a. Protective measures. Any person who removes, opens or otherwise disturbs the pavement of or excavates in a public street or uses any part of a public street so as to obstruct travel therein shall provide barriers, shoring, lighting, warning signs or other protective measures in accordance with the rules of the department, so as to prevent danger to persons and property, and such barriers, shoring, lighting warning signs or other protective measures shall be maintained in accordance with such rules until the work shall be completed, or the danger removed.
b. Required signs. Legible signs shall be displayed at the site of such work in accordance with the rules of the department, indicating thereon the name of the permittee, the name of the person for whom the work is being done and the names of any contractors, when employed.
c. Disturbance, prohibited. It shall be unlawful to throw down, displace or remove any barrier shoring, plate or warning sign or to extinguish or remove any light thereon or on any obstruction in any street, without the written consent of the commissioner or without the consent of the person superintending the work or materials protected thereby.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
In all cases where any person shall engage in any activity for which a permit is required pursuant to this subchapter, such person shall be liable for any damage which may be occasioned to persons, animals or property by reason of negligence in any manner connected with the work.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
All curbs for the support of sidewalks hereafter to be laid shall be of the material or materials, dimensions and construction required in department specifications for such work, which shall be prescribed by the commissioner and kept on file in his or her office.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
In the construction and installation of all new and reconstructed curbs at corner located street intersections and pedestrian crosswalks not located at street intersections, provision shall be made for the installation of the following: two ramps at corners located at street intersections and one ramp at pedestrian crosswalks not located at street intersections. Such ramps shall be no less than four feet wide and shall blend to a common level with the roadway. If a common level is unobtainable, then the lip of such ramps shall not exceed a maximum of five-eights of an inch and shall have a rounded edge. The slope of such ramp shall not exceed eight per cent. This section shall apply to all construction of new curbs and to all replacement of existing curbs. The commissioner shall have discretion to waive one of the two mandatory ramps at corners located at street intersections where any of the following obstacles exists preventing construction of such ramp within an intersection: fire hydrants, light poles, traffic signals, fire alarms, or free-standing police alarms, underground vaults, tunnels, utility maintenance holes (manholes), chambers or where the gradient of the street on which the ramp is to be located or an intersecting street exceeds a gradient of 1:8. The commissioner may waive the construction of both such ramps where the existence of underground vaults, tunnels, utility maintenance holes (manholes) and chambers would either prevent the safe construction of such ramps or render impossible the construction of such ramps to proper specifications without removal of said underground installations. A certification to such effect shall be made part of the engineering design documents for such construction, and a copy thereof shall be filed with the city clerk. Curbs for non-pedestrian routes, such as, but not limited to, service paths for highways and pedestrian restricted traffic islands shall not be subject to the provisions of this section.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.