For purposes of this chapter, the following terms have the following meanings:
Administrative law judge. The term "administrative law judge" means a person appointed by the chief administrative law judge of the office of administrative trials and hearings pursuant to section 1049 of the charter.
Appeals unit. The term "appeals unit" means the unit authorized under section 6-19 of title 48 of the rules of the city of New York to review administrative law judge and hearing officer decisions.
Commission. The term "commission" means the New York city taxi and limousine commission.
Hearing officer. The term "hearing officer" means a person designated by the chief administrative law judge of the office of administrative trials and hearings, or such judge's designee, to carry out the adjudicatory powers, duties and responsibilities of the tribunal.
Petitioner. The term "petitioner" means the city agency authorized to issue notices of violation returnable to the tribunal.
Respondent. The term "respondent" means the person against whom the charges alleged in a summons have been filed.
Summons. The term "summons" means the document, including a notice of violation,that specifies the charges forming the basis of an adjudicatory proceeding before the tribunal.
Tribunal. The term "tribunal" means the office of administrative trials and hearings hearings division, which includes the administrative tribunal referenced in section 19-506.1.
(L.L. 2019/019, 1/20/2019, eff. 7/19/2019)