It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or lay down in any street, a board or plank walk, except sidewalk bridges as defined in section 27-1021 of the code, without a permit from the commissioner.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
It shall be unlawful for any person to place or to expose to show or for sale, upon any balustrade that now is or hereafter may be erected upon any street, any goods, wares, merchandise or manufacture of any description.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. The two strips of land, each twenty feet in width, which were added to each side of Clinton avenue in the borough of Brooklyn between Gates avenue and Willoughby avenue pursuant to chapter two hundred fifty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-nine shall not be added to the traveled portion of Clinton avenue, but shall be reserved and preserved as ornamental courtyards for the benefit and improvement of such avenue.
b. Any building erected and completed before the first of March in the year eighteen hundred ninety-nine, or before that date so far erected that its foundations or walls were carried up so far as the level of the street, and any piazza or appurtenant structure erected before such date may remain or be completed with all rights as though this section had not been passed; but in case any such building is destroyed, or removed from such courtyard space, the right reserved therefor shall be at an end.
c. The several parts of such court-yard space as adjoin the several lots fronting thereon may be used and occupied by the owners of such lots respectively for the following purposes:
1. Grass, shade trees, shrubbery, statuary, fountains, walks, paths, pavements, sewer, gas, electric and other house connections, and low ornamental fences, and
2. Ingress and egress, and
3. Stoops, porches and piazzas, provided they are open at either end and are not less than ten feet from the line of such avenue as established prior to the enactment of chapter two hundred fifty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, and
4. Steps and approaches to a house, provided they are in usual form and do not interfere with the general intent of this section, and
5. Such other purposes as are usual and proper for a plot fronting on a street and appurtenant to a residence, hotel, apartment house or other dwelling-house.
d. Nothing shall be erected, done or allowed on such court-yard space, that will interfere with its open and ornamental character, or that is not in accordance with the above uses and purposes.
e. This section shall not affect the title, or the right to possession of the several lots or plots of land in such two strips of land, except as the use thereof is limited and restricted as provided in this section.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
The buildings to be erected upon the lots fronting upon first place, second place, third place and fourth place in the borough of Brooklyn, shall be built on a line thirty-three feet five inches and a quarter of an inch back from the sides or lines of such places as they are now established by the map of the city, and the intervening space of land shall be used for courtyards only.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.