shall be constructed of materials conforming to the requirements of the building code of the city of New York, and so that the outward side of the grating or opening into the street shall be either within twelve inches of the outside of the curbstone of the sidewalk, or within twelve inches of the coping of the area in front of the house to which such vault shall belong.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.