a. Permit. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct, or cause to be obstructed, any portion of a street with construction materials or equipment, unless authorized by a permit issued by the commissioner.
b. Conditions. In addition to any other conditions which may be set forth in such permit or in the rules of the department, the following conditions shall apply:
1. Any permit granted pursuant to this section shall be posted in a conspicuous place on or near the material or equipment or kept on the site or in the designated field headquarters of the work with respect to which the permit was issued so as to be readily accessible to inspection.
2. Sidewalks, gutters, crosswalks and driveways shall at all times be kept clear and unobstructed, and all dirt, debris and rubbish shall be promptly removed therefrom. The commissioner may authorize encumbrance of the sidewalk with equipment or material in a manner which will not prevent the safe passage of pedestrians on such sidewalk.
3. The outer surface of such construction material or equipment shall be clearly marked with high intensity fluorescent paint, reflectors, or other marking which is capable of producing a warning glow when struck by the headlamps of a vehicle or other source of illumination.
4. All construction material and equipment shall have printed thereon the name, address and telephone number of the owner thereof.
5. In a street upon which there is a surface railroad, construction materials or equipment shall not be placed nearer to the track than five feet.
6. The street under such construction material or equipment shall be shielded by wooden planking, skids or other protective covering approved by the com- missioner.
7. Construction material or equipment shall not obstruct a fire hydrant, bus stop or any other area as set forth in the rules of the department the obstruction of which would impair the safety or convenience of the public.
c. Removal of unauthorized obstructions. The commissioner may remove any construction material or equipment placed in or upon any street in violation of this section, the rules of the department or the terms or conditions of a permit issued pursuant to this section. If the identity and address of the owner is reasonably ascertainable, notice of the removal shall be sent to the owner within a reasonable period of time after the removal. If such material or equipment is not claimed within thirty days after its removal, it shall be deemed to be abandoned. If the equipment is a vehicle, its disposition shall be governed by section twelve hundred twenty-four of the vehicle and traffic law. All other unclaimed material or equipment may be sold at public auction after having been advertised in the City Record and the proceeds paid into the general fund or such unclaimed material or equipment may be used or converted for use by the department or by another city agency or by a not-for-profit corporation engaged in the construction of subsidized housing. Material or equipment removed pursuant to this subdivision shall be released to the owner or other person lawfully entitled to possession upon payment of the costs of removal and storage as set forth in the rules of the department and any fines or civil penalties imposed for the violation or, if an action or proceeding for the violation is pending in court or before the environmental control board, upon the posting of a bond or other form of security acceptable to the department in an amount which will secure the payment of such costs and any fines or civil penalties which may be imposed for the violation.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
Any person other than the commissioner of environmental protection or the commissioner of design and construction, who may hereafter pave or cause to be paved any street, shall remove the sand, dirt, rubbish or debris from such street and every part thereof, within seven days after the pavement shall have been completed. In addition to any penalties which may be imposed for violation of this section, either commissioner may cause such sand, dirt, rubbish or debris to be removed at the expense of the party neglecting or refusing so to do, who shall be liable for the amount expended by the city. This section shall be so construed as to apply to the removal of all sand, dirt, rubbish or debris collected in any part of any and all streets covered by any pavement so done or laid, or excavation that may have been made, or other work done in pursuance thereof.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104 and L.L. 1995/077.
It shall be unlawful for any person using a commercial refuse container or the owner or lessee thereof to place or to permit the placement of such container on any street unless the owner of such container has obtained a permit therefor from the commissioner and unless such container is in compliance with the provisions of this section and the rules of the department in relation thereto. Commercial refuse containers may be placed temporarily on the street for such purposes and in such manner as the commissioner shall prescribe. Such containers shall not be used for the deposit of putrescible waste. The name and address of the owner of the container and the permit number shall be posted on the container in the manner provided in the rules of the department. The container shall be painted with a phosphorescent substance, in a manner to be set forth in the rules of the department, so that the dimensions thereof shall be clearly discernible at night. The street under such container shall be shielded by wooden planking, skids or other protective covering approved by the commissioner. The provisions of this section which require the owner of a container to obtain a permit prior to the placement of such container on the street shall not apply to containers which are specifically authorized to be placed on the street under a permit issued pursuant to section 19-121 of this subchapter.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. Permit required. It shall be unlawful to erect or maintain a canopy over the sidewalk without a permit granted by the commissioner, and unless such canopy is erected and maintained in accordance with this section and the rules of the department. Such canopies may be erected and maintained: 1. In connection with the entrance to a building or place of business within a building by or with the consent of the owner of the building. 2. In connection with a sidewalk cafe licensed by the commissioner of consumer and worker protection. Such canopies shall be constructed of a noncombustible frame, covered with flameproof canvas or cloth, approved slow-burning plastic, sheet metal or other equivalent material, securely fastened to the face of the building and supported by posts in the ground or in the sidewalk, located between the building line and the curb line, and not less than eight feet above the sidewalk.
b. Permit conditions. A permit may be issued by the commissioner to erect and maintain a canopy over the sidewalk of any street, in accordance with the rules of the department if deemed by the commissioner as adequate in respect to public safety and convenience and the special circumstances of the particular street or streets. Evidence of the issuance of such permit in a form prescribed by the commissioner shall be displayed at all times and in such manner as the commissioner may direct. No such permit may be issued in streets listed as "restricted streets" in the rules of the department, nor where such permit would extend a non-conforming use in a residence district, as defined by the zoning resolution of the city.
c. Permit fees. Prior to the issuance of such permit, each applicant shall pay to the commissioner an annual fee as set forth in the rules of the department, except that the fee for a permit for a canopy in connection with a sidewalk cafe licensed by the commissioner of consumer and worker protection shall be twenty-five dollars.
d. Term; transferability.
1. Each permit shall expire one year from the date of issuance thereof unless sooner revoked by the commissioner.
2. A permit issued hereunder shall not be transferable from person to person or from the location for which it is originally issued.
e. Advertising prohibited. It shall be unlawful to paint, print, stencil or otherwise erect, attach or maintain any advertising sign, picture, flag, banner, side curtain or other device upon any canopy except that it shall be lawful to paint, imprint or stencil directly upon a canopy, within the character and area limitations prescribed by the zoning resolution of the city, the house or street number and/or firm name or duly filed trade name limited to identification and excluding any descriptive words contained in such firm name or duly filed trade name tending to advertise the business conducted in such premises.
f. Obstructing of egress prohibited. No part of any canopy shall be located beneath a fire escape or so located as to obstruct operation of fire escape drop ladders or counterbalanced stairs or so as to obstruct any exit from a building.
g. Violations. The owner or agent of any building and the owner, lessee, tenant, manager or agent in charge of any portion of a building for the use or benefit of which an awning or canopy is erected or maintained shall be liable for a violation of this section.
h. Rules. The commissioner may, except as otherwise provided by law, make rules for the design, construction and maintenance of canopies within the lines of any street and for the removal, storage and disposal of unauthorized canopies as he or she may deem necessary for the safety and convenience of the public.
i. Removal of unauthorized canopies.
1. Notwithstanding any provision of law the commissioner may serve an order upon the owner of any premises requiring such owner to remove or to cause to be removed any unauthorized canopy fastened to or erected in front of his or her building, within a period to be designated in such order. Upon the owner's failure to comply with such order as and within the time specified therein, the department may remove such canopy or cause the same to be removed, the cost of which shall be due and payable and shall constitute a lien against the premises to which such canopy may be attached or in front of which it may be erected when the amount thereof shall have been definitely computed by such department and an entry of the amount thereof shall have been entered in the office of the city collector in the book in which such charges against the premises are to be entered. A notice thereof, stating the amount due and the nature of the charge shall be mailed by the city collector, within five days after such entry, to the last known address of the person whose name appears on the records in the office of the city collector as being the owner or agent or as the person designated by the owner to receive tax bills, or where no name appears, to the premises addressed to either the owner or the agent. If such charge is not paid within ninety days from the date of entry, it shall be the duty of the city collector to collect and receive interest thereon at the rate that would be applicable to a delinquent tax on such property, to be calculated to the ate of payment from the date of entry. Such charge and the interest thereon shall continue to be, until paid, a lien on the premises. Such charge and interest shall be collected and the lien thereof may be foreclosed in the manner provided by law for the collection and foreclosure of the lien of such taxes, sewer rents, sewer surcharges and water rents due and payable to the city, and the provisions of law applicable to the collection and foreclosure of the lien of such taxes, sewer rents, sewer surcharges and water rents shall apply to such charge and the interest thereon and the lien thereof.
2. Service of an order upon an owner pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be made personally upon such owner or by certified mail addressed to the last known address of the person whose name appears upon the records in the office of the city collector as being the owner of the premises or as the agent of such owner or as the person designated by the owner to receive the tax bills or, if no such name appears, at the address set forth as the address of the owner in the last recorded deed with respect to such premises. A copy of such order shall also be filed in the clerk's office of each county where the property is situated and posted in a conspicuous place on the premises.
(Am. L.L. 2020/080, 8/28/2020, eff. 8/28/2020)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104 and L.L. 2020/080.
a. Permit required. It shall be unlawful to install, place, affix or attach a banner on any property within the jurisdiction of the department without first obtaining a permit from the commissioner.
b. Permit conditions. The commissioner may issue permits for the display of banners promoting cultural exhibits and events or public or historical events which foster tourism or enhance the image of the city. The commissioner may issue permits to business improvement districts, local development corporations or other organizations that have received commercial revitalization program funds from the department of small business services, otherwise known as CRP fund recipients, within the past year for the display of banners within the areas of the business improvement district, local development corporation or CRP fund recipient that are designed to provide information about such areas to the general public.
c. Advertising prohibited. Banners shall contain no advertisements. The trade name or logo of the sponsor of the event may be placed on the banner but shall occupy no more than ten percent of the banner in total. It shall be unlawful to install, place, affix or attach a banner on any property within the jurisdiction of the department which contains a sponsor trade name or logo without the specific prior authorization of the commissioner.
d. Obstruction of egress prohibited. No part of any banner shall be located beneath a fire escape or so located as to obstruct operation of fire escape drop ladders or counterbalanced stairs or so as to obstruct any exit from a building.
e. Rules. The commissioner may, except as otherwise provided by law, promulgate rules pertaining to banner permit conditions, permit fees, permit transferability and permit revocation, and for the design, installation, inspection, maintenance, and removal of banners on any property within the jurisdiction of the department as the commissioner may deem necessary for the safety and convenience of the public.
f. Corrective action request. If the commissioner finds that any person has violated subdivision c of this section or any rules promulgated pursuant thereto for the first time, the commissioner shall notify such person of such violation and request that action be taken to correct such violation in such a manner within 30 days and shall afford such person an opportunity to contest the commissioner's finding in a manner set forth in the rules of the department. The commissioner may assess a fee for the administrative expense and the expense of additional inspections which the department may incur as a result of such violation.
(L.L. 2021/080, 7/18/2021, eff. 11/15/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2021/080.
a. General provisions. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect any post or pole in any street unless under a permit or revocable consent of the commissioner.
b. Flagpole sockets. It shall be permissible, by and with a permit of the commissioner and with the permission of the owners of abutting property, for any organization of military, naval and marine war veterans to place in sidewalks near the curb, at suitable distances apart, sockets to be used only for the placing therein of stanchions or poles on which to display American flags to be used on patriotic occasions, public celebrations, or in connection with public parades.
c. Barber poles. The commissioner may grant permits for the placement of barber poles, not exceeding eight feet in height above the sidewalk level, and other emblematic signs within the stoop-lines or fastened to the railing of any stoop, by or with the consent of the occupant of the ground floor thereof, but not beyond five feet from the house line or wall of any building where the stoop-line extends further, except on streets where the stoop-lines have been abolished.
d. Ornamental lamp-posts. It shall be permissible by and with a revocable consent granted by the commissioner and with the permission of the owner of the abutting property to install ornamental posts, surmounted by lamps, on sidewalks, near the curb in front of hotels, places of worship, theatres, railroad stations, places of business, apartment houses and places of public assemblage. No such post shall exceed in dimensions at the base more than eighteen inches in diameter, if circular in form, or, if upon a square base, no side thereof shall exceed eighteen inches. Each bulb installed and maintained on each of the lamp-posts to be erected shall be lighted and remain lighted every night, during the hours in which public street lamps are illuminated. The installation and maintenance of such poles and lamps and the power supplied shall be at the expense of the person to whom the consent is granted.
e. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any business subject to the provisions of subdivision a of this section, and any organization of military, naval and marine war veterans subject to the provisions of subdivision b of this section which displays the flag of the United States on its property or on patriotic occasions, public celebrations, or in connection with public parades shall be required to obtain a permit or revocable consent for the erection of a post or pole for such display but shall be exempt from any fee normally charged by the department for the maintenance or erection of a post, flagpole or flagpole socket for that purpose.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, move, or remove, or to cause or permit to be used, moved or removed, or to aid or assist in using, moving or removing, any building, structure, or crane, used in connection with the construction, repair or demolition of buildings or other structures within the building line into, along or across any street, without a permit from the commissioner.
b. The applicant for such a permit, where there are car tracks or overhead wire construction, must obtain and file with the application the consent of the company affected.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to use hand trucks for commercial purposes upon any street unless each hand truck shall have attached thereon a sign or plate displaying the name and address of the owner of the hand truck, in letters not less than one inch in size.
b. Corrective action request. If any person violates subdivision a of this section or any rules promulgated pursuant thereto for the first time, the commissioner shall notify such person of such violation and request that action be taken to correct such violation in such a manner within 30 days and shall afford such person an opportunity to contest the commissioner's finding in a manner set forth in the rules of the department. The commissioner may assess a fee for the administrative expense and the expense of additional inspection which the department may incur as a result of such violation.
(Am. L.L. 2021/080, 7/18/2021, eff. 11/15/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104 and L.L. 2021/080.
a. For the purposes of this section, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
(i) "priority regulatory sign" shall mean a stop sign, yield sign, do not enter sign, or one way sign;
(ii) "traffic control signal" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section one hundred fifty-four of the vehicle and traffic law or any successor provision thereto.
b. The department shall maintain a log of notices regarding priority regulatory signs and traffic control signals that are missing or damaged to the extent that any such sign or signal is not operational, visible or legible to a motorist who must obey or rely upon such sign or signal. Such log shall include the date and time such notice was received and the date and time on which such priority regulatory sign or traffic control signal was repaired or replaced, or the date on which a determination was made that repair or replacement was not warranted and the reason for such determination.
c. The department shall within three business days of receiving notice that a stop sign, yield sign or do not enter sign is missing or damaged to the extent that such sign is not visible or legible to a motorist who must obey or rely upon such sign either (i) repair or replace such sign or (ii) make a determination that repair or replacement is not warranted.
d. The department shall within seven business days of receiving notice that a one way sign is missing or damaged to the extent that such sign is not visible or legible to a motorist who must obey or rely upon such sign either (i) repair or replace such sign or (ii) make a determination that repair or replacement is not warranted.
e. Within twenty-four hours of receiving notice that a traffic control signal is missing or damaged to the extent that such signal is not operational or visible to a motorist who must obey or rely upon such signal the department shall:
(i) repair or replace such signal,
(ii) implement alternative measures to control traffic if such repair or replacement will take greater than twenty-four hours, or
(iii) make a determination that repair or replacement is not warranted.
f. This section shall not apply with regard to traffic control signals at a location where multiple traffic control signals are present and facing the same direction in the same intersection and one or more of such signals remains operational.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 1993/104.