a. No later than September 1, 2017, the department shall consult with the metropolitan transportation authority and, with input from the public, submit to the council, the borough presidents, and the community boards and post on the department's website a citywide transit study. Such study shall include:
1. A plan to create a citywide network of bus rapid transit lines connecting the boroughs of the city of New York including the following: (a) areas of the city in need of additional bus rapid transit options; (b) strategies for serving areas of the city identified for growth by at least one of the following sources: the department of city planning, the department of housing preservation and development, or the economic development corporation; (c) identifying potential additional intra-borough and/or inter-borough bus rapid transit corridors the department intends to establish in the ten years following the release of such plan; (d) strategies for integration with current and future transit routes in the region; and (e) the anticipated capital and operating costs of such additional bus rapid transit lines;
2. Plans for transit improvement other than bus rapid transit, which may include local bus, light rail and subway, and other modes, to serve areas identified as part of such study to be in need of transit access; and
3. Strategies to improve transit access to neighborhoods underserved by the subway system.
b. No later than September 1, 2019 and every two years thereafter through September 1, 2027, the department shall submit to the council, the borough presidents, and the community boards and post on the department's website a summary on the implementation of the plan required under paragraph 1 of subdivision a of this section, including, but not limited to: information on the establishment of additional bus rapid lines; any deviations from such plan and reasons for deviations; and monies allocated to capital and operating costs for such additional lines.
(L.L. 2015/036, 5/6/2015, eff. 5/6/2015; Am. L.L. 2017/071, 5/10/2017, eff. 5/10/2017)